from email.message import Message from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import boto3 import email import os import uuid workmail_message_flow = boto3.client('workmailmessageflow') s3 = boto3.client('s3') def lambda_handler(event, context): """ Hello world example for AWS WorkMail Parameters ---------- event: dict, required AWS WorkMail Message Summary Input Format For more information, see { "summaryVersion": "2019-07-28", # AWS WorkMail Message Summary Version "envelope": { "mailFrom" : { "address" : "from@domain.test" # String containing from email address }, "recipients" : [ # List of all recipient email addresses { "address" : "recipient1@domain.test" }, { "address" : "recipient2@domain.test" } ] }, "sender" : { "address" : "sender@domain.test" # String containing sender email address }, "subject" : "Hello From Amazon WorkMail!", # String containing email subject (Truncated to first 256 chars)" "messageId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", # String containing message id for retrieval using workmail flow API "invocationId": "00000000000000000000000000000000", # String containing the id of this lambda invocation. Useful for detecting retries and avoiding duplication "flowDirection": "INBOUND", # String indicating direction of email flow. Value is either "INBOUND" or "OUTBOUND" "truncated": false # boolean indicating if any field in message was truncated due to size limitations } context: object, required Lambda Context runtime methods and attributes Returns ------- Amazon WorkMail Sync Lambda Response Format. For more information, see return { 'actions': [ # Required, should contain at least 1 list element { 'action' : { # Required 'type': 'string', # Required. For example: "BOUNCE", "DEFAULT". For full list of valid values, see 'parameters': { } # Optional. For bounce, can be {"bounceMessage": "message that goes in bounce mail"} }, 'recipients': list of strings, # Optional if allRecipients is present. Indicates list of recipients for which this action applies. 'allRecipients': boolean # Optional if recipients is present. Indicates whether this action applies to all recipients } ]} """ from_address = event['envelope']['mailFrom']['address'] subject = event['subject'] flow_direction = event['flowDirection'] message_id = event['messageId'] print(f"Received email with message ID {message_id}, flowDirection {flow_direction}, from {from_address} with Subject {subject}") try: raw_msg = workmail_message_flow.get_raw_message_content(messageId=message_id) parsed_msg: Message = email.message_from_bytes(raw_msg['messageContent'].read()) # Updating subject. For more examples, see parsed_msg.replace_header('Subject', f"[Hello World!] {subject}") # Try to get the email bucket. updated_email_bucket_name = os.getenv('UPDATED_EMAIL_S3_BUCKET') if not updated_email_bucket_name: print('UPDATED_EMAIL_S3_BUCKET not set in environment. ' 'Please follow to set it.') return key = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Put the message in S3, so WorkMail can access it. s3.put_object(Body=parsed_msg.as_bytes(), Bucket=updated_email_bucket_name, Key=key) # Update the email in WorkMail. s3_reference = { 'bucket': updated_email_bucket_name, 'key': key } content = { 's3Reference': s3_reference } assert content # Silence pyflakes for unused variable # If you'd like to finalise modifying email subjects, then uncomment the line below. # workmail_message_flow.put_raw_message_content(messageId=message_id, content=content) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'MessageFrozen': # Redirect emails are not eligible for update, handle it gracefully. print(f"Message {message_id} is not eligible for update. This is usually the case for a redirected email") else: # Send some context about this error to Lambda Logs print(e) if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException': print(f"Message {message_id} does not exist. Messages in transit are no longer accessible after 1 day") elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidContentLocation': print('WorkMail could not access the updated email content. See') raise(e) # Return value is ignored when Lambda is configured asynchronously at Amazon WorkMail # For more information, see return { 'actions': [ { 'allRecipients': True, # For all recipients 'action': {'type': 'DEFAULT'} # let the email be sent normally } ] }