# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: Amazon Transcribe Live Call Analytics with Agent Assist - LCA (v0.8.3) (SO9072) Parameters: CallAudioSource: Type: String Default: Demo Asterisk PBX Server AllowedValues: - Demo Asterisk PBX Server - Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector (SIPREC) - Genesys Cloud Audiohook Web Socket - Amazon Connect Contact Lens Description: > Choose whether to automatically install a demo Asterisk PBX server for easy standalone testing, an Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector to use for standards based SIPREC/NBR integration with your contact center, a Web Socket interface to use for Audiohook integration with your Genesys Cloud CX contact center, or integrate with Amazon Connect Contact Lens. CallAudioProcessor: Type: String Default: Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics AllowedValues: - Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics - Call Transcriber Lambda Description: > If you choose Demo Asterisk PBX Server orAmazon Chime SDK Voice Connector (SIPREC), you can have Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics ingest the audio and send it to Transcribe, or use the example LCA Call Processor Lambda. Enabling Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics also allows you to also use Voice Analytics, such as Voice Tone Analysis and Speaker Search. ChimeVoiceToneAnalysis: Type: String Default: Disabled AllowedValues: - Enabled - Disabled Description: > Used only when a call audio source withAmazon Chime SDK Voice Connector is selected, and Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics is used as a call processor. A voice analytics feature that enables you to analyze caller voices for a positive, negative, or neutral tone. This is different than sentiment analysis, as it analyzes the audio versus text. --NOTE-- In some jurisdictions, it may not be legal to use voice analytics without the caller's consent. Please read https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime-sdk/latest/dg/va-opt-out.html for more information. DemoSoftphoneAllowedCidr: Type: String AllowedPattern: '( *|([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2])))' Description: > Used only when CallAudioSource is set to 'Demo Asterisk PBX Server' CIDR block allowed by demo Asterisk server for soft phone registration. Example: '' SiprecLambdaHookFunctionArn: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|arn:aws:lambda:.*)$' Description: > (Optional) Used only when CallAudioSource is set to 'Chime Voice Connector (SIPREC)' or 'Demo Asterisk PBX Server'. If present, the specified Lambda function can selectively choose calls to process, toggle agent/caller streams, assign AgentId, and/or modify values for CallId and displayed phone numbers. SiprecAllowedCidrList: Type: String # yamllint disable rule:line-length AllowedPattern: '( *|(([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))))(, *([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2])))*' # yamllint enable rule:line-length Description: > Ignored if Install Demo Asterisk Server is true. Comma delimited list of public CIDR blocks allowed by Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector for SIPREC source hosts. Mask of /27 to /32 is allowed. Example: ',' ConnectInstanceArn: Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|arn:aws:connect:.*)$' Description: > Required when CallAudioSource is set to 'Amazon Connect Contact Lens'. Amazon Connect instance ARN of a working instance. Prerequisite: Agent queue and Real Time Contact Lens must be enabled. AgentAssistOption: Type: String Default: QnABot on AWS with new Kendra Index (Developer Edition) AllowedValues: - Disabled - Bring your own LexV2 bot - QnABot on AWS with existing Kendra Index - QnABot on AWS with new Kendra Index (Developer Edition) - QnABot on AWS with new Kendra Index (Enterprise Edition) - Bring your own Lambda function Description: > Choose to enable optional Agent Assist capability, powered by a nested QnABot stack, or your own LexV2 bot. QnABot uses Amazon Lex and Amazon Kendra to provide real time agent assist messages based on intents, slots, FAQs, and general search index that you configure using the included ContentDesigner UI. Now QnABot also uses text embeddings to provide additional options for matching FAQs - accept the defaults below, or customize and experiment. AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12})$' Description: > Used only when AgentAssistOption is set to 'QnABot on AWS with existing Kendra Index'. Provide the index *id* (not name) of an existing Kendra index to be used for Agent Assist bot." AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotId: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|[0-9a-zA-Z]{10})$' Description: > Used only when AgentAssistOption is set to 'Bring your own LexV2 bot'. Provide the Lex V2 *Bot Id* (not name) of an existing LexV2 bot to be used for Agent Assist." AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotAliasId: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|[0-9a-zA-Z]{10})$' Description: > Used only when AgentAssistOption is set to 'Bring your own LexV2 bot'. Provide the Lex V2 *Bot Alias Id* (not name) of an existing LexV2 bot alias to be used for Agent Assist." AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|arn:aws:lambda:.*)$' Description: > Used only when AgentAssistOption is set to 'Bring your own Lambda function'. Provide the function ARN of an existing Lambda function to be used for Agent Assist." # Options for QnABot Embeddings AgentAssistQnABotItemMatchingApi: Type: String Description: Method used by QnABot for semantic matching of caller utterances to stored agent assist configuration items and FAQs. AllowedValues: - KENDRA FAQ - EMBEDDINGS SAGEMAKER - EMBEDDINGS LAMBDA Default: KENDRA FAQ AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsSagemakerInitialInstanceCount: Type: Number MinValue: 0 Description: "Optional: If Item Matching Api is EMBEDDINGS SAGEMAKER, provide initial instance count (ml.m5.xlarge). Set to '0' to enable Serverless Inference (for cold-start delay tolerant deployments only)." Default: 1 AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaArn: Type: String AllowedPattern: ^(|arn:aws:lambda:.*)$ Description: 'Optional: If Item Matching Api is LAMBDA, provide ARN for a Lambda function that takes JSON {"inputtext":"string"}, and returns JSON {"embedding":[...]}' Default: '' AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaDimensions: Type: Number MinValue: 1 Description: 'Optional: If Item Matching Api is LAMBDA, provide number of dimensions for embeddings returned by the EmbeddingsLambda function specified above.' Default: 4096 AgentAssistQnABotLLMApi: Type: String Description: Optionally enable (experimental) QnABot question disambiguation and generative question answering using an LLM. To use a custom LAMBDA function, provide additional parameters below. To use a supported third party service, enter the API key below. AllowedValues: - DISABLED - LAMBDA - ANTHROPIC Default: DISABLED AgentAssistQnABotLLMLambdaArn: Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|arn:aws:lambda:.*)$' Description: 'Optional: If LLMApi is LAMBDA, provide ARN for a Lambda function that takes JSON {"prompt":"string", "settings":{key:value,..}}, and returns JSON {"generated_text":"string"}' Default: '' AgentAssistQnABotLLMThirdPartyApiKey: Type: String Description: 'Optional: If LLMApi is ANTHROPIC, enter your Anthropic API Key. ** Data will leave your AWS account **' Default: '' NoEcho: true S3BucketName: Type: String Description: > (Optional) Existing bucket where call recording files will be stored. Leave blank to automatically create new bucket. # yamllint disable rule:line-length AllowedPattern: '( *|(?=^.{3,63}$)(?!^(\d+\.)+\d+$)(^(([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])\.)*([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])$))' # yamllint enable rule:line-length AudioFilePrefix: Type: String Default: lca-audio-recordings/ Description: The Amazon S3 prefix where the audio files will be saved (must end in "/") CallAnalyticsPrefix: Type: String Default: lca-call-analytics/ Description: The Amazon S3 prefix where the post-call analytics files will be saved, when using analytics api mode (must end in "/") IsPartialTranscriptEnabled: Type: String Default: 'true' Description: >- Enable partial transcripts to receive low latency evolving transcriptions for each conversation turn. Set to false to process only the final version of each conversation turn. AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' IsContentRedactionEnabled: Type: String Default: 'false' Description: >- Enable content redaction from Amazon Transcribe transcription output. This is only used when the 'en-US' language is selected in the TranscribeLanguageCode parameter. AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' TranscribeApiMode: Type: String Default: analytics AllowedValues: - standard - analytics Description: >- Set the default API mode for Transcribe. Set to 'analytics' to use the Amazon Transcribe Real-time Call Analytics service, used to support call categories and alerts, call summarization, and PCA integration. CategoryAlertRegEx: Type: String Default: .* Description: > If using the 'analytics' Transcribe API Mode, this regular expression will be used to show an alert in red in the web user interface if it matches a call category. This defaults to matching all categories. TranscribeContentRedactionType: Type: String Default: PII Description: >- Type of content redaction from Amazon Transcribe transcription output AllowedValues: - PII TranscribeLanguageCode: Type: String Description: >- Language code to be used for Amazon Transcribe Default: en-US AllowedValues: - en-US - es-US - en-GB - fr-CA - fr-FR - en-AU - it-IT - de-DE - pt-BR - ja-JP - ko-KR - zh-CN TranscribePiiEntityTypes: Type: String Default: BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER,BANK_ROUTING,CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER,CREDIT_DEBIT_CVV,CREDIT_DEBIT_EXPIRY,PIN,EMAIL,ADDRESS,NAME,PHONE,SSN Description: >- Select the PII entity types you want to identify or redact. Remove the values that you don't want to redact from the default. DO NOT ADD CUSTOM VALUES HERE. CustomVocabularyName: Type: String Default: '' Description: >- The name of the vocabulary to use when processing the transcription job. Leave blank if no custom vocabulary to be used. If yes, the custom vocabulary must pre-exist in your account. CustomLanguageModelName: Type: String Default: '' Description: >- The name of the custom language model to use when processing the transcription job. Leave blank if no custom language model is to be used. If specified, the custom language model must pre-exist in your account, match the Language Code selected above, and use the 'Narrow Band' base model. IsSentimentAnalysisEnabled: Type: String Default: 'true' Description: >- Enable sentiment analysis AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' SentimentNegativeScoreThreshold: Type: Number Default: 0.9 MinValue: 0 MaxValue: 1 Description: >- Minimum negative sentiment confidence required to declare a phrase as having negative sentiment, in the range 0-1. Not applicable when using Contact Lens or Transcribe Call Analytics (as sentiment is pre-calculated). SentimentPositiveScoreThreshold: Type: Number Default: 0.4 MinValue: 0 MaxValue: 1 Description: >- Minimum positive sentiment confidence required to declare a phrase as having positive sentiment, in the range 0-1. Not applicable when using Contact Lens or Transcribe Call Analytics (as sentiment is pre-calculated). TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionArn: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|arn:aws:lambda:.*)$' Description: > (Optional) If present, the specified Lambda function is invoked by the LCA Call Event Processor Lambda function for each completed (non-partial) transcript segment. The function can capture and/or modify the text of the transcript, for example to implement custom redaction logic, profanity filtering, or custom rules to highlight patterns in the transcript. TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionNonPartialOnly: Type: String Default: 'true' AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' Description: > Specifies if Transcript Lambda Hook Function (if specified) is invoked for Non-Partial transcript segments only (true), or for both Partial and Non-Partial transcript segments (false). EndOfCallTranscriptSummary: Default: 'DISABLED' Type: String AllowedValues: - 'DISABLED' - 'SAGEMAKER' - 'LAMBDA' - 'ANTHROPIC' Description: > Set to enable call summarization by a Large Language Model. The SAGEMAKER option uses a SageMaker endpoint with the pretrained bart-large-cnn-samsum model with a ml.m5.xlarge instance type. The LAMBDA option requires you to provide a function ARN below. The ANTHROPIC option is a third party service, and you must enter your Anthropic API key below. SummarizationSageMakerInitialInstanceCount: Type: Number MinValue: 0 Default: 1 Description: > (Optional) If 'End Of Call Transcript Summary' is SAGEMAKER, provide initial instance count. Set to '0' to enable Serverless Inference (for cold-start delay tolerant deployments only). SummarizationLLMThirdPartyApiKey: Type: String Description: 'Optional: If EndOfCallTranscriptSummary is ANTHROPIC, enter the provider API Key. ** Data will leave your AWS account **' Default: '' NoEcho: true EndOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|arn:aws:lambda:.*)$' Description: > (Optional) If 'End Of Call Transcript Summary' is LAMBDA, provide ARN for a Lambda function. The specified Lambda function is invoked by the LCA Call Event Processor Lambda function for end of call event. The function is passed en event with CallId as input. This function can implement custom logic that is relevant to end of call processing, for example, creating a call summary. StartOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|arn:aws:lambda:.*)$' Description: > (Optional) The specified Lambda function is invoked by the LCA Call Event Processor Lambda function for beginning or start of call event. This function can implement custom logic that is relevant to beginning of call processing, for example, retrieving call summary details logged into a case in a CRM. PostCallSummaryLambdaHookFunctionArn: Default: '' Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|arn:aws:lambda:.*)$' Description: > (Optional) The specified Lambda function is invoked by the LCA Call Event Processor Lambda function after the call summary is processed. This function can implement custom logic that is relevant to post processing, for example, updating the call summary to a CRM system. AdminEmail: Type: String Description: >- Email address of admin user (e.g. jdoe@example.com) used for the API and web UI. An initial temporary password will be automatically sent to this user via email. AllowedPattern: '^[\w.+-]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,6}$' AllowedSignUpEmailDomain: Type: String Default: '' Description: >- Email address domain (example.com) or comma separated list of email domains (example1.com, example2.com) allowed to signin and signup using the web UI. If left empty, signup via the web UI is disabled and users will have to be created using Cognito. AllowedPattern: '^(|([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,6}(, *([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,6})*)$' DemoAsteriskAgentAudioURL: Type: String Default: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/amazon-transcribe-live-call-analytics/main/lca-chimevc-stack/demo-audio/agent.wav Description: URL for audio (agent.wav) file download for demo Asterisk server. CloudFrontPriceClass: Type: String Default: PriceClass_100 Description: >- Specify the CloudFront price class. See https://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/pricing/ for a description of each price class. AllowedValues: - PriceClass_100 - PriceClass_200 - PriceClass_All ConstraintDescription: >- Allowed Price Classes PriceClass_100 PriceClass_200 and PriceClass_All CloudFrontAllowedGeos: Type: String Default: '' Description: >- Specify a comma separated list of two letter country codes (uppercase ISO 3166-1) that are allowed to access the web user interface via CloudFront. For example: US,CA. Leave empty if you do not want geo restrictions to be applied. AllowedPattern: '^(|[A-Z]{2}(,[A-Z]{2})*)$' ConstraintDescription: >- Comma separated list of uppercase two letter country codes or empty PcaS3BucketName: Type: String Description: > (Optional) Value of PCA stack "InputBucket". Effective if Transcribe API Mode parameter is 'analytics'. # yamllint disable rule:line-length AllowedPattern: '( *|(?=^.{3,63}$)(?!^(\d+\.)+\d+$)(^(([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])\.)*([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])$))' # yamllint enable rule:line-length PcaTranscriptsPrefix: Type: String Default: originalTranscripts/ Description: Value of PCA stack "InputBucketTranscriptPrefix". PcaPlaybackAudioFilePrefix: Type: String Default: playbackAudio/ Description: Value of PCA stack "InputBucketPlaybackAudioPrefix". PcaWebAppURL: Type: String AllowedPattern: '^(|https:\/\/.*)$' Description: (Optional) Value of PCA stack "WebAppURL". PcaWebAppCallPathPrefix: Type: String Default: dashboard/parsedFiles/ Description: PCA path prefix for call detail pages. DynamoDbExpirationInDays: Type: Number Default: 90 Description: >- Number of days to retain call records. Records will be automatically deleted from LCA after this time. RecordingsBucketRetentionDays: Type: Number Description: "Number of days after which bucket objects will be deleted from the Recordings bucket." Default: 30 Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: Web UI Authentication Parameters: - AdminEmail - AllowedSignUpEmailDomain - Label: default: Telephony Ingestion Options Parameters: - CallAudioSource - CallAudioProcessor - ChimeVoiceToneAnalysis # - ChimeSpeakerSearch - DemoSoftphoneAllowedCidr - SiprecAllowedCidrList - SiprecLambdaHookFunctionArn - ConnectInstanceArn - Label: default: Agent Assist Options Parameters: - AgentAssistOption - AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId - AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotId - AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotAliasId - AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn - AgentAssistQnABotItemMatchingApi - AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsSagemakerInitialInstanceCount - AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaArn - AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaDimensions - AgentAssistQnABotLLMApi - AgentAssistQnABotLLMLambdaArn - AgentAssistQnABotLLMThirdPartyApiKey - Label: default: Amazon S3 Configuration Parameters: - S3BucketName - AudioFilePrefix - CallAnalyticsPrefix - Label: default: Amazon Transcribe Configuration Parameters: - IsPartialTranscriptEnabled - TranscribeApiMode - IsContentRedactionEnabled - TranscribeLanguageCode - TranscribeContentRedactionType - TranscribePiiEntityTypes - CustomVocabularyName - CustomLanguageModelName - Label: default: Transcript Event Processing Configuration Parameters: - IsSentimentAnalysisEnabled - SentimentNegativeScoreThreshold - SentimentPositiveScoreThreshold - TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionArn - TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionNonPartialOnly - EndOfCallTranscriptSummary - SummarizationSageMakerInitialInstanceCount - SummarizationLLMThirdPartyApiKey - EndOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn - StartOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn - PostCallSummaryLambdaHookFunctionArn - Label: default: Download locations Parameters: - DemoAsteriskAgentAudioURL - Label: default: Amazon CloudFront Configuration Parameters: - CloudFrontPriceClass - CloudFrontAllowedGeos - Label: default: Retention Parameters: - DynamoDbExpirationInDays - RecordingsBucketRetentionDays - Label: default: User Experience Parameters: - CategoryAlertRegEx - Label: default: Post Call Analytics (PCA) Integration Parameters: - PcaS3BucketName - PcaTranscriptsPrefix - PcaPlaybackAudioFilePrefix - PcaWebAppURL - PcaWebAppCallPathPrefix ParameterLabels: CallAudioProcessor: default: Call Audio Processor ChimeVoiceToneAnalysis: default: Chime Voice Tone Analysis S3BucketName: default: Call Audio Recordings Bucket Name AudioFilePrefix: default: Audio File Prefix CallAnalyticsPrefix: default: Call Analytics Output File Prefix AdminEmail: default: Admin Email Address AllowedSignUpEmailDomain: default: Authorized Account Email Domain(s) CallAudioSource: default: Call Audio Source DemoSoftphoneAllowedCidr: default: Allowed CIDR Block for Demo Softphone SiprecAllowedCidrList: default: Allowed CIDR List for SIPREC Integration SiprecLambdaHookFunctionArn: default: Lambda Hook Function ARN for SIPREC Call Initialization (existing) ConnectInstanceArn: default: Amazon Connect instance ARN (existing) AgentAssistOption: default: Enable Agent Assist AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId: default: Agent Assist Kendra IndexId (existing) AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotId: default: Agent Assist LexV2 BotId (existing) AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotAliasId: default: Agent Assist LexV2 Bot AliasId (existing) AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn: default: Agent Assist Lambda Function ARN (existing) AgentAssistQnABotItemMatchingApi: default: Agent Assist QnABot Item Matching Api AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsSagemakerInitialInstanceCount: default: Agent Assist QnABot Embeddings SageMaker Instance Count AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaArn: default: Agent Assist QnABot Embeddings Lambda Function ARN (existing) AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaDimensions: default: Agent Assist QnABot Lambda Function Embeddings Dimension Count AgentAssistQnABotLLMApi: default: Agent Assist QnABot LLM API AgentAssistQnABotLLMLambdaArn: default: Agent Assist QnABot LLM Lambda Function ARN (existing) AgentAssistQnABotLLMThirdPartyApiKey: default: Agent Assist QnABot LLM Third Party API Key IsPartialTranscriptEnabled: default: Enable Partial Transcripts TranscribeApiMode: default: Transcribe API mode IsContentRedactionEnabled: default: Enable Content Redaction for Transcripts TranscribeLanguageCode: default: Language for Transcription TranscribeContentRedactionType: default: Content Redaction Type for Transcription TranscribePiiEntityTypes: default: Transcription PII Redaction Entity Types CustomVocabularyName: default: Transcription Custom Vocabulary Name CustomLanguageModelName: default: Transcription Custom Language Model Name DemoAsteriskAgentAudioURL: default: Demo Asterisk Server Agent WAV File Download URL IsSentimentAnalysisEnabled: default: Enable Sentiment Analysis SentimentNegativeScoreThreshold: default: Sentiment Negative Score Threshold SentimentPositiveScoreThreshold: default: Sentiment Positive Score Threshold TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionArn: default: Lambda Hook Function ARN for Custom Transcript Segment Processing (existing) TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionNonPartialOnly: default: Lambda Hook Function Mode Non-Partial only EndOfCallTranscriptSummary: default: End of Call Transcript Summary SummarizationSageMakerInitialInstanceCount: default: Initial Instance Count for Summarization SageMaker Endpoint SummarizationLLMThirdPartyApiKey: default: End of Call Summarization LLM Third Party API Key EndOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn: default: Lambda Hook Function ARN for Custom End of Call Processing (existing) StartOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn: default: Lambda Hook Function ARN for Custom Start of Call Processing (existing) PostCallSummaryLambdaHookFunctionArn: default: Lambda Hook Function ARN for Custom Post Processing, after the Call Transcript Summary is processed (existing) CloudFrontPriceClass: default: CloudFront Price Class CloudFrontAllowedGeos: default: CloudFront Allowed Geographies DynamoDbExpirationInDays: default: Record Expiration In Days RecordingsBucketRetentionDays: default: Recording Expiration In Days CategoryAlertRegEx: default: Category Alert Regular Expression PcaS3BucketName: default: PCA InputBucket PcaTranscriptsPrefix: default: PCA InputBucket Transcript prefix PcaPlaybackAudioFilePrefix: default: PCA InputBucket Playback AudioFile prefix PcaWebAppUrl: default: PCA Web App URL PcaWebAppCallPathPrefix: default: PCA Web App Call Path Prefix Conditions: ShouldInstallDemoAsteriskServer: !Equals [!Ref CallAudioSource, 'Demo Asterisk PBX Server'] ShouldInstallChimeVCsiprec: !Equals [!Ref CallAudioSource, 'Chime Voice Connector (SIPREC)'] ShouldInstallChimeVCStack: !Or [ !Condition ShouldInstallDemoAsteriskServer, !Condition ShouldInstallChimeVCsiprec, ] ShouldInstallGenesysAudiohookStack: !Equals [!Ref CallAudioSource, 'Genesys Cloud Audiohook Web Socket'] ShouldInstallConnectIntegrationStack: !Equals [!Ref CallAudioSource, 'Amazon Connect Contact Lens'] ShouldUseChimeCallAnalytics: !Equals [!Ref CallAudioProcessor, 'Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics'] ShouldEnableVoiceToneAnalysis: !And [ !Condition ShouldUseChimeCallAnalytics, !Equals [!Ref ChimeVoiceToneAnalysis, 'Enabled'], ] # ShouldEnableSpeakerSearch: !Equals [!Ref ChimeSpeakerSearch, 'Enabled'] ShouldEnableAgentAssist: !Not [!Equals [!Ref AgentAssistOption, 'Disabled']] ShouldEnableLambdaAgentAssist: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistOption, 'Bring your own Lambda function'] ShouldEnableLexAgentAssist: !And [ !Condition ShouldEnableAgentAssist, !Not [!Condition ShouldEnableLambdaAgentAssist], ] ShouldBringYourOwnBot: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistOption, 'Bring your own LexV2 bot'] ShouldInstallAWSQnaBot: !And [ !Condition ShouldEnableLexAgentAssist, !Not [!Condition ShouldBringYourOwnBot], ] ShouldCreateKendraIndexDeveloperEdition: !Equals [ !Ref AgentAssistOption, 'QnABot on AWS with new Kendra Index (Developer Edition)', ] ShouldCreateKendraIndexEnterpriseEdition: !Equals [ !Ref AgentAssistOption, 'QnABot on AWS with new Kendra Index (Enterprise Edition)', ] ShouldCreateKendraIndex: !Or [ !Condition ShouldCreateKendraIndexDeveloperEdition, !Condition ShouldCreateKendraIndexEnterpriseEdition, ] ShouldUseExistingKendraIndex: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistOption, 'QnABot on AWS with existing Kendra Index'] QnABotEmbeddingsApiDisabled: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistQnABotItemMatchingApi, 'KENDRA FAQ'] QnABotEmbeddingsApiSageMaker: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistQnABotItemMatchingApi, 'EMBEDDINGS SAGEMAKER'] QnABotEmbeddingsApiLambda: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistQnABotItemMatchingApi, 'EMBEDDINGS LAMBDA'] Mappings: TranscribeToComprehendLanguage: en-US: Value: en es-US: Value: es en-GB: Value: en fr-CA: Value: fr fr-FR: Value: fr en-AU: Value: en it-IT: Value: it de-DE: Value: de pt-BR: Value: pt ja-JP: Value: ja ko-KR: Value: ko zh-CN: Value: zh TranscribeToLexLocaleId: en-US: Value: en_US es-US: Value: es_US en-GB: Value: en_GB fr-CA: Value: fr_CA fr-FR: Value: fr_FR en-AU: Value: en_AU it-IT: Value: it_IT de-DE: Value: de_DE pt-BR: Value: pt_BR ja-JP: Value: ja_JP ko-KR: Value: ko_KR zh-CN: Value: zh_CH Rules: ConnectInstanceArn: RuleCondition: !Equals [!Ref CallAudioSource, 'Amazon Connect Contact Lens'] Assertions: - Assert: !Not [!Equals [!Ref ConnectInstanceArn, '']] AssertDescription: ConnectInstanceArn is required when CallAudioSource is 'Amazon Connect Contact Lens' AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId: RuleCondition: !Equals [ !Ref AgentAssistOption, 'QnABot on AWS with existing Kendra Index', ] Assertions: - Assert: !Not [!Equals [!Ref AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId, '']] AssertDescription: AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId is required when AgentAssistOption is 'QnABot on AWS with existing Kendra Index' AgentAssistExistingLexV2Bot: RuleCondition: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistOption, 'Bring your own LexV2 bot'] Assertions: - Assert: !Not [!Equals [!Ref AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotId, '']] AssertDescription: AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotId is required when AgentAssistOption is 'Bring your own LexV2 bot' - Assert: !Not [!Equals [!Ref AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotAliasId, '']] AssertDescription: AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotAliasId is required when AgentAssistOption is 'Bring your own LexV2 bot' AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn: RuleCondition: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistOption, 'Bring your own Lambda function'] Assertions: - Assert: !Not [!Equals [!Ref AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn, '']] AssertDescription: AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn is required when AgentAssistOption is 'Bring your own Lambda function' AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsExistingLambdaFunctionArn: RuleCondition: !Equals [!Ref AgentAssistQnABotItemMatchingApi, 'EMBEDDINGS LAMBDA'] Assertions: - Assert: !Not [!Equals [!Ref AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaArn, '']] AssertDescription: AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaArn is required when AgentAssistQnABotItemMatchingApi is 'EMBEDDINGS LAMBDA' Resources: # Custom resource to enforce max length of StackName - prevent downstream failures StacknameCheckFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: Handler: index.handler Runtime: python3.8 InlineCode: | import cfnresponse import time import json def handler(event, context): print(json.dumps(event)) input = event['ResourceProperties'].get('InputString', '') max_length = int(event['ResourceProperties'].get('MaxLength', 0)) status = cfnresponse.SUCCESS reason = f"Stack Name Length under {max_length} - OK" if event['RequestType'] == "Create": if len(input) > max_length: status = cfnresponse.FAILED reason = f"Stack Name length too long - max length {max_length} - FAILED" else: print(f"Request type is {event['RequestType']} - skipping") cfnresponse.send(event, context, status, {}, reason=reason) IsStacknameLengthOK: Type: Custom::StacknameCheck Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt StacknameCheckFunction.Arn InputString: !Ref 'AWS::StackName' MaxLength: 25 KENDRA: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Condition: ShouldCreateKendraIndex DependsOn: IsStacknameLengthOK Properties: # yamllint disable rule:line-length TemplateURL: https://s3..amazonaws.com///lca-kendra-stack/template.yaml # yamllint enable rule:line-length Parameters: IndexName: !Join ['', [!Ref 'AWS::StackName', '-Index']] IndexEdition: !If - ShouldCreateKendraIndexDeveloperEdition - 'DEVELOPER_EDITION' - 'ENTERPRISE_EDITION' QNABOT: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Condition: ShouldInstallAWSQnaBot DependsOn: IsStacknameLengthOK Properties: # yamllint disable rule:line-length TemplateURL: https://s3..amazonaws.com///aws-qnabot/templates/master.json # yamllint enable rule:line-length Parameters: Email: !Ref AdminEmail Username: 'Admin' LexV2BotLocaleIds: !FindInMap [ TranscribeToLexLocaleId, !Ref TranscribeLanguageCode, Value, ] BootstrapBucket: BootstrapPrefix: /aws-qnabot InstallLexResponseBots: 'false' EmbeddingsApi: !If - QnABotEmbeddingsApiDisabled - 'DISABLED' - !If - QnABotEmbeddingsApiSageMaker - 'SAGEMAKER' - 'LAMBDA' EmbeddingsLambdaArn: !Ref AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaArn EmbeddingsLambdaDimensions: !Ref AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsLambdaDimensions LLMApi: !Ref AgentAssistQnABotLLMApi LLMLambdaArn: !Ref AgentAssistQnABotLLMLambdaArn LLMThirdPartyApiKey: !Ref AgentAssistQnABotLLMThirdPartyApiKey AISTACK: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: IsStacknameLengthOK Properties: # yamllint disable rule:line-length TemplateURL: https://s3..amazonaws.com///lca-ai-stack//template.yaml # yamllint enable rule:line-length Parameters: RecordingsBucketRetentionDays: !Ref RecordingsBucketRetentionDays EnableVoiceToneAnalysis: !If - ShouldEnableVoiceToneAnalysis - 'true' - 'false' CallAudioSource: !Ref CallAudioSource S3BucketName: !Ref S3BucketName AdminEmail: !Ref AdminEmail AllowedSignUpEmailDomain: !Ref AllowedSignUpEmailDomain CategoryAlertRegEx: !Ref CategoryAlertRegEx ComprehendLanguageCode: !FindInMap [ TranscribeToComprehendLanguage, !Ref TranscribeLanguageCode, Value, ] IsSentimentAnalysisEnabled: !Ref IsSentimentAnalysisEnabled SentimentNegativeScoreThreshold: !Ref SentimentNegativeScoreThreshold SentimentPositiveScoreThreshold: !Ref SentimentPositiveScoreThreshold CloudFrontPriceClass: !Ref CloudFrontPriceClass CloudFrontAllowedGeos: !Ref CloudFrontAllowedGeos IsLexAgentAssistEnabled: !If - ShouldEnableLexAgentAssist - true - false IsLambdaAgentAssistEnabled: !If - ShouldEnableLambdaAgentAssist - true - false AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn: !Ref AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn DynamoDbExpirationInDays: !Ref DynamoDbExpirationInDays TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionArn: !Ref TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionArn TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionNonPartialOnly: !Ref TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionNonPartialOnly EndOfCallTranscriptSummary: !Ref EndOfCallTranscriptSummary SummarizationSageMakerInitialInstanceCount: !Ref SummarizationSageMakerInitialInstanceCount SummarizationLLMThirdPartyApiKey: !Ref SummarizationLLMThirdPartyApiKey EndOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn: !Ref EndOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn StartOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn: !Ref StartOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn PostCallSummaryLambdaHookFunctionArn: !Ref PostCallSummaryLambdaHookFunctionArn AGENTASSISTSETUP: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Condition: ShouldEnableLexAgentAssist DependsOn: AISTACK Properties: # yamllint disable rule:line-length TemplateURL: https://s3..amazonaws.com///lca-agentassist-setup-stack/template.yaml # yamllint enable rule:line-length Parameters: LCAStackName: !Ref AWS::StackName AISTACK: !Ref AISTACK QNABOTSTACK: !If - ShouldInstallAWSQnaBot - !Ref QNABOT - '' KendraIndexId: !If - ShouldCreateKendraIndex - !GetAtt KENDRA.Outputs.KendraIndexId - !Ref AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId LexAgentAssistBotId: !If - ShouldInstallAWSQnaBot - !GetAtt QNABOT.Outputs.LexV2BotId - !Ref AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotId LexAgentAssistAliasId: !If - ShouldInstallAWSQnaBot - !GetAtt QNABOT.Outputs.LexV2BotAliasId - !Ref AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotAliasId LexAgentAssistLocaleId: !FindInMap [ TranscribeToLexLocaleId, !Ref TranscribeLanguageCode, Value, ] WebAppBucket: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.WebAppBucket CloudFrontDistributionId: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CloudFrontDistributionId QnaAgentAssistDemoJson: //lca-agentassist-setup-stack/qna-aa-demo.jsonl # Changes to Params below force AgentAssist Setup to update. CallAudioSource: !Ref CallAudioSource ComprehendLanguageCode: !FindInMap [ TranscribeToComprehendLanguage, !Ref TranscribeLanguageCode, Value, ] AgentAssistOption: !Ref AgentAssistOption AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId: !Ref AgentAssistExistingKendraIndexId AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotId: !Ref AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotId AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotAliasId: !Ref AgentAssistExistingLexV2BotAliasId AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn: !Ref AgentAssistExistingLambdaFunctionArn AgentAssistQnABotEmbeddingsApi: !If - QnABotEmbeddingsApiDisabled - 'DISABLED' - !If - QnABotEmbeddingsApiSageMaker - 'SAGEMAKER' - 'LAMBDA' AgentAssistQnABotLLMApi: !Ref AgentAssistQnABotLLMApi AgentAssistQnABotLLMLambdaArn: !Ref AgentAssistQnABotLLMLambdaArn TranscribeLanguageCode: !Ref TranscribeLanguageCode IsSentimentAnalysisEnabled: !Ref IsSentimentAnalysisEnabled SentimentNegativeScoreThreshold: !Ref SentimentNegativeScoreThreshold SentimentPositiveScoreThreshold: !Ref SentimentPositiveScoreThreshold TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionArn: !Ref TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionArn TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionNonPartialOnly: !Ref TranscriptLambdaHookFunctionNonPartialOnly DynamoDbExpirationInDays: !Ref DynamoDbExpirationInDays EndOfCallTranscriptSummary: !Ref EndOfCallTranscriptSummary SummarizationSageMakerInitialInstanceCount: !Ref SummarizationSageMakerInitialInstanceCount EndOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn: !Ref EndOfCallLambdaHookFunctionArn LexAgentAssistIdentityPoolId: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.LexAgentAssistIdentityPoolId CloudFrontDomainName: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CloudFrontDomainName CHIMEVCSTACK: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Condition: ShouldInstallChimeVCStack Properties: # yamllint disable rule:line-length TemplateURL: https://s3..amazonaws.com///lca-chimevc-stack/template.yaml # yamllint enable rule:line-length Parameters: LCAStackName: !Ref 'AWS::StackName' EnableVoiceToneAnalysis: !If - ShouldEnableVoiceToneAnalysis - true - false UseChimeCallAnalytics: !If - ShouldUseChimeCallAnalytics - true - false InstallDemoAsteriskServer: !If - ShouldInstallDemoAsteriskServer - true - false DemoSoftphoneAllowedCidr: !Ref DemoSoftphoneAllowedCidr SiprecAllowedCidrList: !Ref SiprecAllowedCidrList DemoAsteriskAgentAudioURL: !Ref DemoAsteriskAgentAudioURL AudioFilePrefix: !Ref AudioFilePrefix CallAnalyticsPrefix: !Ref CallAnalyticsPrefix KinesisDataStreamName: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CallDataStreamName KinesisDataStreamArn: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CallDataStreamArn S3BucketName: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.S3BucketName IsPartialTranscriptEnabled: !Ref IsPartialTranscriptEnabled TranscribeApiMode: !Ref TranscribeApiMode IsContentRedactionEnabled: !Ref IsContentRedactionEnabled TranscribeContentRedactionType: !Ref TranscribeContentRedactionType TranscribeLanguageCode: !Ref TranscribeLanguageCode TranscribePiiEntityTypes: !Ref TranscribePiiEntityTypes CustomVocabularyName: !Ref CustomVocabularyName CustomLanguageModelName: !Ref CustomLanguageModelName SiprecLambdaHookFunctionArn: !Ref SiprecLambdaHookFunctionArn PcaS3BucketName: !Ref PcaS3BucketName PcaTranscriptsPrefix: !Ref PcaTranscriptsPrefix PcaPlaybackAudioFilePrefix: !Ref PcaPlaybackAudioFilePrefix PcaWebAppURL: !Ref PcaWebAppURL PcaWebAppCallPathPrefix: !Ref PcaWebAppCallPathPrefix GENESYSAUDIOHOOKSTACK: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Condition: ShouldInstallGenesysAudiohookStack Properties: # yamllint disable rule:line-length TemplateURL: https://s3..amazonaws.com///lca-genesys-audiohook-stack//template.yaml # yamllint enable rule:line-length Parameters: S3BucketName: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.S3BucketName AudioFilePrefix: !Ref AudioFilePrefix CallAnalyticsPrefix: !Ref CallAnalyticsPrefix CallDataStreamName: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CallDataStreamName CallDataStreamArn: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CallDataStreamArn CloudFrontPriceClass: !Ref CloudFrontPriceClass TranscribeApiMode: !Ref TranscribeApiMode IsContentRedactionEnabled: !Ref IsContentRedactionEnabled TranscribeContentRedactionType: !Ref TranscribeContentRedactionType TranscribeLanguageCode: !Ref TranscribeLanguageCode TranscribePiiEntityTypes: !Ref TranscribePiiEntityTypes CustomVocabularyName: !Ref CustomVocabularyName CustomLanguageModelName: !Ref CustomLanguageModelName PcaS3BucketName: !Ref PcaS3BucketName PcaTranscriptsPrefix: !Ref PcaTranscriptsPrefix PcaPlaybackAudioFilePrefix: !Ref PcaPlaybackAudioFilePrefix PcaWebAppURL: !Ref PcaWebAppURL PcaWebAppCallPathPrefix: !Ref PcaWebAppCallPathPrefix CONNECTINTEGRATIONSTACK: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Condition: ShouldInstallConnectIntegrationStack Properties: # yamllint disable rule:line-length TemplateURL: https://s3..amazonaws.com///lca-connect-integration-stack/template.yaml # yamllint enable rule:line-length Parameters: ConnectInstanceArn: !Ref ConnectInstanceArn CallEventProcessorFunctionRoleName: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CallEventProcessorFunctionRoleName CallDataStreamArn: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CallDataStreamArn CallDataStreamName: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CallDataStreamName EventSourcingTableName: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.EventSourcingTableName EventSourcingTableArn: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.EventSourcingTableArn Outputs: ApplicationCloudfrontEndpoint: Description: LCA User Interface URL Value: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CloudfrontEndpoint AsteriskInstanceId: Description: Demo Asterisk Server EC2 instanceId Value: !If - ShouldInstallChimeVCStack - !GetAtt CHIMEVCSTACK.Outputs.AsteriskInstanceId - 'Demo Asterisk PBX not enabled' CallDataStreamArn: Description: >- The ARN of Kinesis Data Stream for sending Call and Transcription events. Value: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.CallDataStreamArn Export: Name: 'Fn::Sub': '${AWS::StackName}-CallDataStreamArn' DemoPBXIPAddress: Description: Demo Asterisk Server IP Address Value: !If - ShouldInstallChimeVCStack - !GetAtt CHIMEVCSTACK.Outputs.DemoPBXIPAddress - 'Demo Asterisk PBX not enabled' DemoPBXPhoneNumber: Description: Demo Asterisk Server Phone Number Value: !If - ShouldInstallChimeVCStack - !GetAtt CHIMEVCSTACK.Outputs.DemoPBXPhoneNumber - 'Demo Asterisk PBX not enabled' WebSocketEndpoint: Description: Websocket endpoint for Genesys Cloud Audiohook integration Value: !If - ShouldInstallGenesysAudiohookStack - !GetAtt GENESYSAUDIOHOOKSTACK.Outputs.WebSocketEndpoint - 'Genesys Cloud Audiohook Web Socket not enabled' WebSocketAPIKey: Value: !If - ShouldInstallGenesysAudiohookStack - !GetAtt GENESYSAUDIOHOOKSTACK.Outputs.AudiohookAPIKey - 'Genesys Cloud Audiohook Web Socket not enabled' WebSocketAPIClientSecret: Value: !If - ShouldInstallGenesysAudiohookStack - !GetAtt GENESYSAUDIOHOOKSTACK.Outputs.AudiohookAPIClientSecret - 'Genesys Cloud Audiohook Web Socket not enabled' QnaBotContentDesigner: Description: Agent Assist Content Designer URL (QnABot on AWS) Value: !If - ShouldInstallAWSQnaBot - !GetAtt QNABOT.Outputs.ContentDesignerURL - 'Agent Assist QnABot on AWS not enabled' RecordingsS3Bucket: Description: Bucket contains all the call recordings Value: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.S3BucketName SNSCategoryTopicName: Description: The name of the SNS Topic for matched category and alert notifications Value: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.SNSTopic FetchTranscriptLambdaArn: Description: The ARN of a Lambda function that will process and export a call transcript as a string. Value: !GetAtt AISTACK.Outputs.FetchTranscriptArn