U â€C^ ã@s,ddlZGdd„dƒZdZeeeƒ ¡dS)éNc@s@eZdZdZddd„Zedd„ƒZddd „Zd d „Zd d „Z dS)ÚVendorImporterz„ A PEP 302 meta path importer for finding optionally-vendored or otherwise naturally-installed packages from root_name. ©NcCs&||_t|ƒ|_|p| dd¡|_dS)NZexternÚ_vendor)Ú root_nameÚsetÚvendored_namesÚreplaceÚ vendor_pkg)Úselfrrr rrúE/tmp/pip-install-6_kvzl1k/setuptools/pkg_resources/extern/__init__.pyÚ__init__ s zVendorImporter.__init__ccs|jdVdVdS)zL Search first the vendor package then as a natural package. Ú.ÚN)r ©r rrr Ú search_paths zVendorImporter.search_pathcCs8| |jd¡\}}}|rdStt|j|jƒƒs4dS|S)z† Return self when fullname starts with root_name and the target module is one vendored through this importer. r N)Ú partitionrÚanyÚmapÚ startswithr)r ÚfullnameÚpathÚrootÚbaseÚtargetrrr Ú find_modules zVendorImporter.find_modulec Cs’| |jd¡\}}}|jD]^}zD||}t|ƒtj|}|tj|<|r\tjdkr\tj|=|WStk rxYqXqtdjft ƒŽƒ‚dS)zK Iterate over the search path to locate and load fullname. r )érz•The '{target}' package is required; normally this is bundled with this package so if you get this warning, consult the packager of your distribution.N) rrrÚ __import__ÚsysÚmodulesÚ version_infoÚ ImportErrorÚformatÚlocals)r rrrrÚprefixZextantÚmodrrr Ú load_module#s"    ýÿzVendorImporter.load_modulecCs|tjkrtj |¡dS)zR Install this importer into sys.meta_path if not already present. N)rÚ meta_pathÚappendrrrr Úinstall@s zVendorImporter.install)rN)N) Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__r Úpropertyrrr%r(rrrr rs   r)Ú packagingÚ pyparsingÚsixÚappdirs)rrÚnamesr)r(rrrr ÚsD