# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
"""Utilities for working with SageMaker Ground Truth
# Python Built-Ins:
import json
from logging import getLogger
import os
from string import Template
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Iterable, Optional
# External Dependencies:
import boto3 # General-purpose AWS SDK for Python
# Local Dependencies:
from .postproc.config import FieldConfiguration
botosess = boto3.Session()
s3 = botosess.resource("s3")
smclient = botosess.client("sagemaker")
logger = getLogger("smgt")
# Lambda function ARN components for pre- and post-processing with built-in task types, as per:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/APIReference/API_HumanTaskConfig.html
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/APIReference/API_AnnotationConsolidationConfig.html
"bounding-box": {
"fn-name-pre": "PRE-BoundingBox",
"fn-name-post": "ACS-BoundingBox",
"regions": {
"us-east-1": {"account-id": "432418664414"},
"us-east-2": {"account-id": "266458841044"},
"us-west-2": {"account-id": "081040173940"},
"ca-central-1": {"account-id": "918755190332"},
"eu-west-1": {"account-id": "568282634449"},
"eu-west-2": {"account-id": "487402164563"},
"eu-central-1": {"account-id": "203001061592"},
"ap-northeast-1": {"account-id": "477331159723"},
"ap-northeast-2": {"account-id": "845288260483"},
"ap-south-1": {"account-id": "565803892007"},
"ap-southeast-1": {"account-id": "377565633583"},
"ap-southeast-2": {"account-id": "454466003867"},
"bounding-box-adjustment": {
"fn-name-pre": "PRE-AdjustmentBoundingBox",
"fn-name-post": "ACS-AdjustmentBoundingBox",
"regions": {
"us-east-1": {"account-id": "432418664414"},
"us-east-2": {"account-id": "266458841044"},
"us-west-2": {"account-id": "081040173940"},
"ca-central-1": {"account-id": "918755190332"},
"eu-west-1": {"account-id": "568282634449"},
"eu-west-2": {"account-id": "487402164563"},
"eu-central-1": {"account-id": "203001061592"},
"ap-northeast-1": {"account-id": "477331159723"},
"ap-northeast-2": {"account-id": "845288260483"},
"ap-south-1": {"account-id": "565803892007"},
"ap-southeast-1": {"account-id": "377565633583"},
"ap-southeast-2": {"account-id": "454466003867"},
# Template for built-in bounding box task type, as per:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/sms-bounding-box.html
# ...with placeholders for initial value and instructions added.
# Liquid template to incorporate initial bbox values from an existing manifest field, as per:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/sms-ui-template-crowd-bounding-box.html
BBOX_INITIAL_VALUE_TEMPLATE = """initial-value="[
{% for box in task.input.manifestLine.${label_attribute_name}.annotations %}
{% capture class_id %}{{ box.class_id }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign label = task.input.manifestLine.${label_attribute_name}-metadata.class-map[class_id] %}
label: {{label | to_json}},
left: {{box.left}},
top: {{box.top}},
width: {{box.width}},
height: {{box.height}},
{% endfor %}
def ensure_bucket_cors(
bucket_name: str,
aws_account_id: str = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCOUNT_ID"),
) -> Optional[dict]:
"""Ensure S3 bucket has a GET * CORS rule as required by SageMaker Ground Truth
bucket_name :
Name of the S3 bucket to configure. You must have s3:GetBucketCors and s3:PutBucketCors
permissions on this bucket.
aws_account_id :
AWS Account ID. If not provided, will attempt to determine from AWS_ACCOUNT_ID environment
resp :
An S3 PutBucketCors response if a rule was added, else None if a rule was already
bucket_cors = s3.BucketCors(bucket_name)
existing_rules = bucket_cors.cors_rules
except s3.meta.client.exceptions.ClientError as err:
if err.response.get("Error", {}).get("Code") == "NoSuchCORSConfiguration":
existing_rules = []
raise err
if any(
r for r in existing_rules if "*" in r["AllowedOrigins"] and "GET" in r["AllowedMethods"]
logger.info(f"Bucket already set up with CORS permissions: %s", bucket_name)
return None
new_rules = existing_rules + [
"ID": "SageMakerGroundTruth",
"AllowedHeaders": [],
"AllowedMethods": ["GET"],
"AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
"ExposeHeaders": [],
"MaxAgeSeconds": 60,
cors_resp = bucket_cors.put(
CORSConfiguration={"CORSRules": new_rules},
logger.info("Added CORS permissions to bucket: %s", bucket_name)
return cors_resp
def get_smgt_lambda_arn(
pre: bool,
task: str = "bounding-box",
region: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
"""Get the pre- or post-processing Lambda ARN for a SM Ground Truth built-in task type
Based on documentation from:
pre : bool
True to return the pre-processing ARN, False to return the post-processing ARN
task : str
Which built-in task you're looking for
region : Optional[str]
The AWS Region you're working in (if not set, will auto-discover from boto3).
if task not in SMGT_LAMBDA_CONFIG:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Task type '{task}' is not in known set {[k for k in SMGT_LAMBDA_CONFIG]}"
task_cfg = SMGT_LAMBDA_CONFIG[task]
if not region:
region = botosess.region_name
if region not in task_cfg["regions"]:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Lambda details not known for task {task} in region {region}")
return "arn:aws:lambda:{}:{}:function:{}".format(
task_cfg["fn-name-pre" if pre else "fn-name-post"],
def generate_label_category_config(
field_configs: Iterable[FieldConfiguration],
reviewing_attribute_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> dict:
"""Generate content for 'label configuration file' for an SMGT annotation job on pre-built UI
The label configuration file includes parameters like the list of class labels and the worker
instructions, which need to be populated when using the pre-built task UIs. For more info on
file structure, see:
field_configs : Iterable[FieldConfiguration]
List of field configuration objects describing the label classes (see postproc utils)
reviewing_attribute_name : Optional[str]
If setting up a label review/validation job, provide the name of the attribute in the
manifest where previous annotations are stored.
result = {
"document-version": "2018-11-28",
"labels": [{"label": field.name} for field in field_configs],
"instructions": {
"shortInstruction": (
"Draw bounding boxes to highlight all instances of the listed entity types. Use "
"overlapping boxes of the same type to highlight contiguous, non-square regions. "
"See the full instructions for more details."
"fullInstruction": dedent(
Use the bounding box tool to highlight all instances of the listed
entity types on the page.
Overlapping boxes of the same type are consolidated to a single object by the
model: So you can use this pattern to highlight non-rectangular regions
(such as specific multi-line sentences in a paragraph); and should avoid
overlapping same-class boxes where the two regions are semantically separate.
if any(field.annotation_guidance for field in field_configs):
guidance = ["Per-Field Guidance
for field in filter(lambda f: f.annotation_guidance, field_configs):
result["instructions"]["fullInstruction"] += "\n".join(guidance)
if reviewing_attribute_name is not None:
result["auditLabelAttributeName"] = reviewing_attribute_name
return result
def get_bbox_template(
header: str,
instructions_short: str = "",
instructions_full: str = "",
reviewing_attribute_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
initial_value_attr = (
{"label_attribute_name": reviewing_attribute_name}
if reviewing_attribute_name
else ""
return Template(BBOX_TEMPLATE).substitute(
"header": header,
"initial_value_attr": initial_value_attr,
"instructions_short": instructions_short,
"instructions_full": instructions_full,
def workteam_arn_from_name(name: str) -> str:
"""Validate that a SageMaker Ground Truth Workteam exists with members, and return its ARN"""
desc = smclient.describe_workteam(WorkteamName=name)
if not len(desc["Workteam"]["MemberDefinitions"]):
raise ValueError(f"Workteam '{name}' has no members! Add members to use for annotation")
return desc["Workteam"]["WorkteamArn"]
def create_bbox_labeling_job(
job_name: str,
bucket_name: str,
execution_role_arn: str,
fields: Iterable[FieldConfiguration],
input_manifest_s3uri: str,
output_s3uri: str,
workteam_arn: str,
local_inputs_folder: str = os.path.join("data", "manifests"),
reviewing_attribute_name: Optional[str] = None,
s3_inputs_prefix: str = "data/manifests",
task_template: Optional[str] = None,
pre_lambda_arn: Optional[str] = None,
post_lambda_arn: Optional[str] = None,
) -> dict:
"""Create a SageMaker Ground Truth labelling job with the built-in Bounding Box task UI
job_name :
Name of the job to create (must be unique in your AWS Account+Region)
bucket_name :
Name of the S3 bucket where input/output manifests and job metadata will be stored
execution_role_arn :
ARN of the SageMaker Execution Role (in AWS IAM) that the labelling job will run as. The
role must have permission to access your selected `bucket_name`.
fields : Iterable[FieldConfiguration]
Field/entity types list
input_manifest_s3uri :
's3://...' URI where the input JSON-Lines manifest file is (already) stored
output_s3uri :
's3://...' URI where the job output should be stored (SMGT will add a job subfolder)
workteam_arn :
ARN of the SageMaker Ground Truth workteam who will be performing the task
local_inputs_folder :
Local folder where configuration files for SMGT will be stored before uploading to S3.
(Default 'data/manifests')
reviewing_attribute_name : Optional[str]
Set the name of the manifest attribute where existing labels are stored, to trigger an
adjustment job on pre-existing labels. (Default None)
s3_inputs_prefix :
Key prefix (with or without trailing slash) under which configuration files for SMGT will
be uploaded to the S3 bucket_name. (Default 'data/manifests')
task_template :
Optional custom task template file (local path). If not provided, the standard SMGT Bounding
Box task UI will be used.
pre_lambda_arn :
Override AWS Lambda ARN for Ground Truth task pre-processing. When unset, the default
pre-processing Lambda for SMGT Bounding Box (adjustment) task UI will be used. Set this
parameter to use your own function instead.
post_lambda_arn :
Override AWS Lambda ARN for Ground Truth task post-processing. When unset, the default
post-processing Lambda for SMGT Bounding Box (adjustment) task UI will be used. Set this
parameter to use your own function instead.
response : dict
As per boto3 sagemaker client.create_labeling_job()
# Validate/normalize inputs:
if local_inputs_folder.endswith(os.path.sep):
local_inputs_folder = local_inputs_folder[:-1]
if s3_inputs_prefix.startswith("/"):
s3_inputs_prefix = s3_inputs_prefix[1:]
if s3_inputs_prefix.endswith("/"):
s3_inputs_prefix = s3_inputs_prefix[:-1]
bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name)
# Generate and upload a job metadata file (including things like the list of class names, and
# any instructions to include for workers):
input_category_file = os.path.join(local_inputs_folder, f"{job_name}.meta.json")
input_category_s3key = "/".join((s3_inputs_prefix, f"{job_name}.meta.json"))
input_category_s3uri = f"s3://{bucket_name}/{input_category_s3key}"
with open(input_category_file, "w") as f:
label_category_config = generate_label_category_config(
bucket.upload_file(input_category_file, input_category_s3key)
print(f"Uploaded Labeling Category Config {input_category_file} to:\n{input_category_s3uri}")
# Generate and upload the task template:
task_template_s3key = "/".join((s3_inputs_prefix, f"{job_name}.liquid.html"))
task_template_s3uri = f"s3://{bucket_name}/{task_template_s3key}"
if task_template is None:
task_template_file = os.path.join(local_inputs_folder, f"{job_name}.liquid.html")
with open(task_template_file, "w") as f:
header="Highlight the entities with bounding boxes",
label_category_config.get("instructions", {}).get("shortInstruction", "")
label_category_config.get("instructions", {}).get("fullInstruction", "")
task_template_file = task_template
bucket.upload_file(task_template_file, task_template_s3key)
print(f"Uploaded resolved task UI template {task_template_file} to:\n{task_template_s3uri}")
# Create the actual labeling job:
task = "bounding-box-adjustment" if reviewing_attribute_name else "bounding-box"
return smclient.create_labeling_job(
"DataSource": {
"S3DataSource": {"ManifestS3Uri": input_manifest_s3uri},
# If adapting this code for use with A2I public workforce, you may need to add
# additional content classifiers as described here:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/sms-workforce-management-public.html
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/augmented-ai/2019-11-07/APIReference/API_HumanLoopDataAttributes.html
# "DataAttributes": {
# "ContentClassifiers": [
# "FreeOfPersonallyIdentifiableInformation", "FreeOfAdultContent"
# ],
# },
"S3OutputPath": output_s3uri,
LabelCategoryConfigS3Uri=input_category_s3uri, # Required for built-in tasks only
"WorkteamArn": workteam_arn,
"UiConfig": {
"UiTemplateS3Uri": task_template_s3uri,
"PreHumanTaskLambdaArn": (
get_smgt_lambda_arn(pre=True, task=task)
if pre_lambda_arn is None
else pre_lambda_arn
"TaskTitle": "Credit Card Agreement Entities",
"TaskDescription": "Highlight the entities with bounding boxes",
"NumberOfHumanWorkersPerDataObject": 1,
"TaskTimeLimitInSeconds": 60 * 60,
"TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds": 10 * 24 * 60 * 60,
"MaxConcurrentTaskCount": 250,
"AnnotationConsolidationConfig": {
"AnnotationConsolidationLambdaArn": (
get_smgt_lambda_arn(pre=False, task=task)
if post_lambda_arn is None
else post_lambda_arn