# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # coding: utf-8_ # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Operator attributes conversion""" from ._op_translations import identity, random_uniform, random_normal from ._op_translations import add, subtract, multiply, divide, absolute, negative, add_n from ._op_translations import tanh, arccos, arcsin, arctan, _cos, _sin, _tan from ._op_translations import softplus, shape, gather, lp_pooling from ._op_translations import ceil, floor, hardsigmoid, global_lppooling from ._op_translations import concat from ._op_translations import leaky_relu, _elu, _prelu, softmax, fully_connected from ._op_translations import global_avgpooling, global_maxpooling, linalg_gemm from ._op_translations import sigmoid, pad, relu, matrix_multiplication, batch_norm from ._op_translations import dropout, local_response_norm, conv, deconv from ._op_translations import reshape, cast, split, _slice, transpose, squeeze, flatten from ._op_translations import reciprocal, squareroot, power, exponent, _log, unsqueeze from ._op_translations import reduce_max, reduce_mean, reduce_min, reduce_sum from ._op_translations import reduce_prod, avg_pooling, max_pooling, instance_norm from ._op_translations import argmax, argmin, maximum, minimum from ._op_translations import clip, reduce_log_sum, reduce_log_sum_exp from ._op_translations import reduce_sum_square, reduce_l1, reduce_l2, max_roi_pooling from ._op_translations import log_softmax, softsign, lesser, greater, equal from ._op_translations import logical_and, logical_or, logical_xor, logical_not from ._op_translations import mean, depthtospace, spacetodepth # convert_map defines maps of ONNX operator names to converter functor(callable) # defined in the op_translations module. _convert_map = { # Generator Functions 'Constant' : identity, 'RandomUniform' : random_uniform, 'RandomNormal' : random_normal, 'RandomUniformLike' : random_uniform, 'RandomNormalLike' : random_normal, # Arithmetic Operators 'Add' : add, 'Sub' : subtract, 'Mul' : multiply, 'Div' : divide, 'Abs' : absolute, 'Neg' : negative, 'Sum' : add_n, #elemwise sum #Hyperbolic functions 'Tanh' : tanh, # Rounding 'Ceil' : ceil, 'Floor' : floor, # Joining and spliting 'Concat' : concat, # Basic neural network functions 'Sigmoid' : sigmoid, 'Relu' : relu, 'Pad' : pad, 'MatMul' : matrix_multiplication, #linalg_gemm2 'Conv' : conv, 'ConvTranspose' : deconv, 'BatchNormalization': batch_norm, 'SpatialBN' : batch_norm, 'LeakyRelu' : leaky_relu, 'Elu' : _elu, 'PRelu' : _prelu, 'Softmax' : softmax, 'FC' : fully_connected, 'GlobalAveragePool' : global_avgpooling, 'GlobalMaxPool' : global_maxpooling, 'GlobalLpPool' : global_lppooling, 'Gemm' : linalg_gemm, 'LRN' : local_response_norm, 'Dropout' : dropout, # Changing shape and type. 'Reshape' : reshape, 'Cast' : cast, 'Split' : split, 'Slice' : _slice, 'Transpose' : transpose, 'Squeeze' : squeeze, 'Unsqueeze' : unsqueeze, 'Flatten' : flatten, 'Identity' : identity, #Powers 'Reciprocal' : reciprocal, 'Sqrt' : squareroot, 'Pow' : power, 'Exp' : exponent, 'Log' : _log, # Reduce Functions 'ReduceMax' : reduce_max, 'ReduceMean' : reduce_mean, 'ReduceMin' : reduce_min, 'ReduceSum' : reduce_sum, 'ReduceProd' : reduce_prod, 'AveragePool' : avg_pooling, 'MaxPool' : max_pooling, # Sorting and Searching 'ArgMax' : argmax, 'ArgMin' : argmin, 'Max' : maximum, 'Min' : minimum, 'Clip' : clip, 'ReduceLogSum' : reduce_log_sum, 'ReduceLogSumExp' : reduce_log_sum_exp, 'ReduceSumSquare' : reduce_sum_square, 'ReduceL1' : reduce_l1, 'ReduceL2' : reduce_l2, 'MaxRoiPool' : max_roi_pooling, 'InstanceNormalization' : instance_norm, 'LogSoftmax' : log_softmax, 'Softsign' : softsign, 'Less' : lesser, 'Greater' : greater, 'Equal' : equal, 'And' : logical_and, 'Xor' : logical_xor, 'Not' : logical_not, 'Or' : logical_or, 'Mean' : mean, 'Acos' : arccos, 'Asin' : arcsin, 'Atan' : arctan, 'Cos' : _cos, 'Sin' : _sin, 'Softplus' : softplus, 'Tan' : _tan, 'Shape' : shape, 'Gather' : gather, 'HardSigmoid' : hardsigmoid, 'LpPool' : lp_pooling, 'DepthToSpace' : depthtospace, 'SpaceToDepth' : spacetodepth }