ARG NODE_VERSION=16 # First, build the project FROM AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY [\ "./.eslintrc",\ "./.eslintignore",\ "./package.json",\ "./package-lock.json",\ "./tsconfig.json",\ "/app/"\ ] COPY "./client-transcribe-streaming" "/app/client-transcribe-streaming" RUN npm ci COPY "./src" "/app/src" RUN npm run build RUN npm prune --production # Now create the runtime image and copy the build artifacts into it FROM AS runtime WORKDIR /app ENV NODE_ENV=production ENV LOG_ROOT_DIR=/tmp/ ENV SERVERPORT=8080 ENV SERVERHOST= EXPOSE $SERVERPORT COPY --from=builder "/app/node_modules/" "/app/node_modules" COPY --from=builder "/app/dist" "/app/dist" USER node ENTRYPOINT ["node", "/app/dist/index.js"]