# coding: utf8 """Generators that provide different rates, schedules, decays or series.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals, division import numpy def constant_then(rate, steps, schedule): """Yield a constant rate for N steps, before starting a schedule.""" for i in range(steps): yield rate for value in schedule: yield value def constant(rate): while True: yield rate def decaying(base_rate, decay, t=0): """Yield an infinite series of linearly decaying values, following the schedule: base_rate * 1/(1+decay*t) Example: >>> learn_rates = linear_decay(0.001, 1e-4) >>> next(learn_rates) 0.001 >>> next(learn_rates) 0.00999 """ while True: yield base_rate * (1.0 / (1.0 + decay * t)) t += 1 def compounding(start, stop, compound, t=0.0): """Yield an infinite series of compounding values. Each time the generator is called, a value is produced by multiplying the previous value by the compound rate. EXAMPLE: >>> sizes = compounding(1., 10., 1.5) >>> assert next(sizes) == 1. >>> assert next(sizes) == 1 * 1.5 >>> assert next(sizes) == 1.5 * 1.5 """ curr = float(start) while True: yield _clip(curr, start, stop) curr *= compound def _clip(value, start, stop): return max(value, stop) if (start > stop) else min(value, stop) def annealing(rate, decay, decay_steps, t=0.0): while True: if decay == 0.0: yield rate else: yield rate * decay ** (t / decay_steps) t += 1 def annealing_cos(start, end, step=0.001): pct = step while True: cos_out = numpy.cos(numpy.pi * pct) + 1 yield end + (start-end)/2 * cos_out pct += step def slanted_triangular(max_rate, num_steps, cut_frac=0.1, ratio=32, decay=1, t=0.0): """Yield an infinite series of values according to Howard and Ruder's "slanted triangular learning rate" schedule. """ cut = int(num_steps * cut_frac) while True: t += 1 if t < cut: p = t / cut else: p = 1 - ((t - cut) / (cut * (1 / cut_frac - 1))) learn_rate = max_rate * (1 + p * (ratio - 1)) * (1 / ratio) yield learn_rate def warmup_linear(initial_rate, warmup_steps, total_steps): """Generate a series, starting from an initial rate, and then with a warmup period, and then a linear decline. Used for learning rates. """ step = 0 while True: if step < warmup_steps: factor = step / max(1, warmup_steps) else: factor = max( 0.0, (total_steps - step) / max(1.0, total_steps - warmup_steps) ) yield factor * initial_rate step += 1 def cyclic_triangular(min_lr, max_lr, period): it = 1 while True: # https://towardsdatascience.com/adaptive-and-cyclical-learning-rates-using-pytorch-2bf904d18dee cycle = numpy.floor(1 + it / (2 * period)) x = numpy.abs(it / period - 2 * cycle + 1) relative = max(0, 1 - x) yield min_lr + (max_lr - min_lr) * relative it += 1