# Package CloudFormation templates Before you can deploy the delivered [CloudFormation templates](cfn-templates/), they need to be packaged and uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket of your choice for deployment. There are two options how you can perform this preparation step. The option 1 works in any development environment, Windows, Linux, or MacOS. The option 2 works only on Linux or MacOS. ## Option 1 - use a CloudFormation template to package and upload This option first deploys a simple CloudFormation template [`package-cfn.yaml`](package-cfn.yaml). The template creates a [CodeBuild](https://aws.amazon.com/codebuild/) project which packages and uploads the deployment templates into the specified S3 bucket. To follow along with the deployment instructions, run the following commands in your terminal (all commands were tested for macOS 10.15.7, but they will work on Windows as well). 1. Clone the GitHub repository: ```sh git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components.git cd amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components ``` 2. If you do not have an S3 bucket, you must create a brand new one. **Skip this step if you already have an S3 bucket**. ```sh S3_BUCKET_NAME= aws s3 mb s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME} --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION ``` 3. Create a source code zip file: ```sh rm -f amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components.zip zip -r amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components.zip . -x "build/*" "*.pdf" ".git/*" "img/*" "design/*" ".*" ``` 4. Upload the source code zip file `amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components.zip` to the S3 bucket: ```sh S3_BUCKET_NAME= aws s3 cp amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components.zip s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}/amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components/ ``` 5. Deploy the CloudFormation template: ```sh STACK_NAME=amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components-package-cfn aws cloudformation deploy \ --template-file package-cfn.yaml \ --stack-name $STACK_NAME \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \ --parameter-overrides \ S3BucketName=$S3_BUCKET_NAME ``` 6. Wait until deployment has finished and print the stack outputs with the following command (you may wait couple of minutes before the uploaded templates appear in the S3 bucket): ```sh aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name $STACK_NAME \ --output table \ --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[*].[OutputKey, OutputValue]" ``` 📜 **Save the output to your scratch pad for later use.** 7. Check that the deployment templates are uploaded into the S3 bucket: ```sh aws s3 ls s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}/amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components/ --recursive ``` ![uploaded-cfn-templates-ls](img/uploaded-cfn-templates-ls.png) Now all deployment CloudFormation templates are packaged and uploaded to your S3 bucket. You can proceed with further instructions. ## Option 2 - use a shell script to package and upload If you use macOS/Linux you can run the delivered packaging script via `make` command. This script **will not** work on Windows. Run the following command to package and upload the deployment templates into your S3 bucket. You can specify either a name for an existing S3 bucket or a new name (an S3 bucket will be created for you). If you use the existing S3 bucket, it must be in **the same region** where you are deploying the CloudFormation templates. ```sh S3_BUCKET_NAME= make package CFN_BUCKET_NAME=$S3_BUCKET_NAME DEPLOYMENT_REGION=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION ``` Run the `ls` on the S3 bucket to check that all templates are uploaded: ```sh aws s3 ls s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}/amazon-sagemaker-reusable-components/ --recursive ``` Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0