AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: Amazon Transcribe Post Call Analytics - PCA (v0.6.0) (uksb-1sn29lk73) Parameters: AdminUsername: Type: String Default: "admin" Description: (Required) Username for admin user AdminEmail: Type: String Description: >- (Required) Email address for the admin user. Will be used for logging in and for setting the admin password. This email will receive the temporary password for the admin user. AllowedPattern: ".+\\@.+\\..+" ConstraintDescription: Must be valid email address eg. BulkUploadBucketName: Type: String Default: "" Description: >- (Optional) Existing bucket where files can be dropped, and a secondary Step Function can be manually enabled to drip feed them into the system. Leave blank to automatically create new bucket. BulkUploadMaxDripRate: Type: String Default: "25" Description: Maximum number of files that the bulk uploader will move to the PCA source bucket in one pass BulkUploadMaxTranscribeJobs: Type: String Default: "50" Description: Number of concurrent Transcribe jobs (executing or queuing) where bulk upload will pause ComprehendLanguages: Type: String Default: en | es | fr | de | it | pt | ar | hi | ja | ko | zh | zh-TW Description: Languages supported by Comprehend's standard calls, separated by " | " ContentRedactionLanguages: Type: String Default: en-US Description: Languages supported by Transcribe's Content Redaction feature, separated by " | " ConversationLocation: Type: String AllowedPattern: "[+-_\/a-zA-Z0-9]*" Default: America/New_York Description: Name of the timezone location for the call source - this is the TZ database name from EntityRecognizerEndpoint: Type: String Default: undefined Description: Name of the custom entity recognizer for Amazon Comprehend (not including language suffix, e.g. -en). If one cannot be found then simple entity string matching is attempted instead EntityStringMap: Type: String Default: sample-entities.csv Description: Basename of a CSV file containing item/Entity maps for when we don't have data for Comprehend Custom Entities (not including language suffix, e.g. -en) EntityThreshold: Type: String Default: "0.6" Description: Confidence threshold where we accept the custom entity detection result EntityTypes: Type: String Default: PERSON | LOCATION | ORGANIZATION | COMMERCIAL_ITEM | EVENT | DATE | QUANTITY | TITLE Description: Entity types supported by Comprehend's standard entity detection, separated by " | " InputBucketAudioPlayback: Type: String Default: playbackAudio Description: Folder that holds the audio files to playback in the browser. InputBucketFailedTranscriptions: Type: String Default: failedAudio Description: Folder that holds the audio files that for some reason failed transcription InputBucketName: Type: String Default: "" Description: >- (Optional) Existing bucket holding all audio files for the system. Leave blank to automatically create new bucket with intelligent tiering storage and automated retention policy. InputBucketRawAudio: Type: String Default: originalAudio Description: Prefix/Folder that holds the audio files to be ingested into the system InputBucketOrigTranscripts: Type: String Default: originalTranscripts Description: > Folder that holds Transcripts from other applications (e.g. Live Call Analytics) that are to be processed as if PCA had processed that audio MaxSpeakers: Type: String Default: "2" Description: Maximum number of speakers that are expected on a call MinSentimentNegative: Type: String Default: "2.0" Description: Minimum sentiment level required to declare a phrase as having negative sentiment, in the range 0.0-5.0 MinSentimentPositive: Type: String Default: "2.0" Description: Minimum sentiment level required to declare a phrase as having positive sentiment, in the range 0.0-5.0 OutputBucketName: Type: String Default: "" Description: >- (Optional) Existing bucket where Transcribe output files are delivered. Leave blank to automatically create new bucket with intelligent tiering storage and automated retention policy. OutputBucketTranscribeResults: Type: String Default: transcribeResults Description: Folder within the output S3 bucket where Transcribe results are written OutputBucketParsedResults: Type: String Default: parsedFiles Description: Folder within the output S3 bucket where parsed results are written SpeakerNames: Type: String Default: Customer | Agent AllowedValues: - Customer | Agent - Agent | Customer Description: Speaker label assignment order SpeakerSeparationType: Type: String Default: channel AllowedValues: - speaker - channel Description: Separation mode diarization - typically speaker for mono files, channel for stereo files StepFunctionName: Type: String AllowedPattern: "[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*" Default: PostCallAnalyticsWorkflow Description: Name of Step Functions workflow that orchestrates this process BulkUploadStepFunctionName: Type: String AllowedPattern: "[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*" Default: BulkUploadWorkflow Description: Name of Step Functions workflow that orchestrates the bulk import process SupportFilesBucketName: Type: String Default: '' Description: >- (Optional) Existing bucket that hold supporting files, such as the file-based entity recognition mapping files. Leave blank to automatically create new bucket. TranscribeLanguages: Type: String Default: en-US Description: Language to be used for Transcription - multiple entries separated by " | " will trigger Language Detection VocabFilterMode: Type: String Default: mask AllowedValues: - mask - remove Description: The mode to use for vocabulary filtering - must be one of mask or remove (tag is not supported) VocabFilterName: Type: String Default: undefined Description: Name of the vocabulary filter to use for Transcribe (not including language suffix, e.g. -en) VocabularyName: Type: String Default: undefined Description: Name of the custom vocabulary to use for Transcribe (omit the language suffix, e.g. -en-US) CustomLangModelName: Type: String Default: undefined Description: Name of the custom language model to use for Transcribe (omit the language suffix, e.g. -en-US) TranscribeApiMode: Type: String Default: analytics AllowedValues: - standard - analytics Description: Set the default operational mode for Transcribe TelephonyCTRType: Type: String Default: none AllowedValues: - none - genesys Description: Type of telephony system that will deliver Contact Trace Record files along with the audio recordings TelephonyCTRFileSuffix: Type: String Default: "_metadata.json | _call_metadata.json" Description: > File name suffixes for the CTR file(s) associated with the chosen telephony type, separated by " | ". For Genesys, this needs two entries: one for the conversation CTR file, and one for the call-specific file. Other telephony systems may need fewer or additional entries, please consult the documentation. CallRedactionTranscript: Type: String Default: true AllowedValues: - true - false Description: Enable or disable Transcribe's redaction feature CallRedactionAudio: Type: String Default: true AllowedValues: - true - false Description: When transcript redaction is enabled in Call Analytics, only allow playback of the redacted audio ffmpegDownloadUrl: Type: String Default: Description: URL for ffmpeg binary distribution tar file download - see loadSampleAudioFiles: Type: String Default: false AllowedValues: - true - false Description: Set to true to automatically ingest sample audio files. FilenameDatetimeRegex: Type: String Default: '(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})' Description: > Regular Expression (regex) used to parse call Date/Time from audio filenames. Each datetime field (year, month, etc.) must be matched using a separate parenthesized group in the regex. Example: the regex '(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})' parses the filename: CallAudioFile-2021-12-01T07-55-51.wav into a value list: [2021, 12, 01, 07, 55, 51] The next parameter, FilenameDatetimeFieldMap, maps the values to datetime field codes. If the filename doesn't match the regex pattern, the current time is used as the call timestamp. FilenameDatetimeFieldMap: Type: String Default: '%Y %m %d %H %M %S' Description: > Space separated ordered sequence of time field codes as used by Python's datetime.strptime() function. Each field code refers to a corresponding value parsed by the regex parameter filenameTimestampRegex. Example: the mapping '%Y %m %d %H %M %S' assembles the regex output values [2021, 12, 01, 07, 55, 51] into the full datetime: '2021-12-01 07:55:51'. If the field map doesn't match the value list parsed by the regex, then the current time is used as the call timestamp. FilenameGUIDRegex: Type: String Default: '_GUID_(.*?)_' Description: > Regular Expression (regex) used to parse call GUID from audio filenames. The GUID value must be matched using one or more parenthesized groups in the regex. Example: the regex '_GUID_(.*?)_' parses the filename: AutoRepairs1_CUST_12345_GUID_2a602c1a-4ca3-4d37-a933-444d575c0222_AGENT_BobS_DATETIME_07.55.51.067-09-16-2021.wav to extract the GUID value '2a602c1a-4ca3-4d37-a933-444d575c0222'. FilenameAgentRegex: Type: String Default: '_AGENT_(.*?)_' Description: > Regular Expression (regex) used to parse call AGENT from audio filenames. The AGENT value must be matched using one or more parenthesized groups in the regex. Example: the regex '_AGENT_(.*?)_' parses the filename: AutoRepairs1_CUST_12345_GUID_2a602c1a-4ca3-4d37-a933-444d575c0222_AGENT_BobS_DATETIME_07.55.51.067-09-16-2021.wav to extract the AGENT value 'BobS'. FilenameCustRegex: Type: String Default: '_CUST_(.*?)_' Description: > Regular Expression (regex) used to parse Customer from audio filenames. The customer id value must be matched using one or more parenthesized groups in the regex. Example: the regex '_CUST_(.*?)_' parses the filename: AutoRepairs1_CUST_12345_GUID_2a602c1a-4ca3-4d37-a933-444d575c0222_AGENT_BobS_DATETIME_07.55.51.067-09-16-2021.wav to extract the Customer value '12345'. EnableTranscriptKendraSearch: Type: String Default: 'No' AllowedValues: - 'No' Description: (NOT AVAILABLE) Optionally make call transcripts searchable, using Amazon Kendra. RetentionDays: Type: Number Default: 365 AllowedValues: - 30 - 60 - 90 - 180 - 365 - 730 - 1460 Description: > When using auto-provisioned S3 buckets, your audio files and associated call analysis data will be automatically and permanently deleted after the specified number of retention days. The application does not currently archive recordings or call data. Environment: Description: The type of environment to tag your infrastructure with. You can specify DEV (development), TEST (test), or PROD (production). Type: String AllowedValues: - DEV - TEST - PROD Default: PROD DatabaseName: Type: String Default: 'pca' Description: Glue catalog database name used to contain tables/views for SQL integration. EnablePcaDashboards: Type: String Default: 'No' AllowedValues: - 'No' - 'Yes' Description: > Optionally deploy advanced analytics pipeline and Amazon QuickSight dashboards. IMPORTANT: Your Amazon QuickSight account MUST be enabled before deploying this stack. See for additional steps required in Amazon QuickSight to (1) enable S3 access to PCA OutputBucket and (2) share dashboard and analytics assets. Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: Admin User Parameters: - AdminUsername - AdminEmail - Label: default: Sample Data Parameters: - loadSampleAudioFiles - Label: default: Enable Call Transcript Search Parameters: - EnableTranscriptKendraSearch - Label: default: Advanced analytics and reporting Parameters: - EnablePcaDashboards - DatabaseName - Label: default: S3 Bucket Names and Retention Policy Parameters: - InputBucketName - BulkUploadBucketName - OutputBucketName - SupportFilesBucketName - RetentionDays - Label: default: S3 bucket prefixes Parameters: - InputBucketFailedTranscriptions - InputBucketRawAudio - InputBucketOrigTranscripts - InputBucketAudioPlayback - OutputBucketParsedResults - OutputBucketTranscribeResults - Label: default: Filename metadata parsing Parameters: - FilenameDatetimeRegex - FilenameDatetimeFieldMap - FilenameGUIDRegex - FilenameAgentRegex - FilenameCustRegex - Label: default: Transcription Parameters: - TranscribeApiMode - TranscribeLanguages - VocabFilterMode - VocabFilterName - VocabularyName - CustomLangModelName - SpeakerSeparationType - SpeakerNames - MaxSpeakers - CallRedactionTranscript - CallRedactionAudio - ContentRedactionLanguages - Label: default: Telephony system Parameters: - TelephonyCTRType - TelephonyCTRFileSuffix - Label: default: Entity detection Parameters: - ComprehendLanguages - EntityThreshold - EntityTypes - EntityRecognizerEndpoint - EntityStringMap - Label: default: Sentiment detection Parameters: - MinSentimentNegative - MinSentimentPositive - Label: default: Bulk upload Parameters: - BulkUploadMaxDripRate - BulkUploadMaxTranscribeJobs - BulkUploadStepFunctionName - Label: default: Miscellaneous Parameters: - ConversationLocation - Environment - StepFunctionName - ffmpegDownloadUrl Conditions: ShouldCreateBulkUploadBucket: !Equals [!Ref BulkUploadBucketName, ''] ShouldCreateInputBucket: !Equals [!Ref InputBucketName, ''] ShouldCreateOutputBucket: !Equals [!Ref OutputBucketName, ''] ShouldCreateSupportFilesBucket: !Equals [!Ref SupportFilesBucketName, ''] ShouldEnableKendraSearch: !Not [!Equals [!Ref EnableTranscriptKendraSearch, 'No']] ShouldCreateKendraIndexDeveloperEdition: !Equals [!Ref EnableTranscriptKendraSearch, 'Yes, create new Kendra Index (Developer Edition)'] ShouldDeployPcaDashboards: !Equals [!Ref EnablePcaDashboards, 'Yes'] ShouldLoadSampleFiles: !Equals [!Ref loadSampleAudioFiles, 'true'] Resources: ######################################################## # S3 buckets # TODO: Versioning? Lifecycle Policies? Access Logging? ######################################################## BulkUploadBucket: Condition: ShouldCreateBulkUploadBucket Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' DeletionPolicy: Retain UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain Properties: BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 InputBucket: Condition: ShouldCreateInputBucket Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' DeletionPolicy: Retain UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain Properties: BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 LifecycleConfiguration: Rules: - Id: StorageClassAndRetention Status: Enabled ExpirationInDays: !Ref RetentionDays Transitions: - TransitionInDays: 1 StorageClass: INTELLIGENT_TIERING OutputBucket: Condition: ShouldCreateOutputBucket Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' DeletionPolicy: Retain UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain Properties: BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 LifecycleConfiguration: Rules: - Id: LifecycleRule Status: Enabled ExpirationInDays: !Ref RetentionDays Transitions: - TransitionInDays: 1 StorageClass: INTELLIGENT_TIERING SupportFilesBucket: Condition: ShouldCreateSupportFilesBucket Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' DeletionPolicy: Retain UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain Properties: BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 ######################################################## # SSM Stack ######################################################## SSM: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL: pca-ssm/cfn/ssm.template Parameters: BulkUploadBucketName: !If - ShouldCreateBulkUploadBucket - !Ref BulkUploadBucket - !Ref BulkUploadBucketName BulkUploadMaxDripRate: !Ref BulkUploadMaxDripRate BulkUploadMaxTranscribeJobs: !Ref BulkUploadMaxTranscribeJobs ComprehendLanguages: !Ref ComprehendLanguages ContentRedactionLanguages: !Ref ContentRedactionLanguages ConversationLocation: !Ref ConversationLocation EntityRecognizerEndpoint: !Ref EntityRecognizerEndpoint EntityStringMap: !Ref EntityStringMap EntityThreshold: !Ref EntityThreshold EntityTypes: !Ref EntityTypes InputBucketAudioPlayback: !Ref InputBucketAudioPlayback InputBucketFailedTranscriptions: !Ref InputBucketFailedTranscriptions InputBucketName: !If - ShouldCreateInputBucket - !Ref InputBucket - !Ref InputBucketName InputBucketRawAudio: !Ref InputBucketRawAudio InputBucketOrigTranscripts: !Ref InputBucketOrigTranscripts MaxSpeakers: !Ref MaxSpeakers MinSentimentNegative: !Ref MinSentimentNegative MinSentimentPositive: !Ref MinSentimentPositive OutputBucketName: !If - ShouldCreateOutputBucket - !Ref OutputBucket - !Ref OutputBucketName OutputBucketTranscribeResults: !Ref OutputBucketTranscribeResults OutputBucketParsedResults: !Ref OutputBucketParsedResults SpeakerNames: !Ref SpeakerNames SpeakerSeparationType: !Ref SpeakerSeparationType StepFunctionName: !Ref StepFunctionName BulkUploadStepFunctionName: !Ref BulkUploadStepFunctionName SupportFilesBucketName: !If - ShouldCreateSupportFilesBucket - !Ref SupportFilesBucket - !Ref SupportFilesBucketName TranscribeLanguages: !Ref TranscribeLanguages TranscribeApiMode: !Ref TranscribeApiMode TelephonyCTRType: !Ref TelephonyCTRType TelephonyCTRFileSuffix: !Ref TelephonyCTRFileSuffix CallRedactionTranscript: !Ref CallRedactionTranscript CallRedactionAudio: !Ref CallRedactionAudio VocabFilterName: !Ref VocabFilterName VocabFilterMode: !Ref VocabFilterMode VocabularyName: !Ref VocabularyName CustomLangModelName: !Ref CustomLangModelName FilenameDatetimeRegex: !Ref FilenameDatetimeRegex FilenameDatetimeFieldMap: !Ref FilenameDatetimeFieldMap FilenameGUIDRegex: !Ref FilenameGUIDRegex FilenameAgentRegex: !Ref FilenameAgentRegex FilenameCustRegex: !Ref FilenameCustRegex KendraIndexId: !If - ShouldEnableKendraSearch - 'None' - 'None' WebUri: !GetAtt PCAUI.Outputs.WebUri DatabaseName: !Ref DatabaseName PCAServer: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: SSM Properties: TemplateURL: pca-server/cfn/pca-server.template Parameters: ffmpegDownloadUrl: !Ref ffmpegDownloadUrl PCAUI: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL: pca-ui/cfn/pca-ui.template Parameters: AdminUsername: !Ref AdminUsername AdminEmail: !Ref AdminEmail MainStackName: !Ref AWS::StackName AudioBucket: !If - ShouldCreateInputBucket - !Ref InputBucket - !Ref InputBucketName DataBucket: !If - ShouldCreateOutputBucket - !Ref OutputBucket - !Ref OutputBucketName DataPrefix: !Ref OutputBucketParsedResults Environment: !Ref Environment PcaDashboards: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Condition: ShouldDeployPcaDashboards DependsOn: PCAServer Properties: TemplateURL: build/pca-dashboards.yaml Parameters: PcaGlueCatalogDatabaseName: !Ref DatabaseName PcaOutputBucket: !If - ShouldCreateOutputBucket - !Ref OutputBucket - !Ref OutputBucketName PcaWebAppCallPathPrefix: !Sub "dashboard/${OutputBucketParsedResults}/" PcaWebAppHostAddress: !Select [1, !Split ["//", !GetAtt PCAUI.Outputs.WebUri]] CopySamples: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Condition: ShouldLoadSampleFiles Properties: TemplateURL: pca-samples/copy-samples.template Parameters: DependsOnPCAServer: !Ref PCAServer DependsOnPCADashboards: !If - ShouldDeployPcaDashboards - !Ref PcaDashboards - !Ref AWS::NoValue # Custom resource to check that QuickSight has been enabled - if not, fail fast and prevent downstream failures QuickSightEnabledCheckFunctionRole: Type: "AWS::IAM::Role" Condition: ShouldDeployPcaDashboards Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" ManagedPolicyArns: - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" Policies: - PolicyName: s3-input-bucket-write-policy PolicyDocument: Statement: Effect: Allow Action: - quicksight:ListDashboards Resource: "*" QuickSightEnabledCheckFunction: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Condition: ShouldDeployPcaDashboards Properties: Handler: index.handler Runtime: python3.8 Role: !GetAtt QuickSightEnabledCheckFunctionRole.Arn Code: ZipFile: !Sub | import cfnresponse import boto3 def handler(event, context): print(event) client = boto3.client('quicksight') status = cfnresponse.SUCCESS reason = f"QuickSight is enabled - OK" if event['RequestType'] != "Delete": try: response = client.list_dashboards( AwsAccountId='${AWS::AccountId}', ) except Exception as e: print(e) status = cfnresponse.FAILED reason = f"No Amazon QuickSight account. To deploy PCA with Dashboards enabled, you must first create an account in the Amazon QuickSight console => {e}" else: reason = f"Request type is {event['RequestType']} - skipping" cfnresponse.send(event, context, status, {}, reason=reason) IsQuickSightEnabled: Type: Custom::QuickSightCheck Condition: ShouldDeployPcaDashboards Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt QuickSightEnabledCheckFunction.Arn Outputs: BulkUploadBucket: Description: S3 Bucket for uploading input audio files for alternate bulk upload workflow Value: !If - ShouldCreateBulkUploadBucket - !Ref BulkUploadBucket - !Ref BulkUploadBucketName InputBucket: Description: S3 Bucket for uploading input audio files Value: !If - ShouldCreateInputBucket - !Ref InputBucket - !Ref InputBucketName InputBucketPrefix: Description: S3 Bucket prefix/folder for uploading input audio files Value: !Ref InputBucketRawAudio InputBucketTranscriptPrefix: Description: S3 Bucket prefix/folder for uploading input transcripts Value: !Ref InputBucketOrigTranscripts InputBucketPlaybackAudioPrefix: Description: S3 Bucket prefix/folder for audio used for playboack from browser Value: !Ref InputBucketAudioPlayback OutputBucket: Description: S3 Bucket where Transcribe output files are delivered Value: !If - ShouldCreateOutputBucket - !Ref OutputBucket - !Ref OutputBucketName OutputBucketPrefix: Description: S3 Bucket path where Transcribe output files are delivered Value: !Ref OutputBucketParsedResults SupportFilesBucket: Description: S3 Bucket bucket that hold supporting files, such as the file-based entity recognition mapping files Value: !If - ShouldCreateSupportFilesBucket - !Ref SupportFilesBucket - !Ref SupportFilesBucketName TranscriptionMediaSearchFinderURL: Description: Transcript Search Application link Value: !If - ShouldEnableKendraSearch - "Not enabled" - "Not enabled" WebAppURL: Description: PCA Web Application link Value: !GetAtt PCAUI.Outputs.WebUri WebAdminUsername: Description: PCA admin user Value: !Ref AdminUsername RolesForKMSKey: Description: When using KMS key to encrypt S3 input/output buckets, KMS key must grant access to these roles. Value: !Join - ', ' - - !Sub '${PCAUI.Outputs.RolesForKMSKey}' - !Sub '${PCAServer.Outputs.RolesForKMSKey}' - !If [ShouldLoadSampleFiles, !Sub '${CopySamples.Outputs.RolesForKMSKey}', !Ref AWS::NoValue] PcADashboards: Description: See PCA Dashboards nested stack outputs for additional information. Refer to blog - Value: !If - ShouldDeployPcaDashboards - !Sub "https://${AWS::Region}${AWS::Region}#/stacks/outputs?stackId=${PcaDashboards}" - "PCA Dashboards not enabled - stack param 'EnablePcaDashboards'"