U C^@sddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZm Z m Z m Z ddl mZddd d gZ Gd ddZd d Zddd Zddd ZddZedS)N) StrictVersion)Bytecode) find_module PY_COMPILED PY_FROZEN PY_SOURCE) py27compatRequirerget_module_constantextract_constantc@sHeZdZdZdddZddZdd Zdd d Zdd dZdddZ dS)r z7A prerequisite to building or installing a distributionNcCsF|dkr|dk rt}|dk r0||}|dkr0d}|jt|`dS)N __version__)r__dict__updatelocalsself)rnamerequested_versionmoduleZhomepage attributeformatr:/tmp/pip-install-6_kvzl1k/setuptools/setuptools/depends.py__init__szRequire.__init__cCs |jdk rd|j|jfS|jS)z0Return full package/distribution name, w/versionNz%s-%s)rr)rrrr full_name#s zRequire.full_namecCs*|jdkp(|jdkp(t|dko(||jkS)z%Is 'version' sufficiently up-to-date?Nunknown)rrstrr)rversionrrr version_ok)szRequire.version_okrcCs|jdkrFz$t|j|\}}}|r*||WStk rDYdSXt|j|j||}|dk r|||k r||jdk r|||S|S)aGet version number of installed module, 'None', or 'default' Search 'paths' for module. If not found, return 'None'. If found, return the extracted version attribute, or 'default' if no version attribute was specified, or the value cannot be determined without importing the module. The version is formatted according to the requirement's version format (if any), unless it is 'None' or the supplied 'default'. N)rrrclose ImportErrorr r)rpathsdefaultfpivrrr get_version.s  zRequire.get_versioncCs||dk S)z/Return true if dependency is present on 'paths'N)r()rr"rrr is_presentIszRequire.is_presentcCs ||}|dkrdS||S)z>Return true if dependency is present and up-to-date on 'paths'NF)r(r)rr"rrrr is_currentMs zRequire.is_current)r NN)Nr)N)N) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrrr(r)r*rrrrr s   cCs"tjdd}|s|St|S)Ncss dVdS)NrrrrremptyVszmaybe_close..empty) contextlibcontextmanagerclosing)r$r/rrr maybe_closeUs  r3c Cszt||\}}\}}}} Wntk r4YdSXt|z|tkr^|dt|} nV|tkrtt ||} n@|t krt ||d} n&t ||| } t | |dW5QRSW5QRXt| ||S)zFind 'module' by searching 'paths', and extract 'symbol' Return 'None' if 'module' does not exist on 'paths', or it does not define 'symbol'. If the module defines 'symbol' as a constant, return the constant. Otherwise, return 'default'.Nexec)rr!r3rreadmarshalloadrr get_frozen_objectrcompileZ get_modulegetattrr ) rsymbolr#r"r$pathsuffixmodekindinfocodeZimportedrrrr `s   "c Cs||jkrdSt|j|}d}d}d}|}t|D]H}|j} |j} | |krZ|j| }q6| |krz| |ksr| |krz|S|}q6dS)aExtract the constant value of 'symbol' from 'code' If the name 'symbol' is bound to a constant value by the Python code object 'code', return that value. If 'symbol' is bound to an expression, return 'default'. Otherwise, return 'None'. Return value is based on the first assignment to 'symbol'. 'symbol' must be a global, or at least a non-"fast" local in the code block. That is, only 'STORE_NAME' and 'STORE_GLOBAL' opcodes are checked, and 'symbol' must be present in 'code.co_names'. NZad)co_nameslistindexropcodearg co_consts) rCr=r#Zname_idx STORE_NAME STORE_GLOBAL LOAD_CONSTconstZ byte_codeoprKrrrr }s   cCs>tjdstjdkrdSd}|D]}t|=t|q"dS)z Patch the globals to remove the objects not available on some platforms. XXX it'd be better to test assertions about bytecode instead. javacliN)r r )sysplatform startswithglobals__all__remove)Z incompatiblerrrr_update_globalss rZ)r4N)r4)rTr8r0Zdistutils.versionrZ py33compatrr rrrrr rXr r3r r rZrrrrs"   D  $