# coding: utf8 from __future__ import unicode_literals, division import numpy import contextlib from collections import OrderedDict import srsly import threading from .. import util from ..train import Trainer from ..ops import NumpyOps, CupyOps from ..mem import Memory from ..util import get_ops, copy_array from ... import check from ...check import has_shape, is_sequence, is_float THREAD_LOCAL = threading.local() THREAD_LOCAL.operators = {} class Model(object): """Model base class.""" name = "model" id = 0 lsuv = False ops = NumpyOps() Ops = NumpyOps Trainer = Trainer drop_factor = 1.0 descriptions = [] on_data_hooks = [] on_init_hooks = [] # Use this to add layers _operators = THREAD_LOCAL.operators @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def define_operators(cls, operators): """Bind operators to specified functions for the scope of the context: Example ------- model = Model() other = Model() with Model.define_operators({"+": lambda self, other: "plus"}): print(model + other) # "plus" print(model + other) # Raises TypeError --- binding limited to scope of with block. """ old_ops = dict(cls._operators) for op, func in operators.items(): cls._operators[op] = func yield cls._operators = old_ops @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def use_device(cls, device): """Change the device to execute on for the scope of the block.""" if device == cls.ops.device: yield else: curr_Ops, curr_ops = (cls.Ops, cls.ops) cls.Ops = get_ops(device) cls.ops = cls.Ops() yield cls.Ops = curr_Ops cls.ops = curr_ops @property def input_shape(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def output_shape(self): raise NotImplementedError def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.name = self.__class__.name self.ops = self.Ops() kwargs = self._update_defaults(args, kwargs) self._mem = Memory(self.ops) self._dims = {} if not hasattr(self, "_layers"): self._layers = [] self.descriptions = dict(self.descriptions) self.on_init_hooks = list(self.on_init_hooks) self.on_data_hooks = list(self.on_data_hooks) for attr, install in self.descriptions.items(): install(attr, self) for hook in self.on_init_hooks: hook(self, *args, **kwargs) self.set_id() def __getstate__(self): return srsly.pickle_dumps(self.__dict__) def __setstate__(self, state_data): self.__dict__ = srsly.pickle_loads(state_data) def _update_defaults(self, args, kwargs): new_kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, value) else: new_kwargs[key] = value return new_kwargs def set_id(self): Model.id += 1 self.id = Model.id for layer in self._layers: layer.set_id() # @check.args(equal_length) @check.arg(1, is_sequence) def begin_training(self, train_X, train_y=None, **trainer_cfg): for hook in self.on_data_hooks: hook(self, train_X, train_y) return self.Trainer(self, **trainer_cfg) @check.arg(2, is_float) @check.arg(1, has_shape(("nB", "nI"))) def begin_update(self, X, drop=0.0): raise NotImplementedError def predict(self, X): y, _ = self.begin_update(X, drop=None) return y def predict_one(self, x): X = self.ops.expand_dims(x, axis=0) return self.predict(X)[0] @contextlib.contextmanager def use_params(self, params): # pragma: no cover backup = None weights = self._mem.weights if self.id in params: param = params[self.id] backup = weights.copy() copy_array(weights, param) if hasattr(self, "_layers"): contexts = [layer.use_params(params) for layer in self._layers] for context in contexts: next(context.gen) yield if backup is not None: copy_array(self._mem.weights, backup) for i, context in enumerate(contexts): # This is ridiculous, but apparently it's what you # have to do to make this work across Python 2/3? try: next(context.gen) except StopIteration: pass def __call__(self, x): """ x Must match expected type Must match expected shape """ return self.predict(x) def pipe(self, stream, batch_size=128): for batch in util.minibatch(stream, batch_size): ys = self.predict(batch) for y in ys: yield y def update(self, stream, batch_size=1000): for X, y in util.minibatch(stream, batch_size=batch_size): output, finish_update = self.begin_update(X) gradient = finish_update(y) yield gradient def to_gpu(self, device_num): import cupy.cuda.device device = cupy.cuda.device.Device(device_num) device.use() queue = [self] for layer in queue: layer.ops = CupyOps() layer.Ops = CupyOps if hasattr(layer, "_mem"): layer._mem._mem = self.ops.xp.asarray(layer._mem._mem) layer._mem.ops = layer.ops if hasattr(layer, "_layers"): queue.extend(layer._layers) return device def to_cpu(self): queue = [self] for layer in queue: layer.ops = NumpyOps() layer.Ops = NumpyOps if hasattr(layer, "_mem"): if hasattr(layer._mem._mem, "get"): layer._mem._mem = layer._mem._mem.get() layer._mem.ops = layer.ops if hasattr(layer, "_layers"): queue.extend(layer._layers) def evaluate(self, X, y, batch_size=128): """ x Must match expected type Must match expected shape y Must match expected type """ scores = self.ops.flatten(list(self.pipe(X, batch_size=batch_size))) if not hasattr(y, "shape"): y = self.ops.flatten(y) scores = scores.reshape(y.shape) if len(scores.shape) == 1: correct = ((scores >= 0.5) == (y >= 0.5)).sum() else: correct = (scores.argmax(axis=1) == y.argmax(axis=1)).sum() return correct / y.shape[0] def evaluate_logloss(self, X, y, minimum=None, maximum=None): yh = self.ops.xp.vstack(self.pipe(X)) yh = yh.reshape(y.shape) if minimum is not None: yh = self.ops.xp.maximum(yh, minimum) if maximum is not None: yh = self.ops.xp.minimum(yh, maximum) assert len(yh.shape) == 1 losses = -y * self.ops.xp.log(yh + 1e-8) - (1 - y) * self.ops.xp.log( (1 - yh) + 1e-8 ) return losses.mean() @check.operator_is_defined("+") def __add__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '+' operator.""" return self._operators["+"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("-") def __sub__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '-' operator.""" return self._operators["-"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("*") def __mul__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '*' operator.""" return self._operators["*"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("@") def __matmul__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '@' operator.""" return self._operators["@"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("/") def __div__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '/' operator.""" return self._operators["/"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("/") def __truediv__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Apply the function bound to the '/' operator.""" return self._operators["/"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("//") def __floordiv__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '//' operator.""" return self._operators["//"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("%") def __mod__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '%' operator.""" return self._operators["%"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("**") def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None): """Apply the function bound to the '**' operator.""" return self._operators["**"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("<<") def __lshift__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '<<' operator.""" return self._operators["<<"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined(">>") def __rshift__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '>>' operator.""" return self._operators[">>"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("&") def __and__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '&' operator.""" return self._operators["&"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("^") def __xor__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '^' operator.""" return self._operators["^"](self, other) @check.operator_is_defined("|") def __or__(self, other): """Apply the function bound to the '|' operator.""" return self._operators["|"](self, other) def to_bytes(self): weights = [] queue = [self] i = 0 for layer in queue: # Hack to support saving/loading PyTorch models. TODO: Improve if hasattr(layer, "_model") and not isinstance(layer._model, Model): weights.append(layer.to_bytes()) elif hasattr(layer, "_mem"): weights.append( OrderedDict( ( (b"dims", OrderedDict(sorted(layer._dims.items()))), (b"params", []), ) ) ) if hasattr(layer, "seed"): weights[-1][b"seed"] = layer.seed offsets = sorted(layer._mem._offsets.items()) for (id_, name), (start, row, shape) in offsets: if row == 1: continue param = layer._mem.get((id_, name)) if not isinstance(layer._mem.weights, numpy.ndarray): param = param.get() weights[-1][b"params"].append( OrderedDict( ( (b"name", name), (b"offset", start), (b"shape", shape), (b"value", param), ) ) ) i += 1 if hasattr(layer, "_layers"): queue.extend(layer._layers) return srsly.msgpack_dumps({b"weights": weights}) def from_bytes(self, bytes_data): data = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data) weights = data[b"weights"] queue = [self] i = 0 for layer in queue: # Hack to support saving/loading PyTorch models. TODO: Improve if hasattr(layer, "_model") and not isinstance(layer._model, Model): layer.from_bytes(weights[i]) i += 1 elif hasattr(layer, "_mem"): if b"seed" in weights[i]: layer.seed = weights[i][b"seed"] for dim, value in weights[i][b"dims"].items(): if isinstance(dim, bytes): dim = dim.decode("utf8") setattr(layer, dim, value) for param in weights[i][b"params"]: name = param[b"name"] if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode("utf8") dest = getattr(layer, name) copy_array(dest, param[b"value"]) i += 1 if hasattr(layer, "_layers"): queue.extend(layer._layers) return self def to_disk(self, path): path = util.ensure_path(path) with path.open("wb") as file_: file_.write(self.to_bytes()) def from_disk(self, path): path = util.ensure_path(path) with path.open("rb") as file_: bytes_data = file_.read() return self.from_bytes(bytes_data)