Extracted Fields

{% for fieldkv in task.input.ModelResult.Fields %} {% if fieldkv[1].Value %} {% assign field_value_len = fieldkv[1].Value | size %} {% if fieldkv[1].Detections and fieldkv[1].Detections[0] %}

Detected at:

    {% for det in fieldkv[1].Detections %}
  • ({{det.Confidence | times: 100 | round: 1 }}% Confidence): Page {{det.PageNum}}, X={{det.BoundingBox.Width | divided_by: 2 | plus: det.BoundingBox.Left | round: 4}}, Y={{det.BoundingBox.Height | divided_by: 2 | plus: det.BoundingBox.Top | round: 4}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %} {% assign field_value_len = fieldkv[1].Values | size %} {% assign ix_value = -1 %} {% for fieldvalue in fieldkv[1].Values %} {% else %} {% comment %} Must have at least one slot present for the add/remove logics to work {% endcomment %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% else %}
No fields available!
{% endfor %}

Review the input document and amend the auto-extracted values for each field, then click Submit.

For more guidance view the full instructions.

All fields are required unless you explicitly un-tick the checkbox to indicate that field isn't in the document.

Note: We could programmatically pull through per-field guidance to here as we did in the custom SMGT template. However, in practice the guidance would probably be a little different for online review... So we haven't in this example.