from typing import Union, List, Optional from enum import Enum import os from dataclasses import dataclass, field import boto3 import time import logging import json class Textract_Features(Enum): FORMS = 1 TABLES = 2 QUERIES = 3 SIGNATURES = 4 Textract_Types = Enum('Textract_Types', ["WORD", "LINE", "TABLE", "CELL", "KEY", "VALUE", "FORM", "QUERIES"]) class Textract_API(Enum): ANALYZE = 1 DETECT = 2 EXPENSE = 3 LENDING = 4 class Textract_Call_Mode(Enum): FORCE_SYNC = 1 FORCE_ASYNC = 2 DEFAULT = 3 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class NotificationChannel(): def __init__(self, role_arn: str, sns_topic_arn: str): if not role_arn and not sns_topic_arn: raise ValueError("both role_arn and sns_topic_arn have to be specified") self.role_arn = role_arn self.sns_topic_arn = sns_topic_arn def get_dict(self): return {'SNSTopicArn': self.sns_topic_arn, 'RoleArn': self.role_arn} @dataclass class OutputConfig(): def __init__(self, s3_bucket: str, s3_prefix: str): if not s3_bucket and not s3_prefix: raise ValueError("both s3_bucket and s3_prefix have to be specified") self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket self.s3_prefix = s3_prefix def get_dict(self): return {'S3Bucket': self.s3_bucket, 'S3Prefix': self.s3_prefix} @dataclass class DocumentLocation(): def __init__(self, s3_bucket: str, s3_prefix: str, version: str = ""): if not s3_bucket and not s3_prefix: raise ValueError("both s3_bucket and s3_prefix have to be specified") self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket self.s3_prefix = s3_prefix self.s3_version = version def get_dict(self): return_value = {'S3Object': {'Bucket': self.s3_bucket, 'Name': self.s3_prefix}} if self.s3_version: return_value['S3Object']['Version'] = self.s3_version return return_value @dataclass class Query(): text: str alias: str = "" pages: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) def get_dict(self): return_dict: dict = {'Text': self.text} if self.alias: return_dict['Alias'] = self.alias if self.pages: return_dict['Pages'] = self.pages # type: ignore return return_dict @dataclass class QueriesConfig(): queries: List[Query] def get_dict(self): if self.queries: return {'Queries': [x.get_dict() for x in self.queries]} else: return {} @dataclass class Document(): def __init__(self, byte_data: bytes = b'', s3_bucket: str = "", s3_prefix: str = "", version: str = ""): if byte_data and s3_bucket: raise ValueError("only one allowed, byte_data or s3_bucket") if not byte_data and not (s3_bucket and s3_prefix): raise ValueError("when not passing in byte_data, have to specify both s3_bucket and s3_prefix") self.byte_data = byte_data self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket self.s3_prefix = s3_prefix self.s3_version = version def get_dict(self): if self.byte_data: return {'Bytes': self.byte_data} else: return_value = {'S3Object': {'Bucket': self.s3_bucket, 'Name': self.s3_prefix}} if self.s3_version: return_value['S3Object']['Version'] = self.s3_version return return_value only_async_suffixes = ['.pdf'] tiff_suffixes = ['.tiff', '.tif'] sync_suffixes = ['.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg'] + tiff_suffixes supported_suffixes = only_async_suffixes + sync_suffixes def is_tiff(filename: str) -> bool: _, suffix = os.path.splitext(filename) if suffix in tiff_suffixes: return True return False def generate_request_params(document_location: Optional[DocumentLocation] = None, document: Optional[Document] = None, features: Optional[List[Textract_Features]] = None, queries_config: Optional[QueriesConfig] = None, client_request_token: str = "", job_tag: str = "", notification_channel: Optional[NotificationChannel] = None, output_config: Optional[OutputConfig] = None, kms_key_id: str = "") -> dict: params = {} if document_location and document: raise ValueError("Only one at a time, documentat_location or document") if document_location: params['DocumentLocation'] = document_location.get_dict() if document: params['Document'] = document.get_dict() if features: params['FeatureTypes'] = [ for x in features] if Textract_Features.QUERIES in features and not queries_config: raise ValueError("QUERIES feature requested but not queries_config passed in.") if queries_config and queries_config.queries: params['QueriesConfig'] = queries_config.get_dict() if client_request_token: params['ClientRequestToken'] = client_request_token if job_tag: params['JobTag'] = job_tag if notification_channel: params['NotificationChannel'] = notification_channel.get_dict() if output_config: params['OutputConfig'] = output_config.get_dict() if kms_key_id: params['KMSKeyId'] = kms_key_id logger.debug(f"params: {params}") return params def get_job_response(job_id: str = "", textract_api: Textract_API = Textract_API.DETECT, extra_args=None, boto3_textract_client=None): if not boto3_textract_client: raise ValueError("Need boto3_textract_client") if extra_args == None: extra_args = {} if textract_api == Textract_API.DETECT: return boto3_textract_client.get_document_text_detection(JobId=job_id, **extra_args) elif textract_api == Textract_API.EXPENSE: return boto3_textract_client.get_expense_analysis(JobId=job_id, **extra_args) else: return boto3_textract_client.get_document_analysis(JobId=job_id, **extra_args) # TODO would like to use a package for that functionality def get_s3_output_config_keys(output_config: OutputConfig, job_id: str, s3_client, subfolder=None): if not output_config or not job_id: raise ValueError("no output_config or job_id") if not s3_client: s3_client = boto3.client("s3") if subfolder: params = { 'Bucket': output_config.s3_bucket.strip('/'), 'Prefix': output_config.s3_prefix.strip('/') + "/" + job_id + "/" + subfolder } else: params = { 'Bucket': output_config.s3_bucket.strip('/'), 'Prefix': output_config.s3_prefix.strip('/') + "/" + job_id }"s3-params {params}") keys = list() while True: response = s3_client.list_objects_v2(**params) keys.extend([o['Key'] for o in response.get('Contents', []) if o['Key'].split('/')[-1].isnumeric()]) params['ContinuationToken'] = response.get('NextContinuationToken') if not params['ContinuationToken']: break return [x for x in sorted(keys, key=lambda item: int(item.split('/')[-1]))] def remove_none(obj): if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)): return type(obj)(remove_none(x) for x in obj if x is not None) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return type(obj)((remove_none(k), remove_none(v)) for k, v in obj.items() if k is not None and v is not None) else: return obj # @mp.profile # def get_full_json_from_output_config_mem_optimized(output_config: OutputConfig = None, # job_id: str = None, # s3_client=None) -> dict: # import ijson # import codecs # if not output_config or not job_id: # raise ValueError("no output_config or job_id") # if not output_config.s3_bucket or not output_config.s3_prefix: # raise ValueError("no output_config or job_id") # if not s3_client: # s3_client = boto3.client("s3") # result_value = {'Blocks': []} # all_objects = [] # for key in get_s3_output_config_keys(output_config=output_config, job_id=job_id, s3_client=s3_client): #"found keys: {key}") # s3_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=output_config.s3_bucket, Key=key) # body = s3_object['Body'] # f = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(body) # objects = ijson.items(f, 'Blocks.item', use_float=True) # # result_value['Blocks'].extend([o for o in objects]) # all_objects.append(objects) # del objects # return result_value def get_full_json_from_output_config(output_config: OutputConfig, job_id: str, s3_client=None) -> dict: if not output_config or not job_id: raise ValueError("no output_config or job_id") if not output_config.s3_bucket or not output_config.s3_prefix: raise ValueError("no output_config or job_id") if not s3_client: s3_client = boto3.client("s3") result_value = dict() keys = get_s3_output_config_keys(output_config=output_config, job_id=job_id, s3_client=s3_client) for key in keys:"found keys: {key}") s3_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=output_config.s3_bucket, Key=key) body = s3_object['Body'] body_read = body_decode = body_read.decode('utf-8') response = dict(json.loads(body_decode)) if 'Blocks' in result_value: result_value['Blocks'].extend(response['Blocks']) else: result_value = response if 'NextToken' in result_value: del result_value['NextToken'] result_value = remove_none(result_value) return result_value def get_full_json_lending_from_output_config(output_config: OutputConfig, job_id: str, s3_client=None, subfolder="detailedResponse") -> dict: if not output_config or not job_id: raise ValueError("no output_config or job_id") if not output_config.s3_bucket or not output_config.s3_prefix: raise ValueError("no output_config or job_id") if not s3_client: s3_client = boto3.client("s3") result_value = dict() keys = get_s3_output_config_keys(output_config=output_config, job_id=job_id, s3_client=s3_client, subfolder=subfolder) for key in keys:"found keys: {key}") s3_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=output_config.s3_bucket, Key=key) body = s3_object['Body'] body_read = body_decode = body_read.decode('utf-8') response = dict(json.loads(body_decode)) if 'Results' in result_value: result_value['Results'].extend(response['Results']) else: result_value = response if 'NextToken' in result_value: del result_value['NextToken'] result_value = remove_none(result_value) return result_value def get_full_json_lending(job_id: str, boto3_textract_client, job_done_polling_interval=1) -> dict: """returns full json for call, even when response is chunked""" logger.debug(f"get_full_json: job_id: {job_id}") job_response = boto3_textract_client.get_lending_analysis(JobId=job_id) logger.debug(f"job_response for job_id: {job_id}\n{job_response}") while job_response['JobStatus'] == "IN_PROGRESS": job_response = boto3_textract_client.get_lending_analysis(JobId=job_id) time.sleep(job_done_polling_interval) if job_response['JobStatus'] == 'SUCCEEDED': result_value = job_response extra_args = {} if 'NextToken' in result_value: extra_args['NextToken'] = job_response['NextToken'] del result_value['NextToken'] while extra_args: job_response = boto3_textract_client.get_lending_analysis(JobId=job_id, **extra_args) if 'Results' in result_value: result_value['Results'].extend(job_response['Results']) if 'NextToken' in job_response: logger.debug(f"got next token {job_response['NextToken']}") extra_args['NextToken'] = job_response['NextToken'] else: break return result_value else: logger.error(f"{job_response}") raise Exception( f"job_status not SUCCEEDED. job_status: {job_response['JobStatus']}, message: {job_response['StatusMessage']}" ) def get_full_json(job_id: str = "", textract_api: Textract_API = Textract_API.DETECT, boto3_textract_client=None, job_done_polling_interval=1) -> dict: """returns full json for call, even when response is chunked""" logger.debug(f"get_full_json: job_id: {job_id}, Textract_API: {}") job_response = get_job_response(job_id=job_id, textract_api=textract_api, boto3_textract_client=boto3_textract_client) logger.debug(f"job_response for job_id: {job_id}") job_status = job_response['JobStatus'] while job_status == "IN_PROGRESS": job_response = get_job_response(job_id=job_id, textract_api=textract_api, boto3_textract_client=boto3_textract_client) job_status = job_response['JobStatus'] time.sleep(job_done_polling_interval) if job_status == 'SUCCEEDED': result_value = {} extra_args = {} while True: textract_results = get_job_response(job_id=job_id, textract_api=textract_api, extra_args=extra_args, boto3_textract_client=boto3_textract_client) if 'Blocks' in result_value: result_value['Blocks'].extend(textract_results['Blocks']) else: result_value = textract_results if 'NextToken' in textract_results: logger.debug(f"got next token {textract_results['NextToken']}") extra_args['NextToken'] = textract_results['NextToken'] else: break if 'NextToken' in result_value: del result_value['NextToken'] return result_value else: logger.error(f"{job_response}") raise Exception(f"job_status not SUCCEEDED. job_status: {job_status}, message: {job_response['StatusMessage']}") def call_textract_lending(input_document: str, client_request_token: str = "", job_tag: str = "", notification_channel: Optional[NotificationChannel] = None, output_config: Optional[OutputConfig] = None, kms_key_id: str = "", return_job_id: bool = False, job_done_polling_interval=1, boto3_textract_client=None): if len(input_document) > 7 and input_document.lower().startswith("s3://"): s3_bucket, s3_key = input_document.replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1) else: raise Exception("input_document needs to be an S3 URL.") if not boto3_textract_client: textract = boto3.client("textract") else: textract = boto3_textract_client params = generate_request_params( document_location=DocumentLocation(s3_bucket=s3_bucket, s3_prefix=s3_key), output_config=output_config, notification_channel=notification_channel, kms_key_id=kms_key_id, client_request_token=client_request_token, job_tag=job_tag, ) submission_status = textract.start_lending_analysis(**params) if return_job_id: return submission_status else: return get_full_json_lending(submission_status['JobId'], boto3_textract_client=textract, job_done_polling_interval=job_done_polling_interval) def call_textract(input_document: Union[str, bytes], features: Optional[List[Textract_Features]] = None, queries_config: Optional[QueriesConfig] = None, output_config: Optional[OutputConfig] = None, kms_key_id: str = "", job_tag: str = "", notification_channel: Optional[NotificationChannel] = None, client_request_token: str = "", return_job_id: bool = False, force_async_api: bool = False, call_mode: Textract_Call_Mode = Textract_Call_Mode.DEFAULT, boto3_textract_client=None, job_done_polling_interval=1) -> dict: """ calls Textract and returns a response (either full json as string (json.dumps)or the job_id when return_job_id=True) In case of TIFF the default is calling sync, so if a multi-page TIFF is passed in the caller has to set force_async_api=True or will get a botocore.errorfactory.UnsupportedDocumentException input_document: points to document on S3 when string starts with s3:// points to local file when string does not start with s3:// or bytearray when object is in memory s3_output_url: s3 output location in the form of s3:/// return_job_id: return job_id instead of full json in case calling functions handles async process flow force_async_api: when passing in an image default is to call sync API, this forces the async API to be called (input-document has to be on S3) client_request_token: passed down to Textract API job_tag: passed down to Textract API boto_3_textract_client: pass in boto3 client (to overcome missing region in environmnent, e. g.) job_done_polling_interval: when using async (pdf document of force_async_api, the implementation polls every x seconds (1 second by default)) returns: dict with either Textract response or async API response (incl. the JobId) raises LimitExceededException when receiving LimitExceededException from Textract API. Expectation is to handle in calling function """ logger.debug("call_textract") if not boto3_textract_client: textract = boto3.client("textract") else: textract = boto3_textract_client is_s3_document: bool = False s3_bucket = "" s3_key = "" result_value = {} force_sync_api = False if call_mode == Textract_Call_Mode.FORCE_SYNC: force_sync_api = True elif call_mode == Textract_Call_Mode.FORCE_ASYNC: force_async_api = True if force_async_api and force_sync_api: raise ValueError("can not force both, async and sync") if isinstance(input_document, str): if len(input_document) > 7 and input_document.lower().startswith("s3://"): is_s3_document = True s3_bucket, s3_key = input_document.replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1) ext: str = "" _, ext = os.path.splitext(input_document) ext = ext.lower() is_pdf: bool = (ext != None and ext.lower() in only_async_suffixes) if is_pdf and not is_s3_document: raise ValueError("PDF only supported when located on S3") if not is_s3_document and force_async_api: raise ValueError("when forcing async, document has to be on s3") if not is_s3_document and output_config: raise ValueError("only can have s3_output_url for async processes with document location on s3") if notification_channel and not return_job_id: raise ValueError("when submitting notification_channel, has to also expect the job_id as result atm.") # ASYNC if (is_pdf or force_async_api) and is_s3_document and not force_sync_api: logger.debug(f"is_pdf or force_async_api and is_s3_document") params = generate_request_params( document_location=DocumentLocation(s3_bucket=s3_bucket, s3_prefix=s3_key), features=features, queries_config=queries_config, output_config=output_config, notification_channel=notification_channel, kms_key_id=kms_key_id, client_request_token=client_request_token, job_tag=job_tag, ) if features: logger.debug(f"calling start_document_analysis with: {features}") textract_api = Textract_API.ANALYZE submission_status = textract.start_document_analysis(**params) else: logger.debug(f"calling start_document_text_detection") textract_api = Textract_API.DETECT submission_status = textract.start_document_text_detection(**params) if submission_status["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200: if return_job_id: return submission_status else: result_value = get_full_json(submission_status['JobId'], textract_api=textract_api, boto3_textract_client=textract, job_done_polling_interval=job_done_polling_interval) else: raise Exception(f"Got non-200 response code: {submission_status}") # SYNC elif ext in sync_suffixes or force_sync_api: # s3 file if is_s3_document: params = generate_request_params(document=Document(s3_bucket=s3_bucket, s3_prefix=s3_key), features=features, queries_config=queries_config, output_config=output_config, kms_key_id=kms_key_id, notification_channel=notification_channel) if features: result_value = textract.analyze_document(**params) else: result_value = textract.detect_document_text(**params) # local file else: with open(input_document, 'rb') as input_file: doc_bytes: bytearray = bytearray( params = generate_request_params(document=Document(byte_data=doc_bytes), features=features, queries_config=queries_config) if features: result_value = textract.analyze_document(**params) else: result_value = textract.detect_document_text(**params) # got bytearray, calling sync API elif isinstance(input_document, (bytes, bytearray)): logger.debug("processing bytes or bytearray") if force_async_api: raise Exception("cannot run async for bytearray") params = generate_request_params(document=Document(byte_data=input_document), features=features, queries_config=queries_config) if features: result_value = textract.analyze_document(**params) else: result_value = textract.detect_document_text(**params) else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported input_document type: {type(input_document)}") return result_value @dataclass class DocumentPage(): def __init__(self, byte_data: bytes = b'', s3_object: Optional[DocumentLocation] = None): if not byte_data and not s3_object: raise ValueError("Either bytes or s3_object have to be specified") elif byte_data and s3_object: raise ValueError("Only one of bytes or s3_object have to be specified") self.bytes_data = byte_data self.s3_object = s3_object def get_dict(self): if self.bytes_data: return {'Bytes': self.bytes_data} if self.s3_object: return self.s3_object.get_dict() def generate_analyzeid_request_params(document_pages: List[DocumentPage]) -> dict: if document_pages is None or len(document_pages) == 0: raise ValueError("No Document Page provided") params = {"DocumentPages": []} for dp in document_pages: params['DocumentPages'].append(dp.get_dict()) return params def call_textract_analyzeid( document_pages: List[Union[str, bytes]], boto3_textract_client=None, ) -> dict: """ calls Textract AnalyzeId and returns a response (either full json as string (json.dumps)or the job_id when return_job_id=True) AnalyzeId endpoint only supports syncronize call so far document_pages: returns: dict with either Textract AnalyzeId response """ logger.debug("call_textract_analyzeid") # checks if not document_pages: raise ValueError("empty document_pages") elif len(document_pages) > 2: raise ValueError("document_pages only allows up to 2 document pages at the moment for AnalyzeID.") elif len(document_pages) < 1: raise ValueError("no document_pages received.") if not boto3_textract_client: textract = boto3.client("textract") else: textract = boto3_textract_client document_pages_param: List[DocumentPage] = list() for input_document in document_pages: if isinstance(input_document, str): if len(input_document) > 7 and input_document.lower().startswith("s3://"): logger.debug("processing s3") s3_bucket, s3_key = input_document.replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1) document_pages_param.append( DocumentPage(s3_object=DocumentLocation(s3_bucket=s3_bucket, s3_prefix=s3_key))) else: logger.debug("processing local file") document_pages_param.append(DocumentPage(byte_data=open(input_document, 'rb').read())) elif isinstance(input_document, (bytes, bytearray)): logger.debug("processing bytes or bytearray") document_pages_param.append(DocumentPage(byte_data=bytes(input_document))) params = generate_analyzeid_request_params(document_pages=document_pages_param) return textract.analyze_id(**params) def call_textract_expense(input_document: Union[str, bytes], output_config: Optional[OutputConfig] = None, kms_key_id: str = "", job_tag: str = "", notification_channel: Optional[NotificationChannel] = None, client_request_token: str = "", return_job_id: bool = False, force_async_api: bool = False, boto3_textract_client=None, job_done_polling_interval=1) -> dict: logger.debug("call_textract_expense") if not boto3_textract_client: textract = boto3.client("textract") else: textract = boto3_textract_client is_s3_document: bool = False s3_bucket = "" s3_key = "" result_value = {} if isinstance(input_document, str): if len(input_document) > 7 and input_document.lower().startswith("s3://"): is_s3_document = True s3_bucket, s3_key = input_document.replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1) ext: str = "" _, ext = os.path.splitext(input_document) ext = ext.lower() is_pdf: bool = (ext != None and ext.lower() in only_async_suffixes) if is_pdf and not is_s3_document: raise ValueError("PDF only supported when located on S3") if not is_s3_document and force_async_api: raise ValueError("when forcing async, document has to be on s3") if not is_s3_document and output_config: raise ValueError("only can have s3_output_url for async processes with document location on s3") if notification_channel and not return_job_id: raise ValueError("when submitting notification_channel, has to also expect the job_id as result atm.") # ASYNC if is_pdf or force_async_api and is_s3_document: logger.debug(f"is_pdf or force_async_api and is_s3_document") params = generate_request_params( document_location=DocumentLocation(s3_bucket=s3_bucket, s3_prefix=s3_key), output_config=output_config, notification_channel=notification_channel, kms_key_id=kms_key_id, client_request_token=client_request_token, job_tag=job_tag, ) textract_api = Textract_API.EXPENSE submission_status = textract.start_expense_analysis(**params) if submission_status["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200: if return_job_id: return submission_status else: result_value = get_full_json(submission_status['JobId'], textract_api=textract_api, boto3_textract_client=textract, job_done_polling_interval=job_done_polling_interval) else: raise Exception(f"Got non-200 response code: {submission_status}") elif ext in sync_suffixes: # s3 file if is_s3_document: params = generate_request_params(document=Document(s3_bucket=s3_bucket, s3_prefix=s3_key), output_config=output_config, kms_key_id=kms_key_id, notification_channel=notification_channel) result_value = textract.analyze_expense(**params) # local file else: with open(input_document, 'rb') as input_file: doc_bytes: bytearray = bytearray( params = generate_request_params(document=Document(byte_data=doc_bytes)) result_value = textract.analyze_expense(**params) # got bytearray, calling sync API elif isinstance(input_document, (bytes, bytearray)): logger.debug("processing bytes or bytearray") if force_async_api: raise Exception("cannot run async for bytearray") params = generate_request_params(document=Document(byte_data=input_document)) result_value = textract.analyze_expense(**params) else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported input_document type: {type(input_document)}") return result_value