data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {} variable "project_id" { description = "Overall project name" type = string default = "discord-diffusion" } variable "unique_id" { description = "Unique identifier for this project" type = string default = "prod" } variable "discord_application_id" { description = "Discord Application ID. Can be found in Discord Developer site" type = number } variable "discord_public_key" { description = "Discord Application Public Key. Can be found in Discord Developer site" type = string } variable "discord_bot_secret" { description = "Discord Bot secret. Found in the Discord Developer site under 'Bot'" type = string } variable "huggingface_username" { description = "Username to the website hugging face. Used to download models." type = string } variable "huggingface_password" { description = "Password to the website hugging face. Used to download models." type = string } variable "vpc_id" { description = "Pre-exisiting VPC ARN" type = string }