import logging import os import requests import utils logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) MAX_CHAT_MESSAGE_LEN = 1024 def construct_chat_message(message_id, from_address, subject): """ Constructs a chat message by downloading the full email message, parsing the email body, and truncating contents if required. Parameters ---------- message_id: string, required message_id of the email to download Returns ------- string chat message """ parsed_email = utils.download_email(message_id) email_body = utils.extract_email_body(parsed_email) if len(email_body) > MAX_CHAT_MESSAGE_LEN: email_body = email_body[:MAX_CHAT_MESSAGE_LEN] email_body = f"{email_body}\n\n....Content was truncated." return f"Alert: email from {from_address} with subject {subject}\n\n{email_body}" def chat_handler(event, context): """ Chat Bot for Amazon WorkMail Parameters ---------- event: dict, required AWS WorkMail Message Summary Input Format For more information, see { "summaryVersion": "2018-10-10", # AWS WorkMail Message Summary Version "envelope": { "mailFrom" : { "address" : "from@domain.test" # String containing from email address }, "recipients" : [ # List of all recipient email addresses { "address" : "recipient1@domain.test" }, { "address" : "recipient2@domain.test" } ] }, "sender" : { "address" : "sender@domain.test" # String containing sender email address }, "subject" : "Hello From Amazon WorkMail!", # String containing email subject (Truncated to first 256 chars) "truncated": false, # boolean indicating if any field in message was truncated due to size limitations "messageId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" # String containing the id of the message in the WorkMail system } context: object, required Lambda Context runtime methods and attributes Attributes ---------- context.aws_request_id: str Lambda request ID context.client_context: object Additional context when invoked through AWS Mobile SDK context.function_name: str Lambda function name context.function_version: str Function version identifier context.get_remaining_time_in_millis: function Time in milliseconds before function times out context.identity: Cognito identity provider context when invoked through AWS Mobile SDK context.invoked_function_arn: str Function ARN context.log_group_name: str Cloudwatch Log group name context.log_stream_name: str Cloudwatch Log stream name context.memory_limit_in_mb: int Function memory Returns ------ Nothing """ webhook_url = os.getenv('WEBHOOK_URL') if not webhook_url: error_msg = 'WEBHOOK_URL not set in environment. Please follow to set it.' logger.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) chat_client = os.getenv('CHAT_CLIENT') if not chat_client: error_msg = 'CHAT_CLIENT not set in environment. Please follow to set it.' logger.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) active_words = os.getenv('ACTIVE_WORDS') subject = event['subject'] from_address = event['envelope']['mailFrom']['address'] if utils.search_active_words(subject, active_words): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} message_text = construct_chat_message(event['messageId'], from_address, subject) payload = None if chat_client == 'Chime': payload = {'Content': message_text} elif chat_client == 'Slack': payload = {'text': message_text} # To add a new custom chat client, implement here: # elif chat_client == 'CHAT_CLIENT_NAME' # payload = 'FOLLOW_CHAT_CLIENT_PAYLOAD_SYNTAX' else: error_msg = f"Unsupported chat client: {chat_client}. Expected: Chime, Slack" logger.error(error_msg) raise NotImplementedError(error_msg) try: req =, headers=headers, json=payload) req.raise_for_status() except Exception: error_msg = f"Error while posting message to WebHook: {webhook_url}" logger.exception(error_msg) raise ConnectionError(error_msg) else:"Skipping sending chat message from {from_address} as it did not match Active Words.") return