from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function from .info import __doc__ from numpy.version import version as __version__ # disables OpenBLAS affinity setting of the main thread that limits # python threads or processes to one core import os env_added = [] for envkey in ['OPENBLAS_MAIN_FREE', 'GOTOBLAS_MAIN_FREE']: if envkey not in os.environ: os.environ[envkey] = '1' env_added.append(envkey) try: from . import multiarray except ImportError as exc: msg = """ Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed. Most likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy. If you're working with a numpy git repo, try `git clean -xdf` (removes all files not under version control). Otherwise reinstall numpy. Original error was: %s """ % (exc,) raise ImportError(msg) finally: for envkey in env_added: del os.environ[envkey] del envkey del env_added del os from . import umath from . import _internal # for freeze programs from . import numerictypes as nt multiarray.set_typeDict(nt.sctypeDict) from . import numeric from .numeric import * from . import fromnumeric from .fromnumeric import * from . import defchararray as char from . import records as rec from .records import * from .memmap import * from .defchararray import chararray from . import function_base from .function_base import * from . import machar from .machar import * from . import getlimits from .getlimits import * from . import shape_base from .shape_base import * from . import einsumfunc from .einsumfunc import * del nt from .fromnumeric import amax as max, amin as min, round_ as round from .numeric import absolute as abs __all__ = ['char', 'rec', 'memmap'] __all__ += numeric.__all__ __all__ += fromnumeric.__all__ __all__ += rec.__all__ __all__ += ['chararray'] __all__ += function_base.__all__ __all__ += machar.__all__ __all__ += getlimits.__all__ __all__ += shape_base.__all__ __all__ += einsumfunc.__all__ # Make it possible so that ufuncs can be pickled # Here are the loading and unloading functions # The name numpy.core._ufunc_reconstruct must be # available for unpickling to work. def _ufunc_reconstruct(module, name): # The `fromlist` kwarg is required to ensure that `mod` points to the # inner-most module rather than the parent package when module name is # nested. This makes it possible to pickle non-toplevel ufuncs such as # scipy.special.expit for instance. mod = __import__(module, fromlist=[name]) return getattr(mod, name) def _ufunc_reduce(func): from pickle import whichmodule name = func.__name__ return _ufunc_reconstruct, (whichmodule(func, name), name) import sys if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import copyreg else: import copy_reg as copyreg copyreg.pickle(ufunc, _ufunc_reduce, _ufunc_reconstruct) # Unclutter namespace (must keep _ufunc_reconstruct for unpickling) del copyreg del sys del _ufunc_reduce from numpy.testing._private.pytesttester import PytestTester test = PytestTester(__name__) del PytestTester