B “äî\Ûã@sdZddd„ZdS)aé This is the Docutils (Python Documentation Utilities) "math" sub-package. It contains various modules for conversion between different math formats (LaTeX, MathML, HTML). :math2html: LaTeX math -> HTML conversion from eLyXer :latex2mathml: LaTeX math -> presentational MathML :unichar2tex: Unicode character to LaTeX math translation table :tex2unichar: LaTeX math to Unicode character translation dictionaries :tex2mathml_extern: Wrapper for TeX -> MathML command line converters FcCsF| d¡}d dd„|Dƒ¡}| d¡dkr2d}nd}|sB|d 7}|S) a:Return the right math environment to display `code`. The test simply looks for line-breaks (``\``) outside environments. Multi-line formulae are set with ``align``, one-liners with ``equation``. If `numbered` evaluates to ``False``, the "starred" versions are used to suppress numbering. z\begin{ÚcSsg|]}| d¡d‘qS)z\end{éÿÿÿÿ)Úsplit)Ú.0Úchunk©rú@/tmp/pip-build-uw_ogi45/docutils/docutils/utils/math/__init__.pyú (sz)pick_math_environment..z\\éZalignZequationÚ*)rÚjoinÚfind)ÚcodeZnumberedÚchunksZ toplevel_codeÚenvrrrÚpick_math_environments   rN)F)Ú__doc__rrrrrÚs