B \h@sRdZddlmZddlmZmZmZddlmZddl m Z ddl m Z e Z GdddeZGd d d eZGd d d eZGd ddeZGdddeZGddde ZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGddde ZGddde ZGdd d e ZGd!d"d"e ZGd#d$d$e ZGd%d&d&e Zd'S)(z-Abstractions to interact with service models.) defaultdict)CachedPropertyinstance_cachehyphenize_service_id) OrderedDict)MissingServiceIdError)UndefinedModelAttributeErrorc@s eZdZdS)NoShapeFoundErrorN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__r r 2/tmp/pip-build-uw_ogi45/botocore/botocore/model.pyr sr c@s eZdZdS)InvalidShapeErrorN)r r r r r r rrsrc@s eZdZdS)OperationNotFoundErrorN)r r r r r r rr src@s eZdZdS)InvalidShapeReferenceErrorN)r r r r r r rr$src@seZdZddZdS) ServiceIdcCst|S)N)r)selfr r r hyphenize)szServiceId.hyphenizeN)r r r rr r r rr(src@seZdZdZdddddddd d d d d dddddgZdddddddddg ZeZd*ddZe ddZ e d d!Z e d"d#Z d$d%Z d&d'Zed(d)ZdS)+Shapez3Object representing a shape from the service model. locationNameZ queryNameZ flattenedlocationpayloadZ streamingZtimestampFormatZ xmlNamespaceZ resultWrapperZ xmlAttribute eventstreameventZ eventheaderZ eventpayloadZ jsonvalueZ hostLabelrequiredminmaxZ sensitiveenumidempotencyTokenerror exceptionZendpointdiscoveryidNcCsB||_|d|_|dd|_||_|dkr2t}||_i|_dS)a  :type shape_name: string :param shape_name: The name of the shape. :type shape_model: dict :param shape_model: The shape model. This would be the value associated with the key in the "shapes" dict of the service model (i.e ``model['shapes'][shape_name]``) :type shape_resolver: botocore.model.ShapeResolver :param shape_resolver: A shape resolver object. This is used to resolve references to other shapes. For scalar shape types (string, integer, boolean, etc.), this argument is not required. If a shape_resolver is not provided for a complex type, then a ``ValueError`` will be raised when an attempt to resolve a shape is made. type documentationN)name type_namegetr# _shape_modelUnresolvableShapeMap_shape_resolver_cache)r shape_name shape_modelshape_resolverr r r__init__=s zShape.__init__cCsJ|j}i}x$|jD]}||jkr||||<qWd|krF|d|d<|S)aSerialization information about the shape. This contains information that may be needed for input serialization or response parsing. This can include: * name * queryName * flattened * location * payload * streaming * xmlNamespace * resultWrapper * xmlAttribute * jsonvalue * timestampFormat :rtype: dict :return: Serialization information about the shape. rr%)r(SERIALIZED_ATTRSpop)rmodel serializationattrr r rr3_s  zShape.serializationcCs4|j}i}x$|jD]}||jkr||||<qW|S)a2Metadata about the shape. This requires optional information about the shape, including: * min * max * enum * sensitive * required * idempotencyToken :rtype: dict :return: Metadata about the shape. )r(METADATA_ATTRS)rr2metadatar4r r rr6s   zShape.metadatacCs|jdgS)zA list of members that are required. A structure shape can define members that are required. This value will return a list of required members. If there are no required members an empty list is returned. r)r6r')rr r rrequired_memberss zShape.required_memberscCs |j|S)N)r*resolve_shape_ref)r shape_refr r r_resolve_shape_refszShape._resolve_shape_refcCsd|jj|jfS)Nz<%s(%s)>) __class__r r%)rr r r__repr__szShape.__repr__cCsdS)Nr )rr r revent_stream_nameszShape.event_stream_name)N)r r r __doc__r0r5rMAP_TYPEr/rr3r6r7r:r<propertyr=r r r rr-s"   " !  rc@s$eZdZeddZeddZdS)StructureShapecCs:|jd}|}x"|D]\}}||||<qW|S)Nmembers)r(r?itemsr:)rrBZ shape_membersr%r9r r rrBs  zStructureShape.memberscCs,x&|jD]\}}|jdr |Sq WdS)Nr)rBrCr3r')r member_namememberr r rr=s z StructureShape.event_stream_nameN)r r r rrBr=r r r rrAs rAc@seZdZeddZdS) ListShapecCs||jdS)NrE)r:r()rr r rrEszListShape.memberN)r r r rrEr r r rrFsrFc@s$eZdZeddZeddZdS)MapShapecCs||jdS)Nkey)r:r()rr r rrHsz MapShape.keycCs||jdS)Nvalue)r:r()rr r rrIszMapShape.valueN)r r r rrHrIr r r rrGs rGc@seZdZeddZdS) StringShapecCs|jdgS)Nr)r6r')rr r rrszStringShape.enumN)r r r rrr r r rrJsrJc@seZdZdZd&ddZd'ddZddZed d Ze d d Z ed dZ eddZ eddZ eddZeddZeddZeddZeddZeddZdd Zed!d"Zejd#d"Zd$d%ZdS)( ServiceModelzQ :ivar service_description: The parsed service description dictionary. NcCs<||_|di|_t|di|_t|_||_i|_dS)a :type service_description: dict :param service_description: The service description model. This value is obtained from a botocore.loader.Loader, or from directly loading the file yourself:: service_description = json.load( open('/path/to/service-description-model.json')) model = ServiceModel(service_description) :type service_name: str :param service_name: The name of the service. Normally this is the endpoint prefix defined in the service_description. However, you can override this value to provide a more convenient name. This is done in a few places in botocore (ses instead of email, emr instead of elasticmapreduce). If this value is not provided, it will default to the endpointPrefix defined in the model. r6shapesN) _service_descriptionr'r6 ShapeResolverr*NOT_SET_signature_version _service_nameZ_instance_cache)rZservice_description service_namer r rr/szServiceModel.__init__cCs|j||S)N)r*get_shape_by_name)rr, member_traitsr r r shape_forszServiceModel.shape_forcCs |j|S)N)r*r8)rr9r r rr8szServiceModel.resolve_shape_refcCst|jdiS)NrL)listrMr')rr r r shape_namesszServiceModel.shape_namescCs<y|jd|}Wntk r.t|YnXt|||S)N operations)rMKeyErrorrOperationModel)rZoperation_namer2r r roperation_model s zServiceModel.operation_modelcCs|jddS)Nr#r$)rMr')rr r rr#szServiceModel.documentationcCst|jdgS)NrX)rVrMr')rr r roperation_namesszServiceModel.operation_namescCs|jdk r|jS|jSdS)aThe name of the service. This defaults to the endpointPrefix defined in the service model. However, this value can be overriden when a ``ServiceModel`` is created. If a service_name was not provided when the ``ServiceModel`` was created and if there is no endpointPrefix defined in the service model, then an ``UndefinedModelAttributeError`` exception will be raised. N)rQendpoint_prefix)rr r rrRs zServiceModel.service_namecCs4yt|dStk r.t|jdYnXdS)NZ serviceId)rR)r_get_metadata_propertyrrrQ)rr r r service_id-s zServiceModel.service_idcCs|jd}|dkr|j}|S)zThe name to use when computing signatures. If the model does not define a signing name, this value will be the endpoint prefix defined in the model. Z signingNameN)r6r'r])r signing_namer r rr`6s zServiceModel.signing_namecCs |dS)NZ apiVersion)r^)rr r r api_versionBszServiceModel.api_versioncCs |dS)Nprotocol)r^)rr r rrbFszServiceModel.protocolcCs |dS)NZendpointPrefix)r^)rr r rr]JszServiceModel.endpoint_prefixcCs(x"|jD]}||}|jr|SqWdS)N)r\r[is_endpoint_discovery_operation)rZ operationr2r r rendpoint_discovery_operationNs  z)ServiceModel.endpoint_discovery_operationcCs4y |j|Stk r.td||fYnXdS)Nz1"%s" not defined in the metadata of the model: %s)r6rYr)rr%r r rr^Us  z#ServiceModel._get_metadata_propertycCs"|jtkr|jd}||_|jS)NZsignatureVersion)rPrOr6r')rsignature_versionr r rre`s  zServiceModel.signature_versioncCs ||_dS)N)rP)rrIr r rregscCsd|jj|jfS)Nz%s(%s))r;r rR)rr r rr<kszServiceModel.__repr__)N)N)r r r r>r/rUr8rrWrr[r#r\rRr_r`rarbr]rdr^r@resetterr<r r r rrKs&            rKc@seZdZd4ddZeddZeddZedd Zed d Z ed d Z eddZ eddZ eddZ eddZeddZeddZeddZeddZeddZed d!Zd"d#Zd$d%Zd&d'Zed(d)Zed*d+Zd,d-Zd.d/Zd0d1Zd2d3ZdS)5rZNcCs8||_||_||_|d|_|j|_|di|_dS)a :type operation_model: dict :param operation_model: The operation model. This comes from the service model, and is the value associated with the operation name in the service model (i.e ``model['operations'][op_name]``). :type service_model: botocore.model.ServiceModel :param service_model: The service model associated with the operation. :type name: string :param name: The operation name. This is the operation name exposed to the users of this model. This can potentially be different from the "wire_name", which is the operation name that *must* by provided over the wire. For example, given:: "CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity":{ "name":"CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2014_11_06", ... } The ``name`` would be ``CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity``, but the ``self.wire_name`` would be ``CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2014_11_06``, which is the value we must send in the corresponding HTTP request. r%httpN)_operation_model_service_model _api_namer'Z _wire_namer6rg)rr[ service_modelr%r r rr/qs  zOperationModel.__init__cCs|jdk r|jS|jSdS)N)rj wire_name)rr r rr%s zOperationModel.namecCs |jdS)aRThe wire name of the operation. In many situations this is the same value as the ``name``, value, but in some services, the operation name exposed to the user is different from the operaiton name we send across the wire (e.g cloudfront). Any serialization code should use ``wire_name``. r%)rhr')rr r rrls zOperationModel.wire_namecCs|jS)N)ri)rr r rrkszOperationModel.service_modelcCs|jddS)Nr#r$)rhr')rr r rr#szOperationModel.documentationcCs|jddS)N deprecatedF)rhr')rr r rrmszOperationModel.deprecatedcCs|jddS)NZendpointdiscovery)rhr')rr r rendpoint_discoverysz!OperationModel.endpoint_discoverycCs|jddS)NZendpointoperationF)rhr')rr r rrcsz.OperationModel.is_endpoint_discovery_operationcCs d|jkrdS|j|jdS)Ninput)rhrir8)rr r r input_shapes zOperationModel.input_shapecCs d|jkrdS|j|jdS)Noutput)rhrir8)rr r r output_shapes zOperationModel.output_shapecCs"|j}|sgSdd|jDS)NcSs(g|] \}}d|jkr|jdr|qS)r)r6).0r%shaper r r s z5OperationModel.idempotent_members..)rprBrC)rrpr r ridempotent_memberssz!OperationModel.idempotent_memberscCs |jdS)NZauthtype)rhr')rr r r auth_typeszOperationModel.auth_typecs$jdg}tfdd|DS)Nerrorsc3s|]}j|VqdS)N)rir8)rss)rr r sz.OperationModel.error_shapes..)rhr'rV)rrLr )rr error_shapesszOperationModel.error_shapescCs |jdS)Nendpoint)rhr')rr r rr|szOperationModel.endpointcCs |dk S)N)get_event_stream_input)rr r rhas_event_stream_inputsz%OperationModel.has_event_stream_inputcCs |dk S)N)get_event_stream_output)rr r rhas_event_stream_outputsz&OperationModel.has_event_stream_outputcCs ||jS)N)_get_event_streamrp)rr r rr}sz%OperationModel.get_event_stream_inputcCs ||jS)N)rrr)rr r rrsz&OperationModel.get_event_stream_outputcCs$|dkr dS|j}|r |j|SdS)zAReturns the event stream member's shape if any or None otherwise.N)r=rB)rrtZ event_namer r rrs  z OperationModel._get_event_streamcCs |dk S)N)get_streaming_input)rr r rhas_streaming_inputsz"OperationModel.has_streaming_inputcCs |dk S)N)get_streaming_output)rr r rhas_streaming_outputsz#OperationModel.has_streaming_outputcCs ||jS)N)_get_streaming_bodyrp)rr r rr sz"OperationModel.get_streaming_inputcCs ||jS)N)rrr)rr r rr sz#OperationModel.get_streaming_outputcCs<|dkr dS|jd}|dk r8|j|}|jdkr8|SdS)z?Returns the streaming member's shape if any; or None otherwise.Nrblob)r3r'rBr&)rrtrZ payload_shaper r rrs   z"OperationModel._get_streaming_bodycCsd|jj|jfS)Nz %s(name=%s))r;r r%)rr r rr<szOperationModel.__repr__)N)r r r r/rr%r@rlrkr#rmrnrcrprrrvrwr{r|r~rr}rrrrrrrr<r r r rrZps2 %               rZc@s8eZdZdZeeeedZddZ d ddZ dd Z dS) rNzResolves shape references.) structurerVmapstringcCs||_i|_dS)N) _shape_mapZ _shape_cache)r shape_mapr r rr/*szShapeResolver.__init__NcCsy|j|}Wntk r*t|YnXy|j|dt}Wn tk rbtd|YnX|rz|}||||||}|S)Nr"z(Shape is missing required key 'type': %s) rrYr SHAPE_CLASSESr'rrcopyupdate)rr,rTr-Z shape_clsresultr r rrS.s  zShapeResolver.get_shape_by_namecCsjt|dkr"d|kr"||dS|}y|d}Wn tk rXtd|YnX|||SdS)Nrtz*Invalid model, missing shape reference: %s)lenrSrr1rYr)rr9rTr,r r rr8>szShapeResolver.resolve_shape_ref)N) r r r r>rArFrGrJrr/rSr8r r r rrNs rNc@s"eZdZdZdddZddZdS)r)zJA ShapeResolver that will throw ValueErrors when shapes are resolved. NcCs tddS)Nz>Attempted to lookup shape '%s', but no shape map was provided.) ValueError)rr,rTr r rrSVsz&UnresolvableShapeMap.get_shape_by_namecCs tddS)Nz?Attempted to resolve shape '%s', but no shape map was provided.)r)rr9r r rr8Zsz&UnresolvableShapeMap.resolve_shape_ref)N)r r r r>rSr8r r r rr)Ss r)c@sbeZdZdZdddZddZddZd d Zd d Zd dZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZ dS)DenormalizedStructureBuilderaBuild a StructureShape from a denormalized model. This is a convenience builder class that makes it easy to construct ``StructureShape``s based on a denormalized model. It will handle the details of creating unique shape names and creating the appropriate shape map needed by the ``StructureShape`` class. Example usage:: builder = DenormalizedStructureBuilder() shape = builder.with_members({ 'A': { 'type': 'structure', 'members': { 'B': { 'type': 'structure', 'members': { 'C': { 'type': 'string', } } } } } }).build_model() # ``shape`` is now an instance of botocore.model.StructureShape :type dict_type: class :param dict_type: The dictionary type to use, allowing you to opt-in to using OrderedDict or another dict type. This can be particularly useful for testing when order matters, such as for documentation. NcCs*t|_t|_|dkr&|jd|_dS)Nr)rrBShapeNameGenerator_name_generatornew_shape_namer%)rr%r r rr/sz%DenormalizedStructureBuilder.__init__cCs ||_|S)zp :type members: dict :param members: The denormalized members. :return: self )_members)rrBr r r with_memberss z)DenormalizedStructureBuilder.with_memberscCsBt}d|jd}||||jt|d}t|j||j|dS)zBuild the model based on the provided members. :rtype: botocore.model.StructureShape :return: The built StructureShape object. r)r"rB)r)r,r-r.)rr _build_modelr%rNrA)rrLZ denormalizedresolverr r r build_models  z(DenormalizedStructureBuilder.build_modelcCs|ddkr|||||<nh|ddkr<|||||<nJ|ddkrZ|||||<n,|ddkrv||||<ntd|ddS)Nr"rrVr) rintegerbooleanrfloat timestamplongdoublecharzUnknown shape type: %s)_build_structure _build_list _build_map _build_scalarr)rr2rLr,r r rrs    z)DenormalizedStructureBuilder._build_modelcCsZt}||}||d<x<|dD],\}}||}d|i||<||||q&W|S)NrBrt)r_build_initial_shaperC_get_shape_namer)rr2rLrBrtr%Z member_modelmember_shape_namer r rrs   z-DenormalizedStructureBuilder._build_structurecCs6||}||}d|i|d<||d|||S)NrtrE)rrr)rr2rLrrtr r rrs    z(DenormalizedStructureBuilder._build_listcCsf||d}||d}||}d|i|d<d|i|d<||d||||d|||S)NrHrIrt)rrr)rr2rLZkey_shape_nameZvalue_shape_namertr r rrs   z'DenormalizedStructureBuilder._build_mapcCsHd|di}d|kr |d|d<x"tjD]}||kr(||||<q(W|S)Nr"r#)rr5)rr2rtr4r r rrs   z1DenormalizedStructureBuilder._build_initial_shapecCs ||S)N)r)rr2r r rrsz*DenormalizedStructureBuilder._build_scalarcCs$d|kr|dS|j|dSdS)Nr,r")rr)rr2r r rrsz,DenormalizedStructureBuilder._get_shape_name)N)r r r r>r/rrrrrrrrrr r r rr_s#      rc@s eZdZdZddZddZdS)rzGenerate unique shape names for a type. This class can be used in conjunction with the DenormalizedStructureBuilder to generate unique shape names for a given type. cCstt|_dS)N)rint _name_cache)rr r rr/szShapeNameGenerator.__init__cCs,|j|d7<|j|}d||fS)aGenerate a unique shape name. This method will guarantee a unique shape name each time it is called with the same type. :: >>> s = ShapeNameGenerator() >>> s.new_shape_name('structure') 'StructureType1' >>> s.new_shape_name('structure') 'StructureType2' >>> s.new_shape_name('list') 'ListType1' >>> s.new_shape_name('list') 'ListType2' :type type_name: string :param type_name: The type name (structure, list, map, string, etc.) :rtype: string :return: A unique shape name for the given type rz%sType%s)r capitalize)rr&Z current_indexr r rrs z!ShapeNameGenerator.new_shape_nameN)r r r r>r/rr r r rrsrN) r> collectionsrZbotocore.utilsrrrZbotocore.compatrZbotocore.exceptionsrrobjectrO Exceptionr rrrstrrrrArFrGrJrKrZrNr)rrr r r r s4     04