B \ @s<ddlmZddlmZGdddeZGdddeZdS))Task)SubmissionTaskc@seZdZdZddZdS)DeleteSubmissionTaskz8Task for submitting tasks to execute an object deletion.c Ks6|jj}|j|t|j||j|j|jddddS)a :param client: The client associated with the transfer manager :type config: s3transfer.manager.TransferConfig :param config: The transfer config associated with the transfer manager :type osutil: s3transfer.utils.OSUtil :param osutil: The os utility associated to the transfer manager :type request_executor: s3transfer.futures.BoundedExecutor :param request_executor: The request executor associated with the transfer manager :type transfer_future: s3transfer.futures.TransferFuture :param transfer_future: The transfer future associated with the transfer request that tasks are being submitted for )clientbucketkey extra_argsT)Ztransfer_coordinatorZ main_kwargsis_finalN)meta call_argsZ_transfer_coordinatorZsubmitDeleteObjectTaskrrr)selfrZrequest_executorZtransfer_futurekwargsr r7/tmp/pip-build-uw_ogi45/s3transfer/s3transfer/delete.py_submitszDeleteSubmissionTask._submitN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrrrrrsrc@seZdZddZdS)r cCs|jf||d|dS)aV :param client: The S3 client to use when calling DeleteObject :type bucket: str :param bucket: The name of the bucket. :type key: str :param key: The name of the object to delete. :type extra_args: dict :param extra_args: Extra arguments to pass to the DeleteObject call. )ZBucketZKeyN)Z delete_object)r rrrrrrr_main9szDeleteObjectTask._mainN)rrrrrrrrr 8sr N)Zs3transfer.tasksrrrr rrrr s  '