U â€C^Óã@sJddlZddlZddlZe d¡ZdZejdkoDe eded¡dS)éNa You are running Setuptools on Python 2, which is no longer supported and >>> SETUPTOOLS WILL STOP WORKING <<< in a subsequent release (no sooner than 2020-04-20). Please ensure you are installing Setuptools using pip 9.x or later or pin to `setuptools<45` in your environment. If you have done those things and are still encountering this message, please comment in https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1458 about the steps that led to this unsupported combination. z)Setuptools will stop working on Python 2 )éz<************************************************************)ÚsysÚwarningsÚtextwrapÚdedentÚmsgÚpreÚ version_infoÚwarn©r r ú>/tmp/pip-install-6_kvzl1k/setuptools/pkg_resources/py2_warn.pyÚs