{"qid":"AADEMO.Transaction.MakePayment","a":"All information captured.. Last 4 digits of account number = {{getSlot 'accountno' '?'}}, Amount = ${{getSlot 'amount' '?'}}, Account = {{getSlot 'accounttype' '?'}}.\nSuggested response: Great, so I’ve processed payment of ${{getSlot 'amount' '?'}} from your {{getSlot 'accounttype' '?'}} account. Is there anything else I can help you with?","enableQidIntent":true,"slots":[{"slotRequired":true,"slotName":"accountno","slotType":"AMAZON.Number","slotPrompt":"Ask caller for last 4 digits of card number"},{"slotRequired":true,"slotName":"amount","slotType":"AMAZON.Number","slotPrompt":"Confirm that card balance is $75.34. How much do you want to pay? There’s a $50 minimum payment.","slotSampleUtterances":"I want to pay {amount} dollars, I'll pay {amount} dollars please, {amount} dollars please, I'll pay {amount} dollars"},{"slotRequired":true,"slotName":"accounttype","slotType":"SlotType.ACCOUNTTYPE","slotPrompt":"Ask caller if they want to pay from their checking or savings account","slotSampleUtterances":"Let's use my {accounttype} account, my {accounttype} please"}],"type":"qna","q":["Hi, I want to pay my credit card bill.","Can I pay my card bill.","Let me pay the card bill","Can i pay my card bill now while I’m on the phone?","Thanks, yes. Can i pay my card bill now?"]} {"qid":"AADEMO.CashBackEnquiry","a":"{{#ifCond Slots.cardtype '===' 'reward-cards'}} \n I see here that the rewards card has a 2% cashback rate on your everyday spending. \n{{else}}\n I see here that the {{Slots.cardtype}} does not offer cash back. You might want to consider our rewards card. \n{{/ifCond}}\nAnything else I can help with today?","enableQidIntent":true,"slots":[{"slotRequired":true,"slotValueCached":true,"slotName":"cardtype","slotType":"SlotType.CARDTYPE","slotPrompt":"Ask: Is this a rewards card, or a purchase card?","slotSampleUtterances":"It's a {cardtype} card"}],"type":"qna","q":["I was wondering what is the cash back rate for this card?","What is the cash back rate for the {cardtype} card?"]} {"qid":"AADEMO.LifeInsurancePolicyEnquiry","a":"Open https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_insurance\nSuggested response: We offer many types of Term life insurance, and Permanent life insurance, including Whole life, Universal life, Endowment policies, Accidental death policies, and more.","type":"qna","q":["Do you offer life insurance policies?","What life insurance policies do you have?","Can you tell me what kinds of life insurance policies you have"]} {"qid":"AADEMO.Wrapup","a":"Thanks {{getSessionAttr 'qnabotcontext.slot.firstname' ''}}! We appreciate your business. Check out our website at ACMEBank.com to learn about all our other products, and feel free to call back if you have any additional questions. Have a great day.","type":"qna","q":["Nothing else just now.","You’ve been a big help. That's all I need for now.","That's all I need for now."]} {"qid":"SlotType.ACCOUNTTYPE","descr":"Capture account type","resolutionStrategyRestrict":true,"slotTypeValues":[{"samplevalue":"checking","synonyms":"checking account"},{"samplevalue":"savings","synonyms":"savings account"}],"type":"slottype","_id":"SlotType.ACCOUNTTYPE"} {"qid":"SlotType.CARDTYPE","descr":"Capture credit card type","resolutionStrategyRestrict":true,"slotTypeValues":[{"samplevalue":"reward-cards","synonyms":"rewards"},{"samplevalue":"purchase-cards","synonyms":"purchase"}],"type":"slottype","_id":"SlotType.CARDTYPE"} {"qid":"AADEMO.CardTypeAndName","a":"Suggested response: Perfect! Hi {{getSlot 'firstname' '?'}}! How can i help you with your {{getSlot 'cardtype' '?'}} card?","enableQidIntent":true,"slots":[{"slotRequired":true,"slotValueCached":true,"slotName":"cardtype","slotType":"SlotType.CARDTYPE","slotPrompt":"Ask: Is this a rewards card, or a purchase card?","slotSampleUtterances":"It's a {cardtype} card"},{"slotRequired":true,"slotValueCached":true,"slotName":"firstname","slotType":"AMAZON.FirstName","slotPrompt":"Ask caller to state their first name only, for verification purposes. It should be ‘Bob’ per callerId lookup."}],"type":"qna","q":["I’m calling about my {cardtype} card.","Hi. My name is {firstname}. I’m calling about my card.","Hi. My name is {firstname}. I’m calling about my {cardtype} card.","Hi. My name is {firstname}."]} {"qid":"CustomNoMatches","a":"{{Settings.EMPTYMESSAGE}}","alt":{"markdown":"{{Settings.EMPTYMESSAGE}}"},"type":"qna","q":["no_hits"]}