import logging from functools import partial from s3_helper import S3Ref, get_count_with_query logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def lambda_handler(event, context): """ This function returns the counts of the labeling job records - input_total : total records in the manifest. - human_label : total records labeled by human. - auto_label : total records auto labeled. - unlabeled : count of records not yet labeled. - human_label_percentage : percentage of records labeled by humans. """ label_attribute_name = event["LabelAttributeName"] meta_data = event["meta_data"] s3_input_uri = meta_data["IntermediateManifestS3Uri"] source = S3Ref.from_uri(s3_input_uri) manifest_count = partial(get_count_with_query, source)"Getting counts from {}".format(s3_input_uri)) total_query = "select count(*) from s3object s" human_labeled_query = """select count(*) from s3object[*] s where s."{}-metadata"."human-annotated" IN ('yes')""".format( label_attribute_name ) auto_labeled_query = """select count(*) from s3object[*] s where s."{}-metadata"."human-annotated" IN ('no')""".format( label_attribute_name ) manifest_size = manifest_count(total_query) human_labeled_count = manifest_count(human_labeled_query) auto_labeled_count = manifest_count(auto_labeled_query) unlabeled_count = manifest_size - (auto_labeled_count + human_labeled_count) human_label_percentage = int(human_labeled_count * 100.0 / manifest_size) counts = { "input_total": manifest_size, "human_label": human_labeled_count, "auto_label": auto_labeled_count, "unlabeled": unlabeled_count, "human_label_percentage": human_label_percentage, } # update the validation set count from previous iteration if present. if "counts" in meta_data and "validation" in meta_data["counts"]: counts["validation"] = meta_data["counts"]["validation"] else: counts["validation"] = 0"Counts computed {} ".format(str(counts))) if "counts" in meta_data and "iteration" in meta_data["counts"]: counts["iteration"] = int(meta_data["counts"]["iteration"])+1 else: counts["iteration"] = 1"Counts computed {} ".format(str(counts))) return counts