U ã€C^Òã@sPddlmZmZmZddlZddlmZddlm Z dd„Z Gdd „d eƒZdS) é)ÚdivisionÚabsolute_importÚprint_functionN)Ú MSVCCompileré)Ú platform_bitscCs"|s|S||kr|Sd ||g¡S)aÕConcatenate two environment paths avoiding repeats. Here `old` is the environment string before the base class initialize function is called and `new` is the string after the call. The new string will be a fixed string if it is not obtained from the current environment, or the same as the old string if obtained from the same environment. The aim here is not to append the new string if it is already contained in the old string so as to limit the growth of the environment string. Parameters ---------- old : string Previous environment string. new : string New environment string. Returns ------- ret : string Updated environment string. ú;)Újoin)ÚoldÚnew©r ú@/tmp/pip-install-6_kvzl1k/numpy/numpy/distutils/msvc9compiler.pyÚ_merge s rc@s(eZdZd dd„Zd dd„Zdd„ZdS) rrcCst ||||¡dS)N)Ú _MSVCCompilerÚ__init__)ÚselfÚverboseÚdry_runÚforcer r r r*szMSVCCompiler.__init__NcCsxt d¡}t d¡}t ||¡t|tjdƒtjd<t|tjdƒtjd<tdkrt|jdg7_|jdg7_dS)NÚlibÚincludeé z /arch:SSE2) ÚosÚgetenvrÚ initializerÚenvironrZcompile_optionsZcompile_options_debug)rÚ plat_nameZ environ_libZenviron_includer r r r-s   zMSVCCompiler.initializecCs| d¡t ||||¡dS)Nz /MANIFEST)ÚappendrÚmanifest_setup_ldargs)rZoutput_filenameÚ build_tempZld_argsr r r r>s  ÿz"MSVCCompiler.manifest_setup_ldargs)rrr)N)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__rrrr r r r r)s  r) Ú __future__rrrrZdistutils.msvc9compilerrrZ system_inforrr r r r Ús