from utils import load_model, move_to from problems.tsp.problem_tsp import nearest_neighbor_graph import logging import os import torch import requests import json import tqdm logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def model_fn(model_dir):"In model_fn. Model directory is -") device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model, model_args = load_model(os.path.join(model_dir, ""), extra_logging=True) model.set_decode_type("greedy") model.eval() return model def input_fn(request_body, content_type='application/jsonlines'): if content_type == 'application/jsonlines': print("request received!!") print(type(request_body)) # Warning: for some reason, when Sagemaker is doing batch transform, # it automatically adds a line break in the end, needs to strip the line break to avoid errors. # Sagemaker Endpoint doesn't have such issue. lines = request_body.decode("utf-8").rstrip(os.linesep).split(os.linesep) data = [] print(len(lines)) for line in lines: line = line.strip() print(type(line), len(line)) input_data = json.loads(line) data.append(input_data) return data raise Exception(f'Requested unsupported ContentType in content_type {content_type}') def predict_fn(input_data, model): prediction=[] for bat in tqdm.tqdm(input_data): device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") nodes = bat['nodes'] neighbors = bat['neighbors'] x = move_to(torch.FloatTensor(nodes), device) g = [] for n in nodes: gg = nearest_neighbor_graph(n, neighbors=neighbors, knn_strat='percentage') g.append(gg) graph = move_to(torch.ByteTensor(g), device) cost, ll, pi = model(x, graph, return_pi=True) print(f'cost:{cost}') prediction.append(pi.tolist()) return prediction def output_fn(prediction, accept='application/jsonlines'): if accept == 'application/jsonlines': ret = '' for p in prediction: ret += json.dumps(p) + os.linesep return ret, accept raise Exception(f'Requested unsupported ContentType in Accept: {accept}')