import logging import os from s3_helper import S3Ref, copy, get_content_size logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def validate_output_path(s3_output_uri): """ This method validates the input uri to make sure it ends with a "/" representing a s3 folder. """ # The output path should end with a "/" to indicate a folder intead of a file. if len(s3_output_uri) == 0 or not s3_output_uri.endswith("/"): raise Exception("S3OutputPath should end with '/'.") def lambda_handler(event, context): """ This function does a copy of the input manifest to the a location within the specified output path after performing the following validations 1. The output uri is not empty and ends with a '/'. This condition throws a exception. 2. The input refers to a manifest file of size <= 80 MB. This condition records a warning in the log and allows the code to proceed. """ logger.debug("event {} context {}".format(event, context)) s3_input_uri = event["ManifestS3Uri"] s3_output_uri = event["S3OutputPath"] validate_output_path(s3_output_uri) source = S3Ref.from_uri(s3_input_uri) # Add a warning if the input file is too big. # These limits are due to limited runtime and memory in lambda. size = get_content_size(source) SIZE_MESSAGE = """"This tutorial was not tested for inputs greater than 80 MB (approx 200,000 objects). You are using a %d MB input manifest file.""" if size > 80 * 1024 * 1024: logger.warn(SIZE_MESSAGE, size / 1024 / 1024) # Final output folder of the labeling job output_folder = S3Ref.from_uri(s3_output_uri) # Create intermediate folder within the final output folder for saving # partially complete results. intermediate_folder_uri = s3_output_uri + "intermediate/" intermediate_file_uri = intermediate_folder_uri + "input.manifest" # Copy original input to the intermediate s3 folder. dest = S3Ref.from_uri(intermediate_file_uri)"Copying s3 file from {} to {}".format(s3_input_uri, intermediate_file_uri)) copy(source, dest)"Copied s3 file from {} to {}".format(s3_input_uri, intermediate_file_uri)) #Check whether you want to do Pretrain Model training if os.environ['pretrain_model'] == 'true' : pretrain_model='true' else : pretrain_model='false' if os.environ['byom'] == 'true' : byom='true' else : byom='false' return { "IntermediateFolderUri": intermediate_folder_uri, "IntermediateManifestS3Uri": intermediate_file_uri, "PretrainedModel":pretrain_model, "BringYourOwnModel":byom }