# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # coding: utf-8 # pylint: disable=invalid-name, protected-access, too-many-arguments, no-self-use, too-many-locals, broad-except, too-many-lines """numpy interface for operators.""" from __future__ import absolute_import import traceback import warnings from array import array from threading import Lock from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, POINTER, Structure, pointer from ctypes import c_void_p, c_int, c_char, c_char_p, cast, c_bool from .base import _LIB, check_call, MXCallbackList, c_array, c_array_buf from .base import c_str, mx_uint, mx_float, ctypes2numpy_shared, NDArrayHandle, py_str from . import symbol, context from .ndarray import NDArray, _DTYPE_NP_TO_MX, _DTYPE_MX_TO_NP from .ndarray.ndarray import _STORAGE_TYPE_STR_TO_ID, _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR from .ndarray.ndarray import _STORAGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED, _STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT from .ndarray.ndarray import _STORAGE_TYPE_CSR, _STORAGE_TYPE_ROW_SPARSE from .ndarray import _ndarray_cls c_int_p = POINTER(c_int) class PythonOp(object): """Base class for operators implemented in Python. Parameters ---------- need_top_grad : bool the default need_top_grad() function returns this value. """ _ref_holder = [] def __init__(self, need_top_grad=True): self.info_ = None self.need_top_grad_ = need_top_grad warnings.warn('PythonOp has been deprecated. Please use CustomOp') def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_symbol(*args, **kwargs) def get_symbol(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a symbol from numpy operator. This should only be called once per instance if the operator contains internal states. Parameters ---------- args : list a list of input arguments (symbols). Returns ------- sym : mxnet.symbol.Symbol """ raise NotImplementedError("Must override this") def forward(self, in_data, out_data): """Forward interface. Override to create new operators. Parameters ---------- in_data, out_data: list input and output for forward. See document for corresponding arguments of Operator::Forward """ out_data[0][:] = in_data[0] def backward(self, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad): """Backward interface. Can override when creating new operators. Parameters ---------- out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad : list input and output for backward. See document for corresponding arguments of Operator::Backward """ # pylint: disable=W0613 in_grad[0][:] = 1.0 def infer_shape(self, in_shape): """Interface for ``infer_shape``. Can override when creating new operators. Parameters ---------- in_shape : list List of argument shapes in the same order as declared in list_arguments. Returns ------- in_shape : list List of argument shapes. Can be modified from in_shape. out_shape : list List of output shapes calculated from in_shape, in the same order as declared in list_arguments. """ return in_shape, [in_shape[0]] def list_outputs(self): """Interface for ``list_outputs``. Can override when creating new operators. Returns ------- outputs : list List of output blob names. """ return ['output'] def list_arguments(self): """Interface for ``list_arguments``. Can override when creating new operators. Returns ------- in_shape : list list of argument shapes in the same order as declared in list_arguments. """ return ['data'] def need_top_grad(self): """Whether this operator needs out_grad for backward. Returns ------- need_top_grad : bool Whether this operator needs out_grad for backward. Should be set to False for loss layers. """ return self.need_top_grad_ class NumpyOp(PythonOp): """Base class for numpy operators. numpy operators allow parts of computation in symbolic graph to be writen in numpy. This feature is intended for quickly hacking out a solution for non performance critical parts. Please consider write a c++ implementation if it becomes a bottleneck. Note that if your operator contains internal states (like arrays), it cannot be used for multi-gpu training. """ def __init__(self, need_top_grad=True): super(NumpyOp, self).__init__(need_top_grad) warnings.warn('NumpyOp has been deprecated. Please use CustomOp') def get_symbol(self, *args, **kwargs): fb_functype = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, POINTER(POINTER(mx_float)), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(POINTER(mx_uint)), POINTER(c_int), c_void_p) infer_functype = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(POINTER(mx_uint)), c_void_p) list_functype = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(POINTER(POINTER(c_char))), c_void_p) class NumpyOpInfo(Structure): """Structure that holds Callback information. Passed to NumpyOpProp""" _fields_ = [ ('forward', fb_functype), ('backward', fb_functype), ('infer_shape', infer_functype), ('list_outputs', list_functype), ('list_arguments', list_functype), ('p_forward', c_void_p), ('p_backward', c_void_p), ('p_infer_shape', c_void_p), ('p_list_outputs', c_void_p), ('p_list_arguments', c_void_p), ] def forward_entry(num_tensor, tensor_ptrs, tensor_dims, tensor_shapes, tensor_tags, _): """C Callback for NumpyOp::Forward""" tensors = [[] for i in range(4)] for i in range(num_tensor): shape = [tensor_shapes[i][j] for j in range(tensor_dims[i])] buff = ctypes2numpy_shared(tensor_ptrs[i], shape) tensors[tensor_tags[i]].append(buff) self.forward(in_data=tensors[0], out_data=tensors[1]) def backward_entry(num_tensor, tensor_ptrs, tensor_dims, tensor_shapes, tensor_tags, _): """C Callback for NumpyOp::Backward""" tensors = [[] for i in range(4)] for i in range(num_tensor): shape = [tensor_shapes[i][j] for j in range(tensor_dims[i])] buff = ctypes2numpy_shared(tensor_ptrs[i], shape) tensors[tensor_tags[i]].append(buff) self.backward(in_data=tensors[0], out_data=tensors[1], in_grad=tensors[2], out_grad=tensors[3]) def infer_shape_entry(num_tensor, tensor_dims, tensor_shapes, _): """C Callback for NumpyOpProp::InferShape""" n_in = len(self.list_arguments()) n_out = len(self.list_outputs()) assert num_tensor == n_in + n_out shapes = [[tensor_shapes[i][j] for j in range(tensor_dims[i])] for i in range(n_in)] ishape, oshape = self.infer_shape(shapes) assert len(oshape) == n_out assert len(ishape) == n_in rshape = list(ishape) + list(oshape) for i in range(n_in+n_out): tensor_shapes[i] = cast(c_array_buf(mx_uint, array('I', rshape[i])), POINTER(mx_uint)) tensor_dims[i] = len(rshape[i]) def list_outputs_entry(out, _): """C Callback for NumpyOpProp::ListOutputs""" ret = self.list_outputs() ret = [c_str(i) for i in ret] + [c_char_p(0)] ret = c_array(c_char_p, ret) out[0] = cast(ret, POINTER(POINTER(c_char))) def list_arguments_entry(out, _): """C Callback for NumpyOpProp::ListArguments""" ret = self.list_arguments() ret = [c_str(i) for i in ret] + [c_char_p(0)] ret = c_array(c_char_p, ret) out[0] = cast(ret, POINTER(POINTER(c_char))) self.info_ = NumpyOpInfo(fb_functype(forward_entry), fb_functype(backward_entry), infer_functype(infer_shape_entry), list_functype(list_outputs_entry), list_functype(list_arguments_entry), None, None, None, None, None) cb_ptr = format(cast(pointer(self.info_), c_void_p).value, 'x') # pylint: disable=E1101 sym = symbol._internal._Native(*args, info=cb_ptr, need_top_grad=self.need_top_grad(), **kwargs) # keep a reference of ourself in PythonOp so we don't get garbage collected. PythonOp._ref_holder.append(self) return sym class NDArrayOp(PythonOp): """Base class for numpy operators. numpy operators allow parts of computation in symbolic graph to be writen in numpy. This feature is intended for quickly hacking out a solution for non performance critical parts. Please consider write a c++ implementation if it becomes a bottleneck. Note that if your operator contains internal states (like arrays), it cannot be used for multi-gpu training. """ def __init__(self, need_top_grad=True): super(NDArrayOp, self).__init__(need_top_grad) warnings.warn('NDArrayOp has been deprecated. Please use CustomOp') def get_symbol(self, *args, **kwargs): fb_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_bool, c_int, POINTER(c_void_p), POINTER(c_int), c_void_p) infer_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_bool, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(POINTER(mx_uint)), c_void_p) list_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_bool, POINTER(POINTER(POINTER(c_char))), c_void_p) deps_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_bool, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int_p, POINTER(c_int_p), c_void_p) class NDArrayOpInfo(Structure): """Structure that holds Callback information. Passed to NDArrayOpProp""" _fields_ = [ ('forward', fb_functype), ('backward', fb_functype), ('infer_shape', infer_functype), ('list_outputs', list_functype), ('list_arguments', list_functype), ('declare_backward_dependency', deps_functype), ('p_forward', c_void_p), ('p_backward', c_void_p), ('p_infer_shape', c_void_p), ('p_list_outputs', c_void_p), ('p_list_arguments', c_void_p), ('p_declare_backward_dependency', c_void_p) ] def forward_entry(num_ndarray, ndarraies, tags, _): """C Callback for NDArrayOp::Forward""" try: tensors = [[] for i in range(4)] for i in range(num_ndarray): if tags[i] == 1: tensors[tags[i]].append(NDArray(cast(ndarraies[i], NDArrayHandle), writable=True)) else: tensors[tags[i]].append(NDArray(cast(ndarraies[i], NDArrayHandle), writable=False)) self.forward(in_data=tensors[0], out_data=tensors[1]) except Exception: print('Error in NDArrayOp.forward: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True def backward_entry(num_ndarray, ndarraies, tags, _): """C Callback for NDArrayOp::Backward""" try: tensors = [[] for i in range(4)] for i in range(num_ndarray): if tags[i] == 2: tensors[tags[i]].append(NDArray(cast(ndarraies[i], NDArrayHandle), writable=True)) else: tensors[tags[i]].append(NDArray(cast(ndarraies[i], NDArrayHandle), writable=False)) self.backward(in_data=tensors[0], out_data=tensors[1], in_grad=tensors[2], out_grad=tensors[3]) except Exception: print('Error in NDArrayOp.backward: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True def infer_shape_entry(num_tensor, tensor_dims, tensor_shapes, _): """C Callback for NDArrayOpProp::InferShape""" try: n_in = len(self.list_arguments()) n_out = len(self.list_outputs()) assert num_tensor == n_in + n_out shapes = [[tensor_shapes[i][j] for j in range(tensor_dims[i])] for i in range(n_in)] ishape, oshape = self.infer_shape(shapes) assert len(oshape) == n_out assert len(ishape) == n_in rshape = list(ishape) + list(oshape) for i in range(n_in+n_out): tensor_shapes[i] = cast(c_array_buf(mx_uint, array('I', rshape[i])), POINTER(mx_uint)) tensor_dims[i] = len(rshape[i]) except Exception: print('Error in NDArrayOp.infer_shape: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True def list_outputs_entry(out, _): """C Callback for NDArrayOpProp::ListOutputs""" try: ret = self.list_outputs() ret = [c_str(i) for i in ret] + [c_char_p(0)] ret = c_array(c_char_p, ret) out[0] = cast(ret, POINTER(POINTER(c_char))) except Exception: print('Error in NDArrayOp.list_outputs: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True def list_arguments_entry(out, _): """C Callback for NDArrayOpProp::ListArguments""" try: ret = self.list_arguments() ret = [c_str(i) for i in ret] + [c_char_p(0)] ret = c_array(c_char_p, ret) out[0] = cast(ret, POINTER(POINTER(c_char))) except Exception: print('Error in NDArrayOp.list_arguments: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True def declare_backward_dependency(out_grad, in_data, out_data, num_dep, deps, _): """C Callback for NDArrayOpProp::DeclareBacwardDependency""" try: out_grad = [out_grad[i] for i in range(len(self.list_outputs()))] in_data = [in_data[i] for i in range(len(self.list_arguments()))] out_data = [out_data[i] for i in range(len(self.list_outputs()))] rdeps = self.declare_backward_dependency(out_grad, in_data, out_data) num_dep[0] = len(rdeps) rdeps = cast(c_array_buf(c_int, array('i', rdeps)), c_int_p) deps[0] = rdeps except Exception: print('Error in NDArrayOp.declare_backward_dependency: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True self.info_ = NDArrayOpInfo(fb_functype(forward_entry), fb_functype(backward_entry), infer_functype(infer_shape_entry), list_functype(list_outputs_entry), list_functype(list_arguments_entry), deps_functype(declare_backward_dependency), None, None, None, None, None, None) cb_ptr = format(cast(pointer(self.info_), c_void_p).value, 'x') # pylint: disable=E1101 sym = symbol._internal._NDArray(*args, info=cb_ptr, **kwargs) # keep a reference of ourself in PythonOp so we don't get garbage collected. PythonOp._ref_holder.append(self) return sym def declare_backward_dependency(self, out_grad, in_data, out_data): """Declare dependencies of this operator for backward pass. Parameters ---------- out_grad : list of int ids of out_grad blobs. in_data : list of int ids of in_data blobs. out_data: list of int ids of out_data blobs. Returns ------- deps : list of int ids of the needed blobs. """ deps = [] if self.need_top_grad(): deps.extend(out_grad) deps.extend(in_data) deps.extend(out_data) return deps class CustomOp(object): """Base class for operators implemented in python""" def __init__(self): pass def forward(self, is_train, req, in_data, out_data, aux): """Forward interface. Can override when creating new operators. Parameters ---------- is_train : bool whether this is for training req : list of str how to assign to out_data. can be 'null', 'write', or 'add'. You can optionally use self.assign(dst, req, src) to handle this. in_data, out_data, aux: list of NDArrays input, output, and auxiliary states for forward. See document for corresponding arguments of Operator::Forward """ # pylint: disable=W0613 pass def backward(self, req, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux): """Backward interface. Can override when creating new operators. Parameters ---------- req : list of str how to assign to in_grad. can be 'null', 'write', or 'add'. You can optionally use self.assign(dst, req, src) to handle this. out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux : list of NDArrays input and output for backward. See document for corresponding arguments of Operator::Backward """ # pylint: disable=W0613 pass def assign(self, dst, req, src): """Helper function for assigning into dst depending on requirements.""" if req == 'null': return elif req in ('write', 'inplace'): dst[:] = src elif req == 'add': dst[:] += src class CustomOpProp(object): """Base class for operator property class implemented in python. Parameters ---------- need_top_grad : bool The default declare_backward_dependency function. Use this value to determine whether this operator needs gradient input. """ def __init__(self, need_top_grad=True): self.need_top_grad_ = need_top_grad def infer_shape(self, in_shape): """infer_shape interface. Can override when creating new operators. Parameters ---------- in_shape : list List of argument shapes in the same order as declared in list_arguments. Returns ------- in_shape : list List of argument shapes. Can be modified from in_shape. out_shape : list List of output shapes calculated from in_shape, in the same order as declared in list_outputs. aux_shape : Optional, list List of aux shapes calculated from in_shape, in the same order as declared in list_auxiliary_states. """ return in_shape, (in_shape[0],)*len(self.list_outputs()), () def infer_type(self, in_type): """infer_type interface. override to create new operators Parameters ---------- in_type : list of np.dtype list of argument types in the same order as declared in list_arguments. Returns ------- in_type : list list of argument types. Can be modified from in_type. out_type : list list of output types calculated from in_type, in the same order as declared in list_outputs. aux_type : Optional, list list of aux types calculated from in_type, in the same order as declared in list_auxiliary_states. """ return in_type, [in_type[0]]*len(self.list_outputs()), \ [in_type[0]]*len(self.list_auxiliary_states()) def infer_storage_type(self, in_stype): """infer_storage_type interface. Used to infer storage type of inputs and outputs in the forward pass. When this interface is not implemented, all stypes will be inferred as default. Parameters ---------- in_stype : list of stypes, valid stypes are default, row_sparse and csr Returns ------- in_stype : list list of argument stypes. out_stype : list list of output types calculated from in_stype, in the same order as declared in list_outputs. aux_type : Optional, list list of aux types calculated from in_stype, in the same order as declared in list_auxiliary_states. """ for i, stype in enumerate(in_stype): assert stype == _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT], \ "Default infer_storage_type implementation doesnt allow non default stypes: " \ "found non default stype '%s' for in_stype[%d]. Please implement " \ "infer_storage_type and infer_storage_type_backward interface " \ "in your custom operator if you have non-default input/output stypes" % (stype, i) return in_stype, \ [_STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT]]*len(self.list_outputs()), \ [_STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT]]*len(self.list_auxiliary_states()) def infer_storage_type_backward(self, ograd_stype, in_stype, out_stype, igrad_stype, aux_stype): """infer_storage_type_backward interface. Used to infer storage type of inputs and outputs in the backward pass. Will raise an error if undefined storage type is returned. Returned lists have to be the same size as the input lists to infer_storage_type_backward, otherwise an exception will be thrown. When this interface is not implemented, all stypes will be inferred as default. Parameters ---------- ograd_stype : list list of output gradient storage types in_stype : list list of input storage types out_stype : list list of output storage types igrad_stype : list list of input gradient storage types aux_stype : list list of auxiliary storage types Returns ------- ograd_stype : list list of inferred output gradient storage types in_stype : list list of inferred input storage types out_stype : list list of inferred output storage types igrad_stype : list list of inferred input gradient storage types aux_stype : list list of inferred storage types for auxiliary states """ for i, stype in enumerate(ograd_stype): assert stype == _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT], \ "Default infer_storage_type_backward implementation doesnt allow non default stypes: " \ "found non default stype '%s' for ograd_stype[%d]. Please implement " \ "infer_storage_type and infer_storage_type_backward interface " \ "in your custom operator if you have non-default output gradient stypes" % (stype, i) for i, stype in enumerate(igrad_stype): if stype == _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED]: stype = _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT] assert stype == _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT], \ "Default infer_storage_type_backward implementation doesnt allow non default stypes: " \ "found non default stype '%s' for igrad_stype[%d]. Please implement " \ "infer_storage_type and infer_storage_type_backward interface " \ "in your custom operator if you have non-default input gradient stypes" % (stype, i) stype_lists = [ograd_stype, in_stype, out_stype, igrad_stype, aux_stype] for stype_list in stype_lists: stype_list[:] = len(stype_list) * [_STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT]] return stype_lists[0], stype_lists[1], stype_lists[2], stype_lists[3], stype_lists[4] def list_outputs(self): """list_outputs interface. Can override when creating new operators. Returns ------- outputs : list List of output blob names. """ return ['output'] def list_arguments(self): """list_arguments interface. Can override when creating new operators. Returns ------- arguments : list List of argument blob names. """ return ['data'] def list_auxiliary_states(self): """list_auxiliary_states interface. Can override when creating new operators. Returns ------- auxs : list list of auxiliary state blob names. """ return [] def declare_backward_dependency(self, out_grad, in_data, out_data): """Declare dependencies of this operator for backward pass. Parameters ---------- out_grad : list of int ids of out_grad blobs. in_data : list of int ids of in_data blobs. out_data: list of int ids of out_data blobs. Returns ------- deps : list of int ids of the needed blobs. """ deps = [] if self.need_top_grad_: deps.extend(out_grad) deps.extend(in_data) deps.extend(out_data) return deps def create_operator(self, ctx, in_shapes, in_dtypes): """Create an operator that carries out the real computation given the context, input shapes, and input data types.""" # pylint: disable=W0613 return CustomOp() class _Registry(object): """CustomOp registry.""" def __init__(self): self.ref_holder = {} self.counter = 0 self.result_deps = set() self.lock = Lock() def inc(self): """Get index for new entry.""" self.lock.acquire() cur = self.counter self.counter += 1 self.lock.release() return cur _registry = _Registry() def register(reg_name): """Register a subclass of CustomOpProp to the registry with name reg_name.""" def do_register(prop_cls): """Register a subclass of CustomOpProp to the registry.""" fb_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_void_p), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), c_int, c_void_p) del_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p) infershape_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(POINTER(mx_uint)), c_void_p) infertype_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_int), c_void_p) inferstorage_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_int), c_void_p) inferstorage_backward_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_int), \ POINTER(c_int), c_void_p) list_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(POINTER(POINTER(c_char))), c_void_p) deps_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int_p, POINTER(c_int_p), c_void_p) createop_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(POINTER(mx_uint)), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(MXCallbackList), c_void_p) req_enum = ('null', 'write', 'inplace', 'add') def creator(op_type, argc, keys, vals, ret): """internal function""" assert py_str(op_type) == reg_name kwargs = dict([(py_str(keys[i]), py_str(vals[i])) for i in range(argc)]) op_prop = prop_cls(**kwargs) def infer_shape_entry(num_tensor, tensor_dims, tensor_shapes, _): """C Callback for ``CustomOpProp::InferShape``.""" try: n_in = len(op_prop.list_arguments()) n_out = len(op_prop.list_outputs()) n_aux = len(op_prop.list_auxiliary_states()) assert num_tensor == n_in + n_out + n_aux shapes = [[tensor_shapes[i][j] for j in range(tensor_dims[i])] for i in range(n_in)] ret = op_prop.infer_shape(shapes) if len(ret) == 2: ishape, oshape = ret ashape = [] elif len(ret) == 3: ishape, oshape, ashape = ret else: raise AssertionError("infer_shape must return 2 or 3 lists") assert len(oshape) == n_out, \ "InferShape Error: expecting %d entries in returned output " \ "shapes, got %d."%(n_out, len(oshape)) assert len(ishape) == n_in, \ "InferShape Error: expecting %d entries in returned input " \ "shapes, got %d."%(n_in, len(ishape)) assert len(ashape) == n_aux, \ "InferShape Error: expecting %d entries in returned aux state " \ "shapes, got %d."%(n_aux, len(ashape)) rshape = list(ishape) + list(oshape) + list(ashape) for i in range(n_in+n_out+n_aux): tensor_shapes[i] = cast(c_array_buf(mx_uint, array('I', rshape[i])), POINTER(mx_uint)) tensor_dims[i] = len(rshape[i]) infer_shape_entry._ref_holder = [tensor_shapes] except Exception: print('Error in %s.infer_shape: %s' % (reg_name, traceback.format_exc())) return False return True def infer_storage_type_backward_entry(num_tensor, tensor_stypes, tags, _): # pylint: disable=C0301 """C Callback for CustomOpProp::InferStorageTypeBackward""" try: tensors = [[] for i in range(5)] for i in range(num_tensor): tensors[tags[i]].append(_STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[tensor_stypes[i]]) # Ordering of stypes: ograd, input, output, igrad, aux tensors = [tensors[3], tensors[0], tensors[1], tensors[2], tensors[4]] ret = op_prop.infer_storage_type_backward(tensors[0], tensors[1], tensors[2], tensors[3], tensors[4]) if len(ret) == 4: ret += [] elif len(ret) == 5: pass else: raise AssertionError("infer_storage_type_backward must return 4 or 5 lists") assert len(ret[0]) == len(tensors[0]), \ "InferStorageTypeBackward Error: expecting == %d " \ "entries in returned output gradient " \ "stypes, got %d."%(len(tensors[0]), len(ret[0])) assert len(ret[1]) == len(tensors[1]), \ "InferStorageTypeBackward Error: expecting == %d " \ "entries in returned input stypes, " \ "got %d."%(len(tensors[1]), len(ret[1])) assert len(ret[2]) == len(tensors[2]), \ "InferStorageTypeBackward Error: expecting == %d " \ "entries in returned output stypes, " \ "got %d."%(len(tensors[2]), len(ret[2])) assert len(ret[3]) == len(tensors[3]), \ "InferStorageTypeBackward Error: expecting == %d " \ "entries in returned input gradient stypes, " \ "got %d."%(len(tensors[3]), len(ret[3])) assert len(ret[4]) == len(tensors[4]), \ "InferStorageTypeBackward Error: expecting == %d " \ "entries in returned aux stypes, " \ "got %d."%(len(tensors[4]), len(ret[4])) rstype = [] for i, ret_list in enumerate(ret): rstype.extend(ret_list) for i, stype in enumerate(rstype): assert stype != _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED], \ "stype should not be undefined" assert stype in _STORAGE_TYPE_STR_TO_ID, \ "Provided stype: %s is not valid " \ "valid stypes are %s, %s, %s"%(stype, _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT], _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_ROW_SPARSE], _STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[_STORAGE_TYPE_CSR]) tensor_stypes[i] = _STORAGE_TYPE_STR_TO_ID[stype] infer_storage_type_backward_entry._ref_holder = [tensor_stypes] except Exception: print('Error in %s.infer_type: %s' % (reg_name, traceback.format_exc())) return False return True def infer_storage_type_entry(num_tensor, tensor_stypes, _): """C Callback for CustomOpProp::InferStorageType""" try: n_in = len(op_prop.list_arguments()) n_out = len(op_prop.list_outputs()) n_aux = len(op_prop.list_auxiliary_states()) assert num_tensor == n_in + n_out + n_aux stypes = [_STORAGE_TYPE_ID_TO_STR[tensor_stypes[i]] for i in range(n_in)] ret = op_prop.infer_storage_type(stypes) if len(ret) == 2: istype, ostype = ret astype = [] elif len(ret) == 3: istype, ostype, astype = ret else: raise AssertionError("infer_storage_type must return 2 or 3 lists") assert len(ostype) == n_out, \ "InferStorageType Error: expecting %d entries in returned output " \ "stypes, got %d."%(n_out, len(ostype)) assert len(istype) == n_in, \ "InferStorageType Error: expecting %d entries in returned input " \ "stypes, got %d."%(n_in, len(istype)) assert len(astype) == n_aux, \ "InferStorageType Error: expecting %d entries in returned aux state " \ "stypes, got %d."%(n_aux, len(astype)) rtype = list(istype) + list(ostype) + list(astype) for i, dtype in enumerate(rtype): tensor_stypes[i] = _STORAGE_TYPE_STR_TO_ID[dtype] infer_storage_type_entry._ref_holder = [tensor_stypes] except Exception: print('Error in %s.infer_type: %s' % (reg_name, traceback.format_exc())) return False return True def infer_type_entry(num_tensor, tensor_types, _): """C Callback for CustomOpProp::InferType""" try: n_in = len(op_prop.list_arguments()) n_out = len(op_prop.list_outputs()) n_aux = len(op_prop.list_auxiliary_states()) assert num_tensor == n_in + n_out + n_aux types = [_DTYPE_MX_TO_NP[tensor_types[i]] for i in range(n_in)] ret = op_prop.infer_type(types) if len(ret) == 2: itype, otype = ret atype = [] elif len(ret) == 3: itype, otype, atype = ret else: raise AssertionError("infer_type must return 2 or 3 lists") assert len(otype) == n_out, \ "InferType Error: expecting %d entries in returned output " \ "types, got %d."%(n_out, len(otype)) assert len(itype) == n_in, \ "InferType Error: expecting %d entries in returned input " \ "types, got %d."%(n_in, len(itype)) assert len(atype) == n_aux, \ "InferType Error: expecting %d entries in returned aux state " \ "types, got %d."%(n_aux, len(atype)) rtype = list(itype) + list(otype) + list(atype) for i, dtype in enumerate(rtype): tensor_types[i] = _DTYPE_NP_TO_MX[dtype] infer_type_entry._ref_holder = [tensor_types] except Exception: print('Error in %s.infer_type: %s' % (reg_name, traceback.format_exc())) return False return True def list_outputs_entry(out, _): """C Callback for CustomOpProp::ListOutputs""" try: ret = op_prop.list_outputs() ret = [c_str(i) for i in ret] + [c_char_p(0)] ret = c_array(c_char_p, ret) out[0] = cast(ret, POINTER(POINTER(c_char))) list_outputs_entry._ref_holder = [out] except Exception: print('Error in %s.list_outputs: %s' % (reg_name, traceback.format_exc())) return False return True def list_arguments_entry(out, _): """C Callback for CustomOpProp::ListArguments""" try: ret = op_prop.list_arguments() ret = [c_str(i) for i in ret] + [c_char_p(0)] ret = c_array(c_char_p, ret) out[0] = cast(ret, POINTER(POINTER(c_char))) list_arguments_entry._ref_holder = [out] except Exception: print('Error in %s.list_arguments: %s' % (reg_name, traceback.format_exc())) return False return True def list_auxiliary_states_entry(out, _): """C Callback for CustomOpProp::ListAuxiliaryStates""" try: ret = op_prop.list_auxiliary_states() ret = [c_str(i) for i in ret] + [c_char_p(0)] ret = c_array(c_char_p, ret) out[0] = cast(ret, POINTER(POINTER(c_char))) list_auxiliary_states_entry._ref_holder = [out] except Exception: tb = traceback.format_exc() print('Error in %s.list_auxiliary_states: %s' % (reg_name, tb)) return False return True def declare_backward_dependency_entry(out_grad, in_data, out_data, num_dep, deps, _): """C Callback for CustomOpProp::DeclareBacwardDependency""" try: out_grad = [out_grad[i] for i in range(len(op_prop.list_outputs()))] in_data = [in_data[i] for i in range(len(op_prop.list_arguments()))] out_data = [out_data[i] for i in range(len(op_prop.list_outputs()))] rdeps = op_prop.declare_backward_dependency(out_grad, in_data, out_data) num_dep[0] = len(rdeps) _registry.result_deps = set() for dep in rdeps: _registry.result_deps.add(dep) rdeps = cast(c_array_buf(c_int, array('i', rdeps)), c_int_p) deps[0] = rdeps declare_backward_dependency_entry._ref_holder = [deps] except Exception: tb = traceback.format_exc() print('Error in %s.declare_backward_dependency: %s' % (reg_name, tb)) return False return True def create_operator_entry(ctx, num_inputs, shapes, ndims, dtypes, ret, _): """C Callback for CustomOpProp::CreateOperator""" try: ctx = py_str(ctx) sep = ctx.find('(') ctx = context.Context(ctx[:sep], int(ctx[sep+1:-1])) ndims = [ndims[i] for i in range(num_inputs)] shapes = [[shapes[i][j] for j in range(ndims[i])] for i in range(num_inputs)] dtypes = [dtypes[i] for i in range(num_inputs)] op = op_prop.create_operator(ctx, shapes, dtypes) def forward_entry(num_ndarray, ndarraies, tags, reqs, is_train, _): """C Callback for CustomOp::Forward""" try: tensors = [[] for i in range(5)] for i in range(num_ndarray): if tags[i] == 1 or tags[i] == 4: tensors[tags[i]].append(_ndarray_cls(cast(ndarraies[i], NDArrayHandle), writable=True)) else: tensors[tags[i]].append(_ndarray_cls(cast(ndarraies[i], NDArrayHandle), writable=False)) reqs = [req_enum[reqs[i]] for i in range(len(tensors[1]))] with ctx: op.forward(is_train=is_train, req=reqs, in_data=tensors[0], out_data=tensors[1], aux=tensors[4]) except Exception: print('Error in CustomOp.forward: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True def backward_entry(num_ndarray, ndarraies, tags, reqs, is_train, _): """C Callback for CustomOp::Backward""" # pylint: disable=W0613 try: tensors = [[] for i in range(5)] num_outputs = len(op_prop.list_outputs()) num_args = len(op_prop.list_arguments()) for i in range(num_ndarray): if i in _registry.result_deps or i >= (num_outputs * 2 + num_args): # If it is a backward dependency or output or aux: # Set stype as undefined so that it returns # ndarray based on existing stype stype = _STORAGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED else: # If it is some input, output or out grad ndarray not part of # backward dependency it is empty and thus the ndarray should # be set to default stype = _STORAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT if tags[i] == 2 or tags[i] == 4: tensors[tags[i]].append(_ndarray_cls(cast(ndarraies[i], NDArrayHandle), writable=True, stype=stype)) else: tensors[tags[i]].append(_ndarray_cls(cast(ndarraies[i], NDArrayHandle), writable=False, stype=stype)) reqs = [req_enum[reqs[i]] for i in range(len(tensors[2]))] with ctx: op.backward(req=reqs, in_data=tensors[0], out_data=tensors[1], in_grad=tensors[2], out_grad=tensors[3], aux=tensors[4]) except Exception: print('Error in CustomOp.backward: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True cur = _registry.inc() def delete_entry(_): """C Callback for CustomOp::del""" try: del _registry.ref_holder[cur] except Exception: print('Error in CustomOp.delete: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True callbacks = [del_functype(delete_entry), fb_functype(forward_entry), fb_functype(backward_entry)] callbacks = [cast(i, CFUNCTYPE(c_int)) for i in callbacks] contexts = [None, None, None] ret[0] = MXCallbackList(c_int(len(callbacks)), cast(c_array(CFUNCTYPE(c_int), callbacks), POINTER(CFUNCTYPE(c_int))), cast(c_array(c_void_p, contexts), POINTER(c_void_p))) op._ref_holder = [ret] _registry.ref_holder[cur] = op except Exception: print('Error in %s.create_operator: %s' % (reg_name, traceback.format_exc())) return False return True cur = _registry.inc() def delete_entry(_): """C Callback for CustomOpProp::del""" try: del _registry.ref_holder[cur] except Exception: print('Error in CustomOpProp.delete: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True callbacks = [del_functype(delete_entry), list_functype(list_arguments_entry), list_functype(list_outputs_entry), list_functype(list_auxiliary_states_entry), infershape_functype(infer_shape_entry), deps_functype(declare_backward_dependency_entry), createop_functype(create_operator_entry), infertype_functype(infer_type_entry), inferstorage_functype(infer_storage_type_entry), inferstorage_backward_functype(infer_storage_type_backward_entry)] callbacks = [cast(i, CFUNCTYPE(c_int)) for i in callbacks] contexts = [None]*len(callbacks) ret[0] = MXCallbackList(c_int(len(callbacks)), cast(c_array(CFUNCTYPE(c_int), callbacks), POINTER(CFUNCTYPE(c_int))), cast(c_array(c_void_p, contexts), POINTER(c_void_p))) op_prop._ref_holder = [ret] _registry.ref_holder[cur] = op_prop return True creator_functype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(c_char_p), POINTER(c_char_p), POINTER(MXCallbackList)) creator_func = creator_functype(creator) check_call(_LIB.MXCustomOpRegister(c_str(reg_name), creator_func)) cur = _registry.inc() _registry.ref_holder[cur] = creator_func return prop_cls return do_register register("custom_op")(CustomOpProp)