# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # coding: utf-8 # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals """Definition of various recurrent neural network cells.""" from __future__ import print_function import bisect import random import numpy as np from ..io import DataIter, DataBatch, DataDesc from .. import ndarray def encode_sentences(sentences, vocab=None, invalid_label=-1, invalid_key='\n', start_label=0, unknown_token=None): """Encode sentences and (optionally) build a mapping from string tokens to integer indices. Unknown keys will be added to vocabulary. Parameters ---------- sentences : list of list of str A list of sentences to encode. Each sentence should be a list of string tokens. vocab : None or dict of str -> int Optional input Vocabulary invalid_label : int, default -1 Index for invalid token, like invalid_key : str, default '\\n' Key for invalid token. Use '\\n' for end of sentence by default. start_label : int lowest index. unknown_token: str Symbol to represent unknown token. If not specified, unknown token will be skipped. Returns ------- result : list of list of int encoded sentences vocab : dict of str -> int result vocabulary """ idx = start_label if vocab is None: vocab = {invalid_key: invalid_label} new_vocab = True else: new_vocab = False res = [] for sent in sentences: coded = [] for word in sent: if word not in vocab: assert (new_vocab or unknown_token), "Unknown token %s"%word if idx == invalid_label: idx += 1 if unknown_token: word = unknown_token vocab[word] = idx idx += 1 coded.append(vocab[word]) res.append(coded) return res, vocab class BucketSentenceIter(DataIter): """Simple bucketing iterator for language model. The label at each sequence step is the following token in the sequence. Parameters ---------- sentences : list of list of int Encoded sentences. batch_size : int Batch size of the data. invalid_label : int, optional Key for invalid label, e.g. . The default is -1. dtype : str, optional Data type of the encoding. The default data type is 'float32'. buckets : list of int, optional Size of the data buckets. Automatically generated if None. data_name : str, optional Name of the data. The default name is 'data'. label_name : str, optional Name of the label. The default name is 'softmax_label'. layout : str, optional Format of data and label. 'NT' means (batch_size, length) and 'TN' means (length, batch_size). """ def __init__(self, sentences, batch_size, buckets=None, invalid_label=-1, data_name='data', label_name='softmax_label', dtype='float32', layout='NT'): super(BucketSentenceIter, self).__init__() if not buckets: buckets = [i for i, j in enumerate(np.bincount([len(s) for s in sentences])) if j >= batch_size] buckets.sort() ndiscard = 0 self.data = [[] for _ in buckets] valid_buckets = {} for item in range(len(buckets)): valid_buckets[item] = 0 for i, sent in enumerate(sentences): buck = bisect.bisect_left(buckets, len(sent)) valid_buckets[buck] = 1 if buck == len(buckets): ndiscard += 1 continue buff = np.full((buckets[buck],), invalid_label, dtype=dtype) buff[:len(sent)] = sent self.data[buck].append(buff) buckets = [j for i, j in enumerate(buckets) if valid_buckets[i] == 1] self.data = [np.asarray(i, dtype=dtype) for i in self.data if i] print("WARNING: discarded %d sentences longer than the largest bucket."%ndiscard) self.batch_size = batch_size self.buckets = buckets self.data_name = data_name self.label_name = label_name self.dtype = dtype self.invalid_label = invalid_label self.nddata = [] self.ndlabel = [] self.major_axis = layout.find('N') self.layout = layout self.default_bucket_key = max(buckets) if self.major_axis == 0: self.provide_data = [DataDesc( name=self.data_name, shape=(batch_size, self.default_bucket_key), layout=self.layout)] self.provide_label = [DataDesc( name=self.label_name, shape=(batch_size, self.default_bucket_key), layout=self.layout)] elif self.major_axis == 1: self.provide_data = [DataDesc( name=self.data_name, shape=(self.default_bucket_key, batch_size), layout=self.layout)] self.provide_label = [DataDesc( name=self.label_name, shape=(self.default_bucket_key, batch_size), layout=self.layout)] else: raise ValueError("Invalid layout %s: Must by NT (batch major) or TN (time major)") self.idx = [] for i, buck in enumerate(self.data): self.idx.extend([(i, j) for j in range(0, len(buck) - batch_size + 1, batch_size)]) self.curr_idx = 0 self.reset() def reset(self): """Resets the iterator to the beginning of the data.""" self.curr_idx = 0 random.shuffle(self.idx) for buck in self.data: np.random.shuffle(buck) self.nddata = [] self.ndlabel = [] for buck in self.data: label = np.empty_like(buck) label[:, :-1] = buck[:, 1:] label[:, -1] = self.invalid_label self.nddata.append(ndarray.array(buck, dtype=self.dtype)) self.ndlabel.append(ndarray.array(label, dtype=self.dtype)) def next(self): """Returns the next batch of data.""" if self.curr_idx == len(self.idx): raise StopIteration i, j = self.idx[self.curr_idx] self.curr_idx += 1 if self.major_axis == 1: data = self.nddata[i][j:j+self.batch_size].T label = self.ndlabel[i][j:j+self.batch_size].T else: data = self.nddata[i][j:j+self.batch_size] label = self.ndlabel[i][j:j+self.batch_size] return DataBatch([data], [label], pad=0, bucket_key=self.buckets[i], provide_data=[DataDesc( name=self.data_name, shape=data.shape, layout=self.layout)], provide_label=[DataDesc( name=self.label_name, shape=label.shape, layout=self.layout)])