B “äî\Gã@s.dZddlmZmZmZGdd„dejƒZdS)z#Reader for existing document trees.é)ÚreadersÚutilsÚ transformsc@s$eZdZdZdZdZdZdd„ZdS)ÚReadera Adapt the Reader API for an existing document tree. The existing document tree must be passed as the ``source`` parameter to the `docutils.core.Publisher` initializer, wrapped in a `docutils.io.DocTreeInput` object:: pub = docutils.core.Publisher( ..., source=docutils.io.DocTreeInput(document), ...) The original document settings are overridden; if you want to use the settings of the original document, pass ``settings=document.settings`` to the Publisher call above. )Zdoctreezdoctree reader)rcCsD|j|_t |j¡|j_|j|j_t |j dd¡|jj¡|j_ dS)zp No parsing to do; refurbish the document tree instead. Overrides the inherited method. ÚsourceÚN) ÚinputÚdocumentrZ TransformerZ transformerÚsettingsrZ new_reporterÚgetZreporter)Úself©r ús