# cython: cdivision=True, infer_types=True, profile=True cimport cython cimport cython.parallel from libc.string cimport memcpy, memset from libc.stdlib cimport srand, rand from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, malloc, free from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t from libc.string cimport memcpy from libc.math cimport isnan from cymem.cymem cimport Pool from preshed.maps cimport PreshMap import numpy from numpy import prod from numpy cimport ndarray try: # Python >= 3.3 from collections.abc import Sized except ImportError: # Python < 3.3 from collections import Sized cimport numpy as np from . import _custom_kernels from ._aligned_alloc import zeros_aligned from ..typedefs cimport weight_t from .util import copy_array, get_array_module from ..linalg cimport VecVec, Vec from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64, hash128_x86, hash128_x64 from ..compat import integer_types from . import _custom_kernels cimport blis cimport blis.cy import blis.py cdef extern from "math.h": float logf(float x) nogil float sqrtf(float x) nogil float expf(float x) nogil float tanhf(float x) nogil float sinf(float x) nogil float cosf(float x) nogil try: import cupy import cupy.cuda from cupy.cuda.compiler import compile_with_cache # We no longer have to set up the memory pool, fortunately. except ImportError: cupy = None class Ops(object): device = 'cpu' xp = None def __init__(self, xp=None): if xp is not None: self.xp = xp def seq2col(self, seq, int nW): '''Given an (M, N) sequence of vectors, return an (M, N*(nW*2+1)) sequence. The new sequence is constructed by concatenating nW preceding and succeeding vectors onto each column in the sequence, to extract a window of features. ''' # This is a test implementation that only supports nW=1 assert nW == 1 cdef int B = seq.shape[0] cdef int I = seq.shape[1] cols = self.allocate((B, (nW*2+1), I)) # Copy left contexts. The last words aren't the left-context for anything. cols[nW:, :nW] = seq[:-nW].reshape((-1, nW, I)) cols[:, nW] = seq cols[:-nW, nW+1:] = seq[nW:].reshape((-1, nW, I)) return cols.reshape((B, I * (2*nW+1))) def backprop_seq2col(self, dY, int nW): # This is a test implementation that only supports nW=1 assert nW == 1 cdef int nF = nW*2+1 cdef int B = dY.shape[0] cdef int I = dY.shape[1] / nF # Having trouble getting the kernel to work... dX = self.allocate((B, I)) dY = dY.reshape((B, nF, I)) dX[:-nW] += dY[nW:, :nW].reshape((-1, I)) dX += dY[:, nW] dX[nW:] += dY[:-nW, nW+1:].reshape((-1, I)) return dX def dropout_sequences(self, X, dropout, inplace=False): if dropout is None or dropout <= 0.0: return X, lambda func: func masks = [self.get_dropout_mask(x.shape, dropout) for x in X] def wrap_backprop(backprop): def finish_update(gradient, *args, **kwargs): masked = [] for i, mask in enumerate(masks): if inplace: gradient *= mask masked.append(gradient) else: masked.append(gradient * mask) return backprop(masked, *args, **kwargs) return finish_update if inplace: for i, mask in enumerate(masks): X[i] *= mask return X, wrap_backprop else: masked = [] for i, mask in enumerate(masks): masked.append(X[i] * mask) return masked, wrap_backprop def dropout(self, x, dropout, inplace=False): if dropout is None or dropout <= 0.0: return x, lambda func: func mask = self.get_dropout_mask(x.shape, dropout) if mask is None: return x, lambda func: func def wrap_backprop(backprop): def finish_update(gradient, *args, **kwargs): return backprop(gradient * mask, *args, **kwargs) return finish_update if inplace: x *= mask return x, wrap_backprop else: return x * mask, wrap_backprop def flatten(self, X, dtype=None, pad=0): if X is None or len(X) == 0: return self.allocate((0,), dtype=dtype or 'f') X = [x for x in X if x.size != 0] xp = get_array_module(X[0]) if int(pad) >= 1: padded = [] for x in X: padded.append( xp.zeros((pad,) + x.shape[1:], dtype=x.dtype)) padded.append(x) padded.append( xp.zeros((pad,) + x.shape[1:], dtype=x.dtype)) X = padded result = xp.concatenate(X) if dtype is not None: result = xp.asarray(result, dtype=dtype) return result def unflatten(self, X, lengths, pad=0): unflat = [] pad = int(pad) for length in lengths: length = int(length) if pad >= 1 and length != 0: X = X[pad:] unflat.append(X[:length]) X = X[length:] if pad >= 1: X = X[pad:] assert len(X) == 0 assert len(unflat) == len(lengths) return unflat def square_sequences(self, seqs): '''Sort a batch of sequence by decreasing length, pad, and transpose so that the outer dimension is the timestep. Return the padded batch, along with an array indicating the actual length at each step, and a callback to reverse the transformation. ''' lengths_indices = [(len(seq), i) for i, seq in enumerate(seqs)] lengths_indices.sort(reverse=True) indices = [i for length, i in lengths_indices] lengths = [length for length, i in lengths_indices] nB = len(seqs) nS = max([len(seq) for seq in seqs]) arr = self.allocate((nB, nS) + seqs[0].shape[1:], dtype=seqs[0].dtype) for arr_i, (length, seqs_i) in enumerate(lengths_indices): arr[arr_i, :length] = self.asarray(seqs[seqs_i]) extra_dims = tuple(range(2, len(arr.shape))) arr = self.xp.ascontiguousarray(arr.transpose((1, 0) + extra_dims)) # Build a lookup table so we can find how big the batch is at point t. batch_size_at_t = self.allocate((nS,), dtype='i') batch_size_at_t += 1 i = len(lengths) for t in range(nS): if t == lengths[i-1]: i -= 1 if i == 0: break batch_size_at_t[t] = i def unpad(padded): unpadded = [None] * len(lengths) padded = self.xp.ascontiguousarray(padded.transpose((1, 0) + extra_dims)) for i in range(padded.shape[0]): unpadded[indices[i]] = padded[i, :lengths[i]] return unpadded return arr, batch_size_at_t, unpad @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def get_dropout_mask(self, shape, drop): if drop is None or drop <= 0: return None elif drop >= 1.: return self.allocate(shape) coinflips = self.xp.random.uniform(0., 1., shape) mask = (coinflips >= drop) / (1.-drop) return self.asarray(mask, dtype='float32') def allocate(self, shape, dtype='float32'): if isinstance(shape, integer_types): shape = (shape,) nr_weight = numpy.prod(shape) return self.xp.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) def unzip(self, data): X, y = zip(*data) return self.asarray(X), self.asarray(y) def asarray(self, data, dtype=None): if isinstance(data, self.xp.ndarray): if dtype is not None: return self.xp.asarray(data, dtype=dtype) else: return self.xp.asarray(data) elif hasattr(data, 'numpy'): # Handles PyTorch Tensor return data.numpy() elif dtype is not None: return self.xp.array(data, dtype=dtype) else: return self.xp.array(data) def batch_dot(self, x, y, transpose=False): # TODO: Fix this confusing inversion =/ if not transpose: return self.xp.dot(x, y.T) else: return self.xp.dot(x, y) def add_batch_outer(self, output, x, y): # TODO: Deprecate this output += self.xp.tensordot(x, y, axes=[[0], [0]]) def norm(self, x): return self.xp.sqrt((x * x).sum()) def dot(self, x, y): # TODO: Deprecate this return self.xp.dot(x, y) def affine(self, weights, bias, signal): return self.gemm(signal, weights, trans2=True) + bias def add_sum(self, out, to_sum): out += to_sum.sum(axis=0) def argmax(self, x, axis=-1): return self.xp.argmax(x, axis=axis) def sigmoid(self, X): return 1./(1. + self.xp.exp(-X)) def dsigmoid(self, y): return y*(1-y) def dtanh(self, y): return 1-y**2 def softmax(self, x, inplace=False, axis=-1): shape = x.shape maxes = self.xp.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True) shifted = x - maxes new_x = self.xp.exp(shifted) new_x /= new_x.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True) if inplace: copy_array(x, new_x) return x else: return new_x def softmax_sequences(self, Xs, lengths, inplace=False, axis=-1): if Xs.ndim >= 3: raise NotImplementedError( "Softmax currently only supports 2d. ndim=%d" % Xs.ndim) # This loses almost no fidelity, and helps the numerical stability. Xs = self.xp.clip(Xs, -20., 20.) new_x = self.xp.exp(Xs) summed = self.backprop_sum_pool(self.sum_pool(new_x, lengths), lengths) new_x /= summed if inplace: copy_array(Xs, new_x) return Xs else: return new_x def backprop_softmax(self, Y, dY, axis=-1): dX = Y * dY dX -= Y * dX.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True) return dX def backprop_softmax_sequences(self, dy, y, lengths): dx = y * dy sumdx = self.backprop_sum_pool(self.sum_pool(dx, lengths), lengths) dx -= y * sumdx return dx def expand_dims(self, a, axis=-1): return self.xp.expand_dims(a, axis=axis) def clip_low(self, x, value, inplace=False): if inplace: return self.xp.maximum(x, value, out=x) else: return self.xp.maximum(x, value) def take_which(self, x, which, axis=-1): output = self.allocate(which.shape) for i in range(x.shape[axis]): output += x[:,:,i] * (which == i) return output def backprop_take(self, dX__bo, which__bo, nP): dX__bop = self.allocate((dX__bo.shape[0], dX__bo.shape[1], nP)) for i in range(nP): dX__bop[:, :, i] += dX__bo * (which__bo == i) return dX__bop def lstm(self, output, cells, act_pieces, prev): hf, hi, ho, hc = act_pieces hf[:] = self.sigmoid(hf) hi[:] = self.sigmoid(hi) ho[:] = self.sigmoid(ho) hc[:] = self.xp.tanh(hc) cells[:] = hf * prev + hi * hc output[:] = self.xp.tanh(cells) * ho def backprop_lstm(self, d_cells, d_prev, d_gate_pieces, d_output, gate_pieces, cells, prev): hf, hi, ho, hc = gate_pieces dhf, dhi, dho, dhc = d_gate_pieces ct = self.xp.tanh(cells) # Gradient for ho and c in h = sigmoid(ho) * tanh(c) dho[:] = ct * d_output * self.dsigmoid(ho) dc = ho * d_output * self.dtanh(ct) dc += d_cells # Carry gradient from previous step # Gradient for hf, hi, hc, prev[i] # in c = sigmoid(hf) * prev[i] + sigmoid(hi) * tanh(hc) dhf[:] = self.dsigmoid(hf) * dc * prev dhi[:] = self.dsigmoid(hi) * dc * hc dhc[:] = self.dtanh(hc) * dc * hi d_prev[:] = dc * hf copy_array(d_cells, dc) def softplus(self, X, threshold=20., out=None): xp = get_array_module(X) log1p_exp = xp.log1p(xp.exp(X)) indices = X >= threshold log1p_exp[indices] = X[indices] if out is None: return log1p_exp else: out[:] = log1p_exp return out def backprop_softplus(self, dY, X, threshold=20, out=None): xp = get_array_module(X) if out is None: out = xp.zeros(X.shape, dtype="f") out[:] = 1 - 1 / (1 + xp.exp(X)) out *= dY indices = X >= threshold out[indices] = dY[indices] return out def mish(self, X, threshold=20., out=None): Xsoft = self.softplus(X, threshold=threshold, out=out) Y = self.xp.tanh(Xsoft, out=out) Y *= X return Y def backprop_mish(self, dY, X, threshold=20, out=None): xp = get_array_module(X) indices = X < threshold Xsub = X[indices] dYsub = dY[indices] omega = 4. * (Xsub+1.) omega += 4. * xp.exp(2.*Xsub) omega += xp.exp(Xsub) * ((4.*Xsub)+6.) delta = 2. * xp.exp(Xsub) delta += xp.exp(2.*Xsub) delta += 2. dXsub = dYsub * ((xp.exp(Xsub) * omega) / (delta**2)) if out is None: out = xp.zeros(dY.shape, dtype="f") # Gradient when above threshold will ignore softplus. out[:] = dY + dY * self.dtanh(X) out[indices] = dXsub return out def xavier_uniform_init(self, W, inplace=True): if (W**2).sum() != 0.: return W scale = self.xp.sqrt(6. / (W.shape[0] + W.shape[1])) if inplace: copy_array(W, self.xp.random.uniform(-scale, scale, W.shape)) return W else: return self.xp.random.uniform(-scale, scale, W.shape) def normal_init(self, W, fan_in, inplace=True): if (W**2).sum() != 0.: return W scale = self.xp.sqrt(1. / fan_in) inits = self.xp.random.normal(scale=scale, size=int(prod(W.shape))) inits = inits.reshape(W.shape) if inplace: copy_array(W, inits) return W else: return inits def he_normal_init(self, shape, fan_in): scale = self.xp.sqrt(2. / fan_in) return self.xp.random.normal(scale=scale, size=prod(shape)).reshape(shape) def update_averages(self, ema, weights, t, max_decay=0.9999): cdef weight_t decay = (1.0 + t) / (10.0 + t) if decay > max_decay: decay = max_decay ema -= (1-decay) * (ema - weights) def adam(self, weights, gradient, mom1, mom2, beta1, beta2, eps, learn_rate, mod_rate=1.): mom1 *= beta1 mom2 *= beta2 mom1 += gradient * (1.-beta1) mom2 += gradient * gradient * (1.-beta2) # Here we assume learn rate is calculated by the caller. # cdef weight_t a_t = learn_rate * sqrt(1-beta2**hp.t) / (1-beta1**hp.t); weights -= learn_rate * (mom1 / (mod_rate * self.xp.sqrt(mom2) + eps)) gradient.fill(0) def clip_gradient(self, gradient, threshold): xp = get_array_module(gradient) grad_norm = xp.linalg.norm(gradient) if grad_norm >= threshold: gradient *= threshold / grad_norm def logloss(self, y_true, y_pred): log_yp = self.xp.log(y_pred + 1e-8) loss = (y_true * log_yp) + (1-y_true) * self.xp.log((1-y_pred)+1e-8) return -loss class NumpyOps(Ops): device = 'cpu' xp = numpy def asarray(self, data, dtype=None): if isinstance(data, self.xp.ndarray): if dtype is not None: return self.xp.asarray(data, dtype=dtype) else: return self.xp.asarray(data) elif hasattr(data, 'numpy'): # Handles PyTorch Tensor return data.numpy() elif hasattr(data, "get"): return data.get() elif dtype is not None: return self.xp.array(data, dtype=dtype) else: return self.xp.array(data) def allocate(self, shape, dtype='float32'): if isinstance(shape, integer_types): shape = (shape,) return self.xp.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) def inplace_add(self, np.ndarray x, np.ndarray y, float scale=1.0): VecVec.add_i(x.data, y.data, scale, x.shape[0]) def matmul(self, float[:, :, ::1] x, float[:, :, ::1] y, out=None): assert x.shape[0] == y.shape[0] assert x.shape[2] == y.shape[1] cdef np.ndarray out_array if out is None: out_array = self.allocate((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], y.shape[2])) else: out_array = self.xp.asarray(out) assert out_array.shape[0] == x.shape[0] assert out_array.shape[1] == x.shape[1] assert out_array.shape[2] == y.shape[2] for i in range(x.shape[0]): blis.py.gemm(x[i], y[i], out=out_array[i]) return out_array def gemm(self, const float[:, ::1] x, const float[:, ::1] y, trans1=False, trans2=False, out=None): cdef int m if trans1: m = x.shape[1] else: m = x.shape[0] cdef int n if trans2: n = y.shape[0] else: n = y.shape[1] cdef np.ndarray out_array if out is None: out_array = self.allocate((m, n)) else: out_array = self.xp.asarray(out) assert out_array.shape[0] == m assert out_array.shape[1] == n blis.py.gemm(x, y, out=out_array, trans1=trans1, trans2=trans2) return out_array def affine(self, weights, bias, signal): dotted = self.gemm(signal, weights, trans2=True) dotted += bias return dotted def elu(self, ndarray X, inplace=True): cdef weight_t* data = X.data cdef size_t size = X.size for i in range(size): if data[i] < 0: data[i] = expf(data[i])-1. def selu(self, ndarray X, inplace=True): cdef weight_t* data = X.data cdef size_t size = X.size cdef float scale = 1.0507009873554805 cdef float alpha = 1.6732632423543772 for i in range(size): if data[i] < 0: data[i] = alpha * (expf(data[i])-1.) data[i] *= scale def backprop_selu(self, ndarray delta_, ndarray signal_in_, inplace=True): # Backprop the SELU transformation cdef size_t size = delta_.size cdef weight_t* delta = delta_.data cdef const weight_t* signal_in = signal_in_.data cdef float scale = 1.0507009873554805 cdef float alpha = 1.6732632423543772 for i in range(size): delta[i] *= scale if signal_in[i] <= 0: delta[i] *= alpha * expf(signal_in[i]) def backprop_elu(self, ndarray delta_, ndarray signal_out_, inplace=True): # Backprop the ELU transformation # Note that this is over the function _output_, not the function # _input_! cdef size_t size = delta_.size cdef weight_t* delta = delta_.data cdef const weight_t* signal_out = signal_out_.data for i in range(size): if signal_out[i] <= 0: delta[i] *= signal_out[i] + 1. def relu(self, ndarray X, inplace=False): cdef np.ndarray out = X if inplace else X.copy() cdef weight_t* data = out.data cdef size_t size = out.size for i in range(size): if data[i] < 0: data[i] = 0. return out def backprop_relu(self, ndarray dY, ndarray Y, inplace=False): cdef np.ndarray dX = dY if inplace else dY.copy() cdef size_t size = dX.size cdef weight_t* dX_ptr = dX.data cdef const weight_t* Y_ptr = Y.data for i in range(size): if Y_ptr[i] <= 0: dX_ptr[i] = 0. return dX def maxout(self, const float[:, :, ::1] py_cands): cdef Pool mem = Pool() cdef int B = py_cands.shape[0] cdef int O = py_cands.shape[1] cdef int P = py_cands.shape[2] cdef ndarray best = numpy.zeros((B, O), dtype='float32', order='C') cdef ndarray which = numpy.zeros((B, O), dtype='int32', order='C') cpu_maxout(best.data, which.data, &py_cands[0, 0, 0], B, O, P) return best, which def backprop_maxout(self, const float[:, ::1] dX__bo, int[:, ::1] which__bo, int P): cdef int B = dX__bo.shape[0] cdef int O = dX__bo.shape[1] cdef np.ndarray dX__bop = numpy.zeros((B, O, P), dtype='float32') cpu_backprop_maxout(dX__bop.data, &dX__bo[0, 0], &which__bo[0, 0], B, O, P) return dX__bop def mish(self, const float[:, ::1] X, threshold=5, out=None): shape = [X.shape[i] for i in range(X.ndim)] cdef np.ndarray Y = self.allocate(tuple(shape), dtype="f") cpu_mish(Y.data, &X[0, 0], threshold, X.size) if out is not None: out[:] = Y return out else: return Y def backprop_mish(self, const float[:, ::1] dY, const float[:, ::1] X, threshold=5, out=None): shape = [X.shape[i] for i in range(X.ndim)] cdef np.ndarray dX = self.allocate(tuple(shape), dtype="f") cpu_backprop_mish(dX.data, &dY[0, 0], &X[0, 0], threshold, X.size) if out is not None: out[:] = dX return out else: return dX #def lstm(self, float[:, ::1] output, float[:, ::1] cells, # float[:, ::1] gates, float[:, ::1] prev): # cpu_lstm_gates_fwd(&output[0, 0], &cells[0, 0], # &gates[0, 0], &prev[0, 0], cells.shape[0], cells.shape[1]) # return output #def backprop_lstm(self, float[:, ::1] d_cells, float[:, ::1] d_prev, # float[:, ::1] d_gates, float[:, ::1] d_output, # float[:, ::1] gates, float[:, ::1] cells, float[:, ::1] prev): # cpu_lstm_gates_bwd(&d_cells[0, 0], &d_prev[0, 0], &d_gates[0, 0], # &d_output[0, 0], &gates[0, 0], &cells[0, 0], &prev[0, 0], # cells.shape[0], cells.shape[1]) def seq2col(self, const float[:, ::1] seq, int nW): '''Given an (M, N) sequence of vectors, return an (M, N*(nW*2+1)) sequence. The new sequence is constructed by concatenating nW preceding and succeeding vectors onto each column in the sequence, to extract a window of features. ''' cdef int B = seq.shape[0] cdef int I = seq.shape[1] cdef ndarray cols = self.allocate((B, (2 * nW+1) * I), dtype='float32') seq2col(cols.data, &seq[0,0], nW, B, I) return cols def backprop_seq2col(self, const float[:, ::1] dY, int nW): cdef int B = dY.shape[0] cdef int nF = nW*2+1 cdef int I = dY.shape[1] / nF cdef ndarray dX = self.allocate((B, I), dtype='float32') backprop_seq2col(dX.data, &dY[0,0], B, I, nW) return dX def remap_ids(self, PreshMap mapping, uint64_t[::1] ids_mv, uint64_t value=0): cdef uint64_t* ids = &ids_mv[0] cdef ndarray[uint64_t] output_arr = self.allocate(len(ids_mv), dtype='uint64') output = output_arr.data cdef uint64_t key = 0 for i in range(ids_mv.shape[0]): if ids[i] == 0: output[i] = 0 else: mapped = mapping.get(ids[i]) if mapped != 0: output[i] = mapped else: output[i] = value if value != 0: mapping.set(ids[i], value) value += 1 return output_arr def increment_slices(self, ndarray contig_array, ndarray _to_add, _starts): cdef ndarray contig_to_add = self.xp.ascontiguousarray(_to_add, dtype='float32') cdef ndarray contig_starts = self.xp.ascontiguousarray(_starts, dtype='int32') cdef const float* to_add = contig_to_add.data cdef float* whole_array = contig_array.data cdef const int* starts = contig_starts.data cdef int n_slice = len(_starts) cdef int length = _to_add.size cdef int stride = length / _to_add.shape[0] for start in starts[:n_slice]: workon = &whole_array[start * stride] for i in range(length): workon[i] += to_add[i] @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def hash(self, const uint64_t[::1] ids, uint32_t seed): '''Hash a sequence of 64-bit keys into a table with 4 32-bit keys''' # Written to mirror the GPU implementation cdef ndarray[uint32_t, ndim=2] keys = self.allocate((ids.shape[0], 4), dtype='uint32') cdef int i, j cdef unsigned char entropy[16] # 128/8=16 cdef size_t n_items = len(ids) cdef size_t in_size = sizeof(uint64_t) src = &ids[0] dest = keys.data for i in range(n_items): hash128_x64(src, in_size, seed, entropy) for j in range(16): dest[j] = entropy[j] src += in_size dest += 16 return keys def mean_pool(self, const float[:, ::1] X, int[::1] lengths): cdef int B = lengths.shape[0] cdef int O = X.shape[1] cdef int T = X.shape[0] cdef Pool mem = Pool() means = mem.alloc(B * O, sizeof(float)) cpu_mean_pool(means, &X[0, 0], &lengths[0], B, T, O) return cpu_floats_ptr2array(means, (B, O)) def sum_pool(self, const float[:, ::1] X, int[::1] lengths): cdef int B = lengths.shape[0] cdef int O = X.shape[1] cdef int T = X.shape[0] cdef Pool mem = Pool() sums = mem.alloc(B * O, sizeof(float)) cpu_sum_pool(sums, &X[0, 0], &lengths[0], B, T, O) return cpu_floats_ptr2array(sums, (B, O)) def backprop_mean_pool(self, const float[:, ::1] d_means, int[::1] lengths): cdef int B = lengths.shape[0] cdef int O = d_means.shape[1] cdef int T = 0 for length in lengths[:B]: T += length cdef Pool mem = Pool() dX = mem.alloc(T * O, sizeof(float)) cpu_backprop_mean_pool(dX, &d_means[0,0], &lengths[0], B, T, O) return cpu_floats_ptr2array(dX, (T, O)) def backprop_sum_pool(self, const float[:, ::1] d_sums, int[::1] lengths): cdef int B = lengths.shape[0] cdef int O = d_sums.shape[1] cdef int T = 0 for length in lengths[:B]: T += length cdef Pool mem = Pool() dX = mem.alloc(T * O, sizeof(float)) cpu_backprop_sum_pool(dX, &d_sums[0,0], &lengths[0], B, T, O) return cpu_floats_ptr2array(dX, (T, O)) def max_pool(self, const float[:, ::1] X, const int[::1] lengths): cdef int B = lengths.shape[0] cdef int O = X.shape[1] cdef int T = X.shape[0] cdef Pool mem = Pool() maxes = mem.alloc(B * O, sizeof(float)) which = mem.alloc(B * O, sizeof(int)) cpu_max_pool(maxes, which, &X[0, 0], &lengths[0], B, T, O) cdef ndarray py_best = cpu_floats_ptr2array(maxes, (B, O)) cdef ndarray py_which = cpu_ints_ptr2array(which, (B, O)) return py_best, py_which def backprop_max_pool(self, const float[:, ::1] d_maxes, const int[:, ::1] which, const int[::1] lengths): cdef int B = lengths.shape[0] cdef int O = d_maxes.shape[1] cdef int T = 0 for length in lengths[:B]: T += length cdef Pool mem = Pool() dX = mem.alloc(T * O, sizeof(float)) cpu_backprop_max_pool(dX, &d_maxes[0,0], &which[0, 0], &lengths[0], B, T, O) return cpu_floats_ptr2array(dX, (T, O)) def add_sum(self, np.ndarray out, np.ndarray to_sum): VecVec.batch_add_i(out.data, to_sum.data, 1., to_sum.shape[1], to_sum.shape[0]) def scatter_add(self, np.ndarray out, np.ndarray ids, np.ndarray inputs): if out.dtype == 'float32' \ and ids.dtype == 'int32' \ and inputs.dtype == 'float32' \ and out.flags.c_contiguous \ and ids.flags.c_contiguous \ and inputs.flags.c_contiguous \ and ids.ndim == 1 \ and out.ndim == 2 \ and inputs.ndim == 2 \ and inputs.shape[0] == ids.shape[0] \ and inputs.shape[1] == out.shape[1]: cpu_scatter_add(out.data, ids.data, inputs.data, ids.shape[0], out.shape[1]) else: self.xp.add.at(out, ids, inputs) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def adam(self, float[::1] weights, float[::1] gradient, float[::1] mom1, float[::1] mom2, const float beta1, const float beta2, float eps, float learn_rate, float mod_rate=1.): _adam_momentum(&gradient[0], &mom1[0], &mom2[0], weights.shape[0], beta1, beta2, eps, learn_rate) VecVec.add_i(&weights[0], &gradient[0], -learn_rate, weights.shape[0]) memset(&gradient[0], 0, gradient.size * sizeof(float)) def ngrams(self, int n, const uint64_t[::1] keys_): keys = &keys_[0] length = max(0, keys_.shape[0]-n) cdef np.ndarray output_ = self.allocate((length,), dtype='uint64') output = output_.data for i in range(keys_.shape[0]-n): output[i] = hash64(&keys[i], n*sizeof(keys[0]), 0) return output_ def position_encode(self, int N, int D, int period=10000, out=None): cdef np.ndarray out_ if out is None: out_ = self.allocate((N, D)) else: out_ = out assert out_.shape[0] == N assert out_.shape[1] == D cpu_position_encode(out_.data, period, N, D) return out_ cdef void cpu_position_encode(float* output, float period, int N, int D) nogil: cdef float pos, d cdef int j cdef float dimensions = D for i in range(N): pos = i j = 0 d = 0 while (j+1) < D: d = j output[j] = sinf(pos / period ** (2 * d / dimensions)) output[j+1] = cosf(pos / period ** (2 * d / dimensions)) j += 2 if j < D: output[j] = sinf(pos / period ** (2 * d / dimensions)) output += D cdef void cpu_scatter_add(float* dest, const int* indices, const float* src, int nr_id, int nr_col) nogil: cdef int i for i in range(nr_id): id_ = indices[i] if id_ >= 0: VecVec.add_i(&dest[id_*nr_col], &src[i*nr_col], 1., nr_col) @cython.cdivision(True) cdef void _adam_momentum(weight_t* gradient, weight_t* mom1, weight_t* mom2, int nr_weight, weight_t beta1, weight_t beta2, weight_t eps, weight_t learn_rate) nogil: # Calculate Adam on CPU, fused. # Assumes the learning rate adustment is calculated by the caller; # a_t = learn_rate * sqrt(1-beta2**timestep) / (1-beta1**timestep) cdef weight_t one_minus_beta1 = 1-beta1 cdef weight_t one_minus_beta2 = 1-beta2 cdef weight_t m1, m2, g cdef int i # Blockwise implementation is a bit faster. Adam is slooow :( cdef weight_t[64] buff cdef int steps = nr_weight // 64 if steps * 64 < nr_weight: steps += 1 idx = 0 for i in range(steps): step_size = min(64, nr_weight-idx) Vec.mul_i(mom1, beta1, step_size) VecVec.add_i(mom1, gradient, one_minus_beta1, step_size) Vec.mul_i(mom2, beta2, step_size) for j in range(step_size): mom2[j] += one_minus_beta2 * gradient[j] ** 2 for j in range(step_size): buff[j] = sqrtf(mom2[j]) for j in range(step_size): buff[j] += eps for j in range(step_size): buff[j] = mom1[j] / buff[j] for j in range(step_size): gradient[j] = buff[j] mom1 += step_size mom2 += step_size gradient += step_size idx += step_size @cython.cdivision(True) cdef void cpu_update_averages(weight_t* ema, const weight_t* weights, int nr_weight, weight_t t, weight_t max_decay) nogil: cdef weight_t decay = (1.0 + t) / (10.0 + t) if decay > max_decay: decay = max_decay cdef weight_t one_minus_decay = 1-decay cdef int i for i in range(nr_weight): # num_threads=4, schedule='static'): ema[i] -= one_minus_decay * (ema[i] - weights[i]) cdef void cpu_mish(weight_t* Y, const weight_t* X, float threshold, int N) nogil: cdef float one = 1. for i in range(N): if X[i] >= threshold: Y[i] = X[i] else: Y[i] = X[i] * tanhf(logf(one + expf(X[i]))) cdef void cpu_backprop_mish(weight_t* dX, const weight_t* dY, const weight_t* X, float threshold, int N) nogil: cdef float one = 1. cdef float exp_x, exp_2x, exp_3x, omega, delta for i in range(N): x = X[i] if x >= threshold: dX[i] = dY[i] else: exp_x = expf(x) exp_2x = expf(2*x) exp_3x = expf(3*x) omega = (4. * (x+1)) + (4 * exp_2x) + exp_3x + exp_x * (4.*x+6) delta = 2. * exp_x + exp_2x + 2. dX[i] = dY[i] * ((exp_x * omega) / (delta * delta)) class CupyOps(Ops): device = 'gpu' xp = cupy def matmul(self, x, y, out=None): return self.xp.matmul(x, y, out=out) def gemm(self, x, y, out=None, trans1=False, trans2=False): if trans1: x = x.T if trans2: y = y.T if out is None: return self.xp.dot(x, y) else: self.xp.dot(x, y, out=out) return out def asarray(self, X, dtype=None): if isinstance(X, cupy.ndarray): return self.xp.asarray(X, dtype=dtype) elif hasattr(X, 'data_ptr'): # Handles PyTorch Tensors pointer = cupy.cuda.MemoryPointer(X.data_ptr()) shape = X.stride() array = self.xp.ndarray(shape, memptr=pointer, dtype=dtype) return array else: return self.xp.array(X, dtype=dtype) def maxout(self, X): return _custom_kernels.maxout(X) def backprop_maxout(self, dY, which, int P): return _custom_kernels.backprop_maxout(dY, which, P) def relu(self, X, inplace=False): if not inplace: return X * (X > 0) else: X *= (X > 0) return X def backprop_relu(self, delta_, signal_out, inplace=False): if not inplace: return delta_ * (signal_out > 0) delta_ *= (signal_out > 0) return delta_ def selu(self, X, inplace=True): cdef float scale = 1.0507009873554805 cdef float alpha = 1.6732632423543772 out = scale * self.xp.where(X>=0., X, alpha * (self.xp.exp(X)-1.)) if inplace: copy_array(X, out) return out def backprop_selu(self, delta, signal_in, inplace=True): # Backprop the SELU transformation cdef float scale = 1.0507009873554805 cdef float alpha = 1.6732632423543772 out = delta * self.xp.where(signal_in >= 0, scale, scale * alpha * self.xp.exp(signal_in)) if inplace: copy_array(delta, out) return out def mish(self, X, threshold=5, out=None): return _custom_kernels.mish(X, threshold=threshold, out=out) def backprop_mish(self, dY, X, threshold=5, out=None): return _custom_kernels.backprop_mish(dY, X, threshold=threshold, out=out) def clip_gradient(self, gradient, threshold): xp = get_array_module(gradient) grad_norm = xp.linalg.norm(gradient) if grad_norm >= threshold: gradient *= threshold / grad_norm def seq2col(self, seq, int nW): '''Given an (M, N) sequence of vectors, return an (M, N*(nW*2+1)) sequence. The new sequence is constructed by concatenating nW preceding and succeeding vectors onto each column in the sequence, to extract a window of features. ''' return _custom_kernels.seq2col(seq, nW) def backprop_seq2col(self, dY, int nW): return _custom_kernels.backprop_seq2col(dY, nW) def mean_pool(self, X, lengths): return _custom_kernels.mean_pool(X, lengths) def backprop_mean_pool(self, d_means, lengths): return _custom_kernels.backprop_mean_pool(d_means, lengths) def max_pool(self, X, lengths): return _custom_kernels.max_pool(X, lengths) def backprop_max_pool(self, d_maxes, which, lengths): return _custom_kernels.backprop_max_pool(d_maxes, which, lengths) def sum_pool(self, X, lengths): return _custom_kernels.sum_pool(X, lengths) def backprop_sum_pool(self, d_sums, lengths): return _custom_kernels.backprop_sum_pool(d_sums, lengths) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def hash(self, ids, uint64_t seed): return _custom_kernels.hash(ids, seed) def scatter_add(self, out, ids, inputs): self.xp.scatter_add(out, ids, inputs) def adam(self, weights, gradient, mom1, mom2, beta1, beta2, eps, learn_rate, mod_rate=1.): cupy.ElementwiseKernel( 'T grad, T lr, T one_minus_beta1, T one_minus_beta2, T eps', 'T param, T m, T v', '''m += one_minus_beta1 * (grad - m); v += one_minus_beta2 * (grad * grad - v); param -= lr * m / (sqrt(v) + eps);''', 'adam')(gradient, learn_rate, 1 - beta1, 1 - beta2, eps, weights, mom1, mom2) gradient.fill(0) def normal_init(self, W, fan_in, inplace=True): scale = self.xp.sqrt(1. / fan_in) inits = self.xp.random.normal(scale=scale, size=int(prod(W.shape))) inits = inits.reshape(W.shape) if inplace: copy_array(W, inits) return W else: return inits cdef void seq2col(float* output, const float* X, int nW, int B, int I) nogil: ''' Let's say nW is 1 (it usually is). Then we want to take: 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c And make __ __ __ 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c __ __ __ Where __ is padding. Now let's say nW is 2. Then we want to take: 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c And make __ __ __ __ __ __ 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c __ __ __ 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c __ __ __ 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c __ __ __ __ __ __ * x_start=-6, x_end=9 : (0-2) * 3, (0+2+1) * 3 * x_start=-3, x_end=13 : (1-2) * 3, (1+2+1) * 3 * x_start=0, x_end=16 : (2-2) * 3, (2+2+1) * 3 ''' nF = nW * 2 + 1 for i in range(B): o_start = i * I * nF x_start = (i-nW) * I x_end = (i+nW+1) * I if x_start < 0: o_start += -x_start x_start = 0 if x_end >= B * I: x_end = B * I memcpy(&output[o_start], &X[x_start], (x_end-x_start) * sizeof(output[0])) cdef void backprop_seq2col(float* d_seqs, const float* d_cols, int B, int I, int nW) nogil: # Here's what we're doing, if we had 2d indexing. #for i in range(B): # d_seq[i] += d_cols[i-2, 4] # d_seq[i] += d_cols[i-1, 3] # d_seq[i] += d_cols[i, 2] # d_seq[i] += d_cols[i+1, 1] # d_seq[i] += d_cols[i+2, 0] cdef int col_feat nF = nW * 2 + 1 for i in range(B): seq_row = i * I col_feat = nF * I for f in range(-nW, nW+1): col_row = (i+f) * (I * nF) col_feat -= I if col_row >= 0 and (col_row < (B*I*nF)): j = col_row + col_feat if j >= 0 and (j+I) < (B*I*nF): VecVec.add_i(&d_seqs[seq_row], &d_cols[j], 1., I) cdef void cpu_maxout(float* best__bo, int* which__bo, const float* cands__bop, int B, int O, int P) nogil: for i in range(B*O): which__bo[i] = Vec.arg_max(&cands__bop[i*P], P) best__bo[i] = cands__bop[i*P + which__bo[i]] cdef void cpu_backprop_maxout(float* dX__bop, const float* dX__bo, const int* which__bo, int B, int O, int P) nogil: for b in range(B): for o in range(O): dX__bop[which__bo[0]] = dX__bo[0] dX__bop += P dX__bo += 1 which__bo += 1 def cpu_clip_gradient(weight_t[::1] gradient, weight_t threshold): grad_norm = Vec.norm(&gradient[0], gradient.shape[0]) if grad_norm >= threshold: Vec.mul_i(&gradient[0], threshold / grad_norm, gradient.shape[0]) def add_gradient_noise(float[::1] gradient, weight_t noise_level, weight_t timestep): cdef weight_t variance = noise_level / ((1 + timestep) ** 0.55) if variance >= 0.000001: gradient += numpy.asarray( numpy.random.normal(scale=variance, loc=0., size=len(gradient)), dtype='float32') cdef cpu_floats_ptr2array(float* ptr, shape): cdef ndarray py_out = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype='float32') cdef int N = numpy.prod(shape) memcpy(py_out.data, ptr, N * sizeof(ptr[0])) return py_out cdef cpu_ints_ptr2array(int* ptr, shape): cdef ndarray py_out = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype='int32') cdef int N = numpy.prod(shape) memcpy(py_out.data, ptr, N * sizeof(ptr[0])) return py_out cdef void cpu_mean_pool(float* means__bo, const float* X__to, const int* lengths__b, int B, int T, int O) nogil: '''Compute means of a batch of concatenated sequences, using the lengths.''' cdef float scale = 0. for length in lengths__b[:B]: scale = 1. / length for _ in range(length): VecVec.add_i(means__bo, X__to, scale, O) X__to += O means__bo += O cdef void cpu_backprop_mean_pool(float* dX__to, const float* d_means__bo, const int* lengths__b, int B, int T, int O) nogil: cdef float scale = 0. for length in lengths__b[:B]: scale = 1./ length for _ in range(length): VecVec.add_i(dX__to, d_means__bo, scale, O) dX__to += O d_means__bo += O cdef void cpu_sum_pool(float* sums__bo, const float* X__to, const int* lengths__b, int B, int T, int O) nogil: '''Compute sums of a batch of concatenated sequences, using the lengths.''' for length in lengths__b[:B]: for _ in range(length): VecVec.add_i(sums__bo, X__to, 1.0, O) X__to += O sums__bo += O cdef void cpu_backprop_sum_pool(float* dX__to, const float* d_sums__bo, const int* lengths__b, int B, int T, int O) nogil: for length in lengths__b[:B]: for _ in range(length): VecVec.add_i(dX__to, d_sums__bo, 1.0, O) dX__to += O d_sums__bo += O cdef void cpu_max_pool(float* maxes__bo, int* which__bo, const float* X__to, const int* lengths__b, int B, int T, int O) nogil: '''Compute maxes of a batch of concatenated sequences, using the lengths.''' cdef float scale = 0. for length in lengths__b[:B]: memcpy(maxes__bo, X__to, O * sizeof(maxes__bo[0])) memset(which__bo, 0, O * sizeof(which__bo[0])) X__to += O for i in range(1, length): for j in range(O): if X__to[j] > maxes__bo[j]: maxes__bo[j] = X__to[j] which__bo[j] = i X__to += O maxes__bo += O which__bo += O cdef void cpu_backprop_max_pool(float* dX__to, const float* d_maxes__bo, const int* which__bo, const int* lengths__b, int B, int T, int O) nogil: cdef int length, i, j for length in lengths__b[:B]: for i in range(length): for j in range(O): if which__bo[j] == i: dX__to[j] += d_maxes__bo[j] dX__to += O d_maxes__bo += O which__bo += O cdef inline float sigmoid(float X) nogil: return 1./(1. + expf(-X)) cdef inline float dsigmoid(float y) nogil: return y*(1-y) cdef inline float dtanh(float y) nogil: return 1-y**2 cdef void cpu_lstm_gates_fwd(float* output, float* cells, float* gates, const float* prev, int B, int N) nogil: cdef float hf, hi, ho, hc cdef int i, b for b in range(B): for i in range(N): hf = sigmoid(gates[i*4+0]) hi = sigmoid(gates[i*4+1]) ho = sigmoid(gates[i*4+2]) hc = tanhf(gates[i*4+3]) cells[i] = hf * prev[i] + hi * hc output[i] = tanhf(cells[i]) * ho gates[i*4+0] = hf gates[i*4+1] = hi gates[i*4+2] = ho gates[i*4+3] = hc output += N gates += N*4 prev += N cells += N cdef void cpu_lstm_gates_bwd(float* d_cells, float* d_prev, float* d_gates, const float* d_output, const float* gates, const float* cells, const float* prev, int B, int N) nogil: cdef float hf, hi, ho, hc, c, ct, dh, dho, dc, dhf, dhi, dhc, dprev cdef int i, b for b in range(B): for i in range(N): hf = gates[i*4+0] hi = gates[i*4+1] ho = gates[i*4+2] hc = gates[i*4+3] c = cells[i] ct = tanhf(cells[i]) dh = d_output[i] # Gradient for ho and c in h = sigmoid(ho) * tanh(c) dho = ct * dh * dsigmoid(ho) dc = ho * dh * dtanh(ct) dc += d_cells[i] # Carry gradient from previous step # Gradient for hf, hi, hc, prev[i] # in c = sigmoid(hf) * prev[i] + sigmoid(hi) * tanh(hc) dhf = dsigmoid(hf) * dc * prev[i] dhi = dsigmoid(hi) * dc * hc dhc = dtanh(hc) * dc * hi dprev = dc * hf d_gates[i*4+0] = dhf d_gates[i*4+1] = dhi d_gates[i*4+2] = dho d_gates[i*4+3] = dhc d_cells[i] = dc d_prev[i] = dprev d_cells += N d_prev += N d_output += N d_gates += N*4 gates += N*4 cells += N prev += N