# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # coding: utf-8 """Callback functions that can be used to track various status during epoch.""" from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import math import time from .model import save_checkpoint def module_checkpoint(mod, prefix, period=1, save_optimizer_states=False): """Callback to checkpoint Module to prefix every epoch. Parameters ---------- mod : subclass of BaseModule The module to checkpoint. prefix : str The file prefix for this checkpoint. period : int How many epochs to wait before checkpointing. Defaults to 1. save_optimizer_states : bool Indicates whether or not to save optimizer states for continued training. Returns ------- callback : function The callback function that can be passed as iter_end_callback to fit. """ period = int(max(1, period)) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _callback(iter_no, sym=None, arg=None, aux=None): """The checkpoint function.""" if (iter_no + 1) % period == 0: mod.save_checkpoint(prefix, iter_no + 1, save_optimizer_states) return _callback def do_checkpoint(prefix, period=1): """A callback that saves a model checkpoint every few epochs. Each checkpoint is made up of a couple of binary files: a model description file and a parameters (weights and biases) file. The model description file is named `prefix`--symbol.json and the parameters file is named `prefix`-`epoch_number`.params Parameters ---------- prefix : str Prefix for the checkpoint filenames. period : int, optional Interval (number of epochs) between checkpoints. Default `period` is 1. Returns ------- callback : function A callback function that can be passed as `epoch_end_callback` to fit. Example ------- >>> module.fit(iterator, num_epoch=n_epoch, ... epoch_end_callback = mx.callback.do_checkpoint("mymodel", 1)) Start training with [cpu(0)] Epoch[0] Resetting Data Iterator Epoch[0] Time cost=0.100 Saved checkpoint to "mymodel-0001.params" Epoch[1] Resetting Data Iterator Epoch[1] Time cost=0.060 Saved checkpoint to "mymodel-0002.params" """ period = int(max(1, period)) def _callback(iter_no, sym, arg, aux): """The checkpoint function.""" if (iter_no + 1) % period == 0: save_checkpoint(prefix, iter_no + 1, sym, arg, aux) return _callback def log_train_metric(period, auto_reset=False): """Callback to log the training evaluation result every period. Parameters ---------- period : int The number of batch to log the training evaluation metric. auto_reset : bool Reset the metric after each log. Returns ------- callback : function The callback function that can be passed as iter_epoch_callback to fit. """ def _callback(param): """The checkpoint function.""" if param.nbatch % period == 0 and param.eval_metric is not None: name_value = param.eval_metric.get_name_value() for name, value in name_value: logging.info('Iter[%d] Batch[%d] Train-%s=%f', param.epoch, param.nbatch, name, value) if auto_reset: param.eval_metric.reset() return _callback class Speedometer(object): """Logs training speed and evaluation metrics periodically. Parameters ---------- batch_size: int Batch size of data. frequent: int Specifies how frequently training speed and evaluation metrics must be logged. Default behavior is to log once every 50 batches. auto_reset : bool Reset the evaluation metrics after each log. Example ------- >>> # Print training speed and evaluation metrics every ten batches. Batch size is one. >>> module.fit(iterator, num_epoch=n_epoch, ... batch_end_callback=mx.callback.Speedometer(1, 10)) Epoch[0] Batch [10] Speed: 1910.41 samples/sec Train-accuracy=0.200000 Epoch[0] Batch [20] Speed: 1764.83 samples/sec Train-accuracy=0.400000 Epoch[0] Batch [30] Speed: 1740.59 samples/sec Train-accuracy=0.500000 """ def __init__(self, batch_size, frequent=50, auto_reset=True): self.batch_size = batch_size self.frequent = frequent self.init = False self.tic = 0 self.last_count = 0 self.auto_reset = auto_reset def __call__(self, param): """Callback to Show speed.""" count = param.nbatch if self.last_count > count: self.init = False self.last_count = count if self.init: if count % self.frequent == 0: # #11504 try: speed = self.frequent * self.batch_size / (time.time() - self.tic) except ZeroDivisionError: speed = float('inf') if param.eval_metric is not None: name_value = param.eval_metric.get_name_value() if self.auto_reset: param.eval_metric.reset() msg = 'Epoch[%d] Batch [%d-%d]\tSpeed: %.2f samples/sec' msg += '\t%s=%f'*len(name_value) logging.info(msg, param.epoch, count-self.frequent, count, speed, *sum(name_value, ())) else: msg = 'Epoch[%d] Batch [0-%d]\tSpeed: %.2f samples/sec' msg += '\t%s=%f'*len(name_value) logging.info(msg, param.epoch, count, speed, *sum(name_value, ())) else: logging.info("Iter[%d] Batch [%d]\tSpeed: %.2f samples/sec", param.epoch, count, speed) self.tic = time.time() else: self.init = True self.tic = time.time() class ProgressBar(object): """Displays a progress bar, indicating the percentage of batches processed within each epoch. Parameters ---------- total: int total number of batches per epoch length: int number of chars to define maximum length of progress bar Examples -------- >>> progress_bar = mx.callback.ProgressBar(total=2) >>> mod.fit(data, num_epoch=5, batch_end_callback=progress_bar) [========--------] 50.0% [================] 100.0% """ def __init__(self, total, length=80): self.bar_len = length self.total = total def __call__(self, param): """Callback to Show progress bar.""" count = param.nbatch filled_len = int(round(self.bar_len * count / float(self.total))) percents = math.ceil(100.0 * count / float(self.total)) prog_bar = '=' * filled_len + '-' * (self.bar_len - filled_len) logging.info('[%s] %s%s\r', prog_bar, percents, '%') class LogValidationMetricsCallback(object): """Just logs the eval metrics at the end of an epoch.""" def __call__(self, param): if not param.eval_metric: return name_value = param.eval_metric.get_name_value() for name, value in name_value: logging.info('Epoch[%d] Validation-%s=%f', param.epoch, name, value)