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"""Quantization module for generating quantized (INT8) models from FP32 models.""" from __future__ import absolute_import try: from scipy import stats except ImportError: stats = None import ctypes import logging import os import numpy as np from ..base import _LIB, check_call, py_str from ..base import c_array, c_str, mx_uint, c_str_array from ..base import NDArrayHandle, SymbolHandle from ..symbol import Symbol from ..symbol import load as sym_load from .. import ndarray from ..ndarray import load as nd_load from ..ndarray import NDArray from ..io import DataIter from ..context import cpu, Context from ..module import Module def _quantize_params(qsym, params, th_dict): """Given a quantized symbol and a dict of params that have not been quantized, generate quantized params. Currently only supports quantizing the arg_params with names of `weight` or `bias`, not aux_params. If `qsym` contains symbols that are excluded from being quantized, their corresponding params will not be quantized, but saved together with quantized params of the symbols that have been quantized. Parameters ---------- qsym : Symbol Quantized symbol from FP32 symbol. params : dict of str->NDArray th_dict: dict of min/max pairs of layers' output """ inputs_name = qsym.list_arguments() quantized_params = {} for name in inputs_name: if name.endswith(('weight_quantize', 'bias_quantize')): original_name = name[:-len('_quantize')] param = params[original_name] val, vmin, vmax = ndarray.contrib.quantize(data=param, min_range=ndarray.min(param), max_range=ndarray.max(param), out_type='int8') quantized_params[name] = val quantized_params[name+'_min'] = vmin quantized_params[name+'_max'] = vmax elif name in params: quantized_params[name] = params[name] elif name.endswith(('_min')): output = name[: - len('_min')] + "_output" if output in th_dict: quantized_params[name] = ndarray.array([th_dict[output][0]]) elif name.endswith(('_max')): output = name[: - len('_min')] + "_output" if output in th_dict: quantized_params[name] = ndarray.array([th_dict[output][1]]) return quantized_params def _quantize_symbol(sym, excluded_symbols=None, offline_params=None, quantized_dtype='int8', calib_quantize_op=False): """Given a symbol object representing a neural network of data type FP32, quantize it into a INT8 network. Parameters ---------- sym : Symbol FP32 neural network symbol. excluded_sym_names : list of strings A list of strings representing the names of the symbols that users want to excluding from being quantized. offline_params : list of strs Names of the parameters that users want to quantize offline. It's always recommended to quantize parameters offline so that quantizing parameters during the inference can be avoided. quantized_dtype: str The quantized destination type for input data. calib_quantize_op : bool Whether perform offline calibration for quantize op. """ num_excluded_symbols = 0 if excluded_symbols is not None: assert isinstance(excluded_symbols, list) num_excluded_symbols = len(excluded_symbols) else: excluded_symbols = [] num_offline = 0 offline = [] if offline_params is not None: num_offline = len(offline_params) for k in offline_params: offline.append(c_str(k)) out = SymbolHandle() check_call(_LIB.MXQuantizeSymbol(sym.handle, ctypes.byref(out), mx_uint(num_excluded_symbols), c_str_array(excluded_symbols), mx_uint(num_offline), c_array(ctypes.c_char_p, offline), c_str(quantized_dtype), ctypes.c_bool(calib_quantize_op))) return Symbol(out) class _LayerOutputCollector(object): """Saves layer output NDArray in a dict with layer names as keys and lists of NDArrays as values. The collected NDArrays will be used for calculating the optimal thresholds for quantization using KL divergence. """ def __init__(self, include_layer=None, logger=None): self.nd_dict = {} self.include_layer = include_layer self.logger = logger def collect(self, name, arr): """Callback function for collecting layer output NDArrays.""" name = py_str(name) if self.include_layer is not None and not self.include_layer(name): return handle = ctypes.cast(arr, NDArrayHandle) arr = NDArray(handle, writable=False).copyto(cpu()) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.info("Collecting layer %s output of shape %s" % (name, arr.shape)) if name in self.nd_dict: self.nd_dict[name].append(arr) else: self.nd_dict[name] = [arr] class _LayerOutputMinMaxCollector(object): """Saves layer output min and max values in a dict with layer names as keys. The collected min and max values will be directly used as thresholds for quantization. """ def __init__(self, include_layer=None, logger=None): self.min_max_dict = {} self.include_layer = include_layer self.logger = logger def collect(self, name, arr): """Callback function for collecting min and max values from an NDArray.""" name = py_str(name) if self.include_layer is not None and not self.include_layer(name): return handle = ctypes.cast(arr, NDArrayHandle) arr = NDArray(handle, writable=False) min_range = ndarray.min(arr).asscalar() max_range = ndarray.max(arr).asscalar() if name in self.min_max_dict: cur_min_max = self.min_max_dict[name] self.min_max_dict[name] = (min(cur_min_max[0], min_range), max(cur_min_max[1], max_range)) else: self.min_max_dict[name] = (min_range, max_range) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.info("Collecting layer %s output min_range=%f, max_range=%f" % (name, min_range, max_range)) def _calibrate_quantized_sym(qsym, th_dict): """Given a dictionary containing the thresholds for quantizing the layers, set the thresholds into the quantized symbol as the params of requantize operators. """ if th_dict is None or len(th_dict) == 0: return qsym num_layer_outputs = len(th_dict) layer_output_names = [] min_vals = [] max_vals = [] for k, v in th_dict.items(): layer_output_names.append(k) min_vals.append(v[0]) max_vals.append(v[1]) calibrated_sym = SymbolHandle() check_call(_LIB.MXSetCalibTableToQuantizedSymbol(qsym.handle, mx_uint(num_layer_outputs), c_str_array(layer_output_names), c_array(ctypes.c_float, min_vals), c_array(ctypes.c_float, max_vals), ctypes.byref(calibrated_sym))) return Symbol(calibrated_sym) def _collect_layer_statistics(mod, data, collector, max_num_examples=None, logger=None): if not isinstance(data, DataIter): raise ValueError('Only supports data as a type of DataIter, while received type %s' % str(type(data))) mod._exec_group.execs[0].set_monitor_callback(collector.collect) num_batches = 0 num_examples = 0 for batch in data: mod.forward(data_batch=batch, is_train=False) num_batches += 1 num_examples += data.batch_size if max_num_examples is not None and num_examples >= max_num_examples: break if logger is not None: logger.info("Collected statistics from %d batches with batch_size=%d" % (num_batches, data.batch_size)) return num_examples def _collect_layer_output_min_max(mod, data, include_layer=None, max_num_examples=None, logger=None): """Collect min and max values from layer outputs and save them in a dictionary mapped by layer names. """ collector = _LayerOutputMinMaxCollector(include_layer=include_layer, logger=logger) num_examples = _collect_layer_statistics(mod, data, collector, max_num_examples, logger) return collector.min_max_dict, num_examples def _collect_layer_outputs(mod, data, include_layer=None, max_num_examples=None, logger=None): """Collect layer outputs and save them in a dictionary mapped by layer names.""" collector = _LayerOutputCollector(include_layer=include_layer, logger=logger) num_examples = _collect_layer_statistics(mod, data, collector, max_num_examples, logger) return collector.nd_dict, num_examples def _smooth_distribution(p, eps=0.0001): """Given a discrete distribution (may have not been normalized to 1), smooth it by replacing zeros with eps multiplied by a scaling factor and taking the corresponding amount off the non-zero values. Ref: http://web.engr.illinois.edu/~hanj/cs412/bk3/KL-divergence.pdf """ is_zeros = (p == 0).astype(np.float32) is_nonzeros = (p != 0).astype(np.float32) n_zeros = is_zeros.sum() n_nonzeros = p.size - n_zeros if not n_nonzeros: raise ValueError('The discrete probability distribution is malformed. All entries are 0.') eps1 = eps * float(n_zeros) / float(n_nonzeros) assert eps1 < 1.0, 'n_zeros=%d, n_nonzeros=%d, eps1=%f' % (n_zeros, n_nonzeros, eps1) hist = p.astype(np.float32) hist += eps * is_zeros + (-eps1) * is_nonzeros assert (hist <= 0).sum() == 0 return hist # pylint: disable=line-too-long def _get_optimal_threshold(arr, num_bins=8001, num_quantized_bins=255): """Given a dataset, find the optimal threshold for quantizing it. Ref: http://on-demand.gputechconf.com/gtc/2017/presentation/s7310-8-bit-inference-with-tensorrt.pdf """ if isinstance(arr, NDArray): arr = arr.asnumpy() elif isinstance(arr, list): assert len(arr) != 0 for i, nd in enumerate(arr): if isinstance(nd, NDArray): arr[i] = nd.asnumpy() elif not isinstance(nd, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('get_optimal_threshold only supports input type of NDArray,' ' list of np.ndarrays or NDArrays, and np.ndarray,' ' while received type=%s' % (str(type(nd)))) arr = np.concatenate(arr) elif not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('get_optimal_threshold only supports input type of NDArray,' ' list of NDArrays and np.ndarray,' ' while received type=%s' % (str(type(arr)))) min_val = np.min(arr) max_val = np.max(arr) th = max(abs(min_val), abs(max_val)) hist, hist_edges = np.histogram(arr, bins=num_bins, range=(-th, th)) zero_bin_idx = num_bins // 2 num_half_quantized_bins = num_quantized_bins // 2 assert np.allclose(hist_edges[zero_bin_idx] + hist_edges[zero_bin_idx + 1], 0, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-7) thresholds = np.zeros(num_bins // 2 + 1 - num_quantized_bins // 2) divergence = np.zeros_like(thresholds) quantized_bins = np.zeros(num_quantized_bins, dtype=np.int32) # i means the number of bins on half axis excluding the zero bin. for i in range(num_quantized_bins // 2, num_bins // 2 + 1): p_bin_idx_start = zero_bin_idx - i p_bin_idx_stop = zero_bin_idx + i + 1 thresholds[i - num_half_quantized_bins] = hist_edges[p_bin_idx_stop] sliced_nd_hist = hist[p_bin_idx_start:p_bin_idx_stop] # generate reference distribution p p = sliced_nd_hist.copy() assert p.size % 2 == 1 assert p.size >= num_quantized_bins # put left outlier count in p[0] left_outlier_count = np.sum(hist[0:p_bin_idx_start]) p[0] += left_outlier_count # put right outlier count in p[-1] right_outlier_count = np.sum(hist[p_bin_idx_stop:]) p[-1] += right_outlier_count # is_nonzeros[k] indicates whether hist[k] is nonzero is_nonzeros = (sliced_nd_hist != 0).astype(np.int32) # calculate how many bins should be merged to generate quantized distribution q num_merged_bins = p.size // num_quantized_bins # merge hist into num_quantized_bins bins for j in range(num_quantized_bins): start = j * num_merged_bins stop = start + num_merged_bins quantized_bins[j] = sliced_nd_hist[start:stop].sum() quantized_bins[-1] += sliced_nd_hist[num_quantized_bins * num_merged_bins:].sum() # expand quantized_bins into p.size bins q = np.zeros(p.size, dtype=np.float32) for j in range(num_quantized_bins): start = j * num_merged_bins if j == num_quantized_bins - 1: stop = -1 else: stop = start + num_merged_bins norm = is_nonzeros[start:stop].sum() if norm != 0: q[start:stop] = float(quantized_bins[j]) / float(norm) q[sliced_nd_hist == 0] = 0 p = _smooth_distribution(p) # There is a chance that q is an invalid probability distribution. try: q = _smooth_distribution(q) except ValueError: divergence[i - num_half_quantized_bins] = float("inf") divergence[i - num_half_quantized_bins] = stats.entropy(p, q) quantized_bins[:] = 0 min_divergence_idx = np.argmin(divergence) min_divergence = divergence[min_divergence_idx] opt_th = thresholds[min_divergence_idx] return min_val, max_val, min_divergence, opt_th # pylint: enable=line-too-long def _get_optimal_thresholds(nd_dict, num_bins=8001, num_quantized_bins=255, logger=None): """Given a ndarray dict, find the optimal threshold for quantizing each value of the key.""" if stats is None: raise ImportError('scipy.stats is required for running entropy mode of calculating' ' the optimal thresholds for quantizing FP32 ndarrays into int8.' ' Please check if the scipy python bindings are installed.') assert isinstance(nd_dict, dict) if logger is not None: logger.info('Calculating optimal thresholds for quantization using KL divergence' ' with num_bins=%d and num_quantized_bins=%d' % (num_bins, num_quantized_bins)) th_dict = {} # copy nd_dict keys since the keys() only returns a view in python3 layer_names = list(nd_dict.keys()) for name in layer_names: assert name in nd_dict min_val, max_val, min_divergence, opt_th = \ _get_optimal_threshold(nd_dict[name], num_bins=num_bins, num_quantized_bins=num_quantized_bins) del nd_dict[name] # release the memory of ndarray if min_val < 0: th_dict[name] = (-opt_th, opt_th) else: th_dict[name] = (0, opt_th) if logger is not None: logger.info('layer=%s, min_val=%f, max_val=%f, min_divergence=%f, optimal_threshold=%f' % (name, min_val, max_val, min_divergence, opt_th)) return th_dict def _load_sym(sym, logger=logging): """Given a str as a path the symbol .json file or a symbol, returns a Symbol object.""" if isinstance(sym, str): # sym is a symbol file path cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) symbol_file_path = os.path.join(cur_path, sym) logger.info('Loading symbol from file %s' % symbol_file_path) return sym_load(symbol_file_path) elif isinstance(sym, Symbol): return sym else: raise ValueError('_load_sym only accepts Symbol or path to the symbol file,' ' while received type %s' % str(type(sym))) def _load_params(params, logger=logging): """Given a str as a path to the .params file or a pair of params, returns two dictionaries representing arg_params and aux_params. """ if isinstance(params, str): cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) param_file_path = os.path.join(cur_path, params) logger.info('Loading params from file %s' % param_file_path) save_dict = nd_load(param_file_path) arg_params = {} aux_params = {} for k, v in save_dict.items(): tp, name = k.split(':', 1) if tp == 'arg': arg_params[name] = v if tp == 'aux': aux_params[name] = v return arg_params, aux_params elif isinstance(params, (tuple, list)) and len(params) == 2: return params[0], params[1] else: raise ValueError('Unsupported params provided. Must be either a path to the param file or' ' a pair of dictionaries representing arg_params and aux_params') def quantize_model(sym, arg_params, aux_params, data_names=('data',), label_names=('softmax_label',), ctx=cpu(), excluded_sym_names=None, calib_mode='entropy', calib_data=None, num_calib_examples=None, calib_layer=None, quantized_dtype='int8', calib_quantize_op=False, logger=logging): """User-level API for generating a quantized model from a FP32 model w/ or w/o calibration. The backend quantized operators are only enabled for Linux systems. Please do not run inference using the quantized models on Windows for now. The quantization implementation adopts the TensorFlow's approach: https://www.tensorflow.org/performance/quantization. The calibration implementation borrows the idea of Nvidia's 8-bit Inference with TensorRT: http://on-demand.gputechconf.com/gtc/2017/presentation/s7310-8-bit-inference-with-tensorrt.pdf and adapts the method to MXNet. Parameters ---------- sym : str or Symbol Defines the structure of a neural network for FP32 data types. arg_params : dict Dictionary of name to `NDArray`. aux_params : dict Dictionary of name to `NDArray`. data_names : a list of strs Data names required for creating a Module object to run forward propagation on the calibration dataset. label_names : a list of strs Label names required for creating a Module object to run forward propagation on the calibration dataset. ctx : Context Defines the device that users want to run forward propagation on the calibration dataset for collecting layer output statistics. Currently, only supports single context. excluded_sym_names : list of strings A list of strings representing the names of the symbols that users want to excluding from being quantized. calib_mode : str If calib_mode='none', no calibration will be used and the thresholds for requantization after the corresponding layers will be calculated at runtime by calling min and max operators. The quantized models generated in this mode are normally 10-20% slower than those with calibrations during inference. If calib_mode='naive', the min and max values of the layer outputs from a calibration dataset will be directly taken as the thresholds for quantization. If calib_mode='entropy' (default mode), the thresholds for quantization will be derived such that the KL divergence between the distributions of FP32 layer outputs and quantized layer outputs is minimized based upon the calibration dataset. calib_data : DataIter A data iterator initialized by the calibration dataset. num_calib_examples : int or None The maximum number of examples that user would like to use for calibration. If not provided, the whole calibration dataset will be used. calib_layer : function Given a layer's output name in string, return True or False for deciding whether to calibrate this layer. If yes, the statistics of the layer's output will be collected; otherwise, no information of the layer's output will be collected. If not provided, all the layers' outputs that need requantization will be collected. quantized_dtype : str The quantized destination type for input data. Currently support 'int8' and 'uint8', default value is 'int8'. calib_quantize_op: bool Whether calibrate quantize op with its input calibration data. The quantize op's input should be in calib_layer logger : Object A logging object for printing information during the process of quantization. Returns ------- tuple A tuple of quantized symbol, quantized arg_params, and aux_params. ------- """ if excluded_sym_names is None: excluded_sym_names = [] if not isinstance(excluded_sym_names, list): raise ValueError('excluded_sym_names must be a list of strings representing' ' the names of the symbols that will not be quantized,' ' while received type %s' % str(type(excluded_sym_names))) logger.info('Quantizing symbol') if quantized_dtype not in ('int8', 'uint8'): raise ValueError('unknown quantized_dtype %s received,' ' expected `int8` or `uint8`' % quantized_dtype) qsym = _quantize_symbol(sym, excluded_symbols=excluded_sym_names, offline_params=list(arg_params.keys()), quantized_dtype=quantized_dtype, calib_quantize_op=calib_quantize_op) th_dict = {} if calib_mode is not None and calib_mode != 'none': if not isinstance(ctx, Context): raise ValueError('currently only supports single ctx, while received %s' % str(ctx)) if calib_data is None: raise ValueError('calib_data must be provided when calib_mode=%s' % calib_mode) if not isinstance(calib_data, DataIter): raise ValueError('calib_data must be of DataIter type when calib_mode=%s,' ' while received type %s' % (calib_mode, str(type(calib_data)))) if calib_layer is None: calib_layer = lambda name: name.endswith('_output') mod = Module(symbol=sym, data_names=data_names, label_names=label_names, context=ctx) if len(calib_data.provide_label) > 0: mod.bind(for_training=False, data_shapes=calib_data.provide_data, label_shapes=calib_data.provide_label) else: mod.bind(for_training=False, data_shapes=calib_data.provide_data) mod.set_params(arg_params, aux_params) if calib_mode == 'entropy': nd_dict, num_examples = _collect_layer_outputs(mod, calib_data, include_layer=calib_layer, max_num_examples=num_calib_examples, logger=logger) logger.info('Collected layer outputs from FP32 model using %d examples' % num_examples) logger.info('Calculating optimal thresholds for quantization') th_dict = _get_optimal_thresholds(nd_dict, logger=logger) elif calib_mode == 'naive': th_dict, num_examples = _collect_layer_output_min_max( mod, calib_data, include_layer=calib_layer, max_num_examples=num_calib_examples, logger=logger) logger.info('Collected layer output min/max values from FP32 model using %d examples' % num_examples) else: raise ValueError('unknown calibration mode %s received,' ' expected `none`, `naive`, or `entropy`' % calib_mode) logger.info('Calibrating quantized symbol') qsym = _calibrate_quantized_sym(qsym, th_dict) logger.info('Quantizing parameters') qarg_params = _quantize_params(qsym, arg_params, th_dict) return qsym, qarg_params, aux_params