## Visual image search
This repository is [part of AWS blog](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/building-a-visual-search-application-with-amazon-sagemaker-and-amazon-es/) to create a visual search application using Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Elasticsearch
## How does it work?
We will use Fashion Images from feidegger, a zalandoresearch dataset as a reference image to generate a 2048 feature vector using a convolutional neural networks and gets stored into Amazon Elasticsearch KNN index

When we present a new query image, it's computing the related feature vector from Amazon SageMaker hosted model and query Amazon Elasticsearch KNN index to find similar images

## Deploy

You use a CloudFormation stack to deploy the solution. The stack creates all the necessary resources, including the following:
+ An Amazon SageMaker notebook instance to run Python code in a Jupyter notebook
+ An IAM role associated with the notebook instance
+ An Amazon ES domain to store and retrieve image embedding vectors into a KNN index
+ Two S3 buckets: one for storing the source fashion images and another for hosting a static website
From the Jupyter notebook, you also deploy the following:
+ An Amazon SageMaker endpoint for getting image feature vectors and embeddings in real time.
+ An AWS SAM template for a serverless back end using API Gateway and Lambda.
+ A static front-end website hosted on an S3 bucket to demonstrate a real-world, end-to-end ML application. The front-end code uses ReactJS and the Amplify JavaScript library.
To get started, complete the following steps:
1. Sign in to the [AWS Management Console](https://aws.amazon.com/console/) with your IAM user name and password.
2. Choose **Launch Stack** and open it in a new tab: