import boto3 from MetaData.get_counts import lambda_handler from moto import mock_s3 @mock_s3 def test_get_counts_nothing_labeled(monkeypatch): """ This test requires monkeypatching because select_object_content is not implemented by moto. """ manifest_content = b'{"source": "Fed revises guidelines sending stocks up.", "id": 0}\n{"source": "Review Guardians of the Galaxy", "id": 1}\n' s3r = boto3.resource("s3", region_name="us-east-1") s3r.create_bucket(Bucket="source_bucket") s3r.Object("source_bucket", "input.manifest").put(Body=manifest_content) def mock_count(*args, **kwargs): key = args[0].key query = args[1] if "input.manifest" == key and "select count(*) from s3object s" == query: return 2 return 0 from MetaData import get_counts monkeypatch.setattr(get_counts, "get_count_with_query", mock_count) event = { "LabelAttributeName": "category", "meta_data": {"IntermediateManifestS3Uri": "s3://source_bucket/input.manifest"}, } expected_counts = { "input_total": 2, "human_label": 0, "auto_label": 0, "unlabeled": 2, "human_label_percentage": 0, "validation": 0, } output = lambda_handler(event, {}) assert output == expected_counts @mock_s3 def test_get_counts_everything_labeled(monkeypatch): manifest_content = b'{"source": "Fed revises guidelines sending stocks up.", "id": 0}\n{"source": "Review Guardians of the Galaxy", "id": 1}\n' s3r = boto3.resource("s3", region_name="us-east-1") s3r.create_bucket(Bucket="source_bucket") s3r.Object("source_bucket", "input.manifest").put(Body=manifest_content) def mock_count(*args, **kwargs): key = args[0].key query = args[1] if "input.manifest" == key and "select count(*) from s3object s" == query: return 2000 if "input.manifest" == key and "\"human-annotated\" IN ('yes')" in query: return 1000 if "input.manifest" == key and "\"human-annotated\" IN ('no')" in query: return 1000 return 0 from MetaData import get_counts monkeypatch.setattr(get_counts, "get_count_with_query", mock_count) event = { "LabelAttributeName": "category", "meta_data": { "IntermediateManifestS3Uri": "s3://source_bucket/input.manifest", "counts": {"validation": 500}, }, } expected_counts = { "input_total": 2000, "human_label": 1000, "auto_label": 1000, "unlabeled": 0, "human_label_percentage": 50, "validation": 500, } output = lambda_handler(event, {}) assert output == expected_counts