# Set up resources with AWS CloudFormation This repository accompanies the [Build and train ML models with a data mesh design pattern on AWS]() blog post. we provide **Three** [AWS Cloudformation](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/) templates in this post: for the producer account, central account, and consumer account. Deploy the CloudFormation templates in the order of producer, central, and consumer, because there are dependencies between the templates. ### The CloudFormation template for the central account generates the following resources: * Two IAM users: * `DataMeshOwner` * `ProducerSteward` * Grant `DataMeshOwner` as the LakeFormation Admin. * One IAM role: * `LFRegisterLocationServiceRole` * Two IAM policies: * `ProducerStewardPolicy` * `S3DataLakePolicy` * Create databases `credit-card` for `ProducerSteward` to manage Data Catalog * Share the data location permission for producer account to manage Data Catalog