# Copyright (c) 2019 NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import defaultdict from itertools import islice import multiprocessing import statistics class Sharding: def __init__(self, input_files, output_name_prefix, n_training_shards, n_test_shards, fraction_test_set): assert len(input_files) > 0, 'The input file list must contain at least one file.' assert n_training_shards > 0, 'There must be at least one output shard.' assert n_test_shards > 0, 'There must be at least one output shard.' self.n_training_shards = n_training_shards self.n_test_shards = n_test_shards self.fraction_test_set = fraction_test_set self.input_files = input_files self.output_name_prefix = output_name_prefix self.output_training_identifier = '_training' self.output_test_identifier = '_test' self.output_file_extension = '.txt' self.articles = {} # key: integer identifier, value: list of articles self.sentences = {} # key: integer identifier, value: list of sentences self.output_training_files = {} # key: filename, value: list of articles to go into file self.output_test_files = {} # key: filename, value: list of articles to go into file self.init_output_files() # Remember, the input files contain one article per line (the whitespace check is to skip extraneous blank lines) def load_articles(self): print('Start: Loading Articles') global_article_count = 0 for input_file in self.input_files: print('input file:', input_file) with open(input_file, mode='r', newline='\n') as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if line.strip(): self.articles[global_article_count] = line.rstrip() global_article_count += 1 print('End: Loading Articles: There are', len(self.articles), 'articles.') def segment_articles_into_sentences(self, segmenter): print('Start: Sentence Segmentation') if len(self.articles) is 0: self.load_articles() assert len(self.articles) is not 0, 'Please check that input files are present and contain data.' # TODO: WIP: multiprocessing (create independent ranges and spawn processes) use_multiprocessing = 'serial' def chunks(data, size=len(self.articles)): it = iter(data) for i in range(0, len(data), size): yield {k: data[k] for k in islice(it, size)} if use_multiprocessing == 'manager': manager = multiprocessing.Manager() return_dict = manager.dict() jobs = [] n_processes = 7 # in addition to the main process, total = n_proc+1 def work(articles, return_dict): sentences = {} for i, article in enumerate(articles): sentences[i] = segmenter.segment_string(articles[article]) if i % 5000 == 0: print('Segmenting article', i) return_dict.update(sentences) for item in chunks(self.articles, len(self.articles)): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=work, args=(item, return_dict)) # Busy wait while len(jobs) >= n_processes: pass jobs.append(p) p.start() for proc in jobs: proc.join() elif use_multiprocessing == 'queue': work_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() jobs = [] for item in chunks(self.articles, len(self.articles)): pass else: # serial option for i, article in enumerate(self.articles): self.sentences[i] = segmenter.segment_string(self.articles[article]) if i % 5000 == 0: print('Segmenting article', i) print('End: Sentence Segmentation') def init_output_files(self): print('Start: Init Output Files') assert len(self.output_training_files) is 0, 'Internal storage self.output_files already contains data. This function is intended to be used by the constructor only.' assert len(self.output_test_files) is 0, 'Internal storage self.output_files already contains data. This function is intended to be used by the constructor only.' for i in range(self.n_training_shards): name = self.output_name_prefix + self.output_training_identifier + '_' + str(i) + self.output_file_extension self.output_training_files[name] = [] for i in range(self.n_test_shards): name = self.output_name_prefix + self.output_test_identifier + '_' + str(i) + self.output_file_extension self.output_test_files[name] = [] print('End: Init Output Files') def get_sentences_per_shard(self, shard): result = 0 for article_id in shard: result += len(self.sentences[article_id]) return result def distribute_articles_over_shards(self): print('Start: Distribute Articles Over Shards') assert len(self.articles) >= self.n_training_shards + self.n_test_shards, 'There are fewer articles than shards. Please add more data or reduce the number of shards requested.' # Create dictionary with - key: sentence count per article, value: article id number sentence_counts = defaultdict(lambda: []) max_sentences = 0 total_sentences = 0 for article_id in self.sentences: current_length = len(self.sentences[article_id]) sentence_counts[current_length].append(article_id) max_sentences = max(max_sentences, current_length) total_sentences += current_length n_sentences_assigned_to_training = int((1 - self.fraction_test_set) * total_sentences) nominal_sentences_per_training_shard = n_sentences_assigned_to_training // self.n_training_shards nominal_sentences_per_test_shard = (total_sentences - n_sentences_assigned_to_training) // self.n_test_shards consumed_article_set = set({}) unused_article_set = set(self.articles.keys()) # Make first pass and add one article worth of lines per file for file in self.output_training_files: current_article_id = sentence_counts[max_sentences][-1] sentence_counts[max_sentences].pop(-1) self.output_training_files[file].append(current_article_id) consumed_article_set.add(current_article_id) unused_article_set.remove(current_article_id) # Maintain the max sentence count while len(sentence_counts[max_sentences]) == 0 and max_sentences > 0: max_sentences -= 1 if len(self.sentences[current_article_id]) > nominal_sentences_per_training_shard: nominal_sentences_per_training_shard = len(self.sentences[current_article_id]) print('Warning: A single article contains more than the nominal number of sentences per training shard.') for file in self.output_test_files: current_article_id = sentence_counts[max_sentences][-1] sentence_counts[max_sentences].pop(-1) self.output_test_files[file].append(current_article_id) consumed_article_set.add(current_article_id) unused_article_set.remove(current_article_id) # Maintain the max sentence count while len(sentence_counts[max_sentences]) == 0 and max_sentences > 0: max_sentences -= 1 if len(self.sentences[current_article_id]) > nominal_sentences_per_test_shard: nominal_sentences_per_test_shard = len(self.sentences[current_article_id]) print('Warning: A single article contains more than the nominal number of sentences per test shard.') training_counts = [] test_counts = [] for shard in self.output_training_files: training_counts.append(self.get_sentences_per_shard(self.output_training_files[shard])) for shard in self.output_test_files: test_counts.append(self.get_sentences_per_shard(self.output_test_files[shard])) training_median = statistics.median(training_counts) test_median = statistics.median(test_counts) # Make subsequent passes over files to find articles to add without going over limit history_remaining = [] n_history_remaining = 4 while len(consumed_article_set) < len(self.articles): for fidx, file in enumerate(self.output_training_files): nominal_next_article_size = min(nominal_sentences_per_training_shard - training_counts[fidx], max_sentences) # Maintain the max sentence count while len(sentence_counts[max_sentences]) == 0 and max_sentences > 0: max_sentences -= 1 while len(sentence_counts[nominal_next_article_size]) == 0 and nominal_next_article_size > 0: nominal_next_article_size -= 1 if nominal_next_article_size not in sentence_counts or nominal_next_article_size is 0 or training_counts[fidx] > training_median: continue # skip adding to this file, will come back later if no file can accept unused articles current_article_id = sentence_counts[nominal_next_article_size][-1] sentence_counts[nominal_next_article_size].pop(-1) self.output_training_files[file].append(current_article_id) consumed_article_set.add(current_article_id) unused_article_set.remove(current_article_id) for fidx, file in enumerate(self.output_test_files): nominal_next_article_size = min(nominal_sentences_per_test_shard - test_counts[fidx], max_sentences) # Maintain the max sentence count while len(sentence_counts[max_sentences]) == 0 and max_sentences > 0: max_sentences -= 1 while len(sentence_counts[nominal_next_article_size]) == 0 and nominal_next_article_size > 0: nominal_next_article_size -= 1 if nominal_next_article_size not in sentence_counts or nominal_next_article_size is 0 or test_counts[fidx] > test_median: continue # skip adding to this file, will come back later if no file can accept unused articles current_article_id = sentence_counts[nominal_next_article_size][-1] sentence_counts[nominal_next_article_size].pop(-1) self.output_test_files[file].append(current_article_id) consumed_article_set.add(current_article_id) unused_article_set.remove(current_article_id) # If unable to place articles a few times, bump up nominal sizes by fraction until articles get placed if len(history_remaining) == n_history_remaining: history_remaining.pop(0) history_remaining.append(len(unused_article_set)) history_same = True for i in range(1, len(history_remaining)): history_same = history_same and (history_remaining[i-1] == history_remaining[i]) if history_same: nominal_sentences_per_training_shard += 1 # nominal_sentences_per_test_shard += 1 training_counts = [] test_counts = [] for shard in self.output_training_files: training_counts.append(self.get_sentences_per_shard(self.output_training_files[shard])) for shard in self.output_test_files: test_counts.append(self.get_sentences_per_shard(self.output_test_files[shard])) training_median = statistics.median(training_counts) test_median = statistics.median(test_counts) print('Distributing data over shards:', len(unused_article_set), 'articles remaining.') if len(unused_article_set) != 0: print('Warning: Some articles did not make it into output files.') for shard in self.output_training_files: print('Training shard:', self.get_sentences_per_shard(self.output_training_files[shard])) for shard in self.output_test_files: print('Test shard:', self.get_sentences_per_shard(self.output_test_files[shard])) print('End: Distribute Articles Over Shards') def write_shards_to_disk(self): print('Start: Write Shards to Disk') for shard in self.output_training_files: self.write_single_shard(shard, self.output_training_files[shard]) for shard in self.output_test_files: self.write_single_shard(shard, self.output_test_files[shard]) print('End: Write Shards to Disk') def write_single_shard(self, shard_name, shard): with open(shard_name, mode='w', newline='\n') as f: for article_id in shard: for line in self.sentences[article_id]: f.write(line + '\n') f.write('\n') # Line break between articles import nltk nltk.download('punkt') class NLTKSegmenter: def __init(self): pass def segment_string(self, article): return nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(article)