import logging logging.getLogger("boto3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("botocore").setLevel(logging.WARNING) import os import boto3 import time import json import sys from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) state_machine_arn = os.getenv("STATE_MACHINE_ARN") if not state_machine_arn: error_msg = "'STATE_MACHINE_ARN' not set in environment. Please follow to set it." logger.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) machine_state_for_output = os.getenv("MACHINE_STATE_FOR_OUTPUT") if not machine_state_for_output: error_msg = "'MACHINE_STATE_FOR_OUTPUT' not set in environment. The output of the Step Function state machine will be used." logger.debug(error_msg) wait_time_for_execution = os.getenv("WAIT_TIME_FOR_EXECUTION") if not machine_state_for_output: error_msg = "'WAIT_TIME_FOR_EXECUTION' not set in environment. The default will be used." logger.debug(error_msg) wait_time_for_execution = 0 execution_table = os.getenv("EXECUTION_TABLE") if not execution_table: error_msg = "'EXECUTION_TABLE' not set in environment. Please follow to set it." logger.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) def orchestrator_handler(email_summary, context): """ Message Flow State Machine function - invokes Step Function state machine and returns results based on execution output Parameters ---------- email_summary: dict, required Amazon WorkMail Message Summary Input Format For more information, see { "summaryVersion": "2019-07-28", # AWS WorkMail Message Summary Version "envelope": { "mailFrom" : { "address" : "from@domain.test" # String containing from email address }, "recipients" : [ # List of all recipient email addresses { "address" : "recipient1@domain.test" }, { "address" : "recipient2@domain.test" } ] }, "sender" : { "address" : "sender@domain.test" # String containing sender email address }, "subject" : "Hello From Amazon WorkMail!", # String containing email subject (Truncated to first 256 chars)" "messageId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", # String containing message id for retrieval using workmail flow API "invocationId": "00000000000000000000000000000000", # String containing the id of this lambda invocation. Useful for detecting retries and avoiding duplication "flowDirection": "INBOUND", # String indicating direction of email flow. Value is either "INBOUND" or "OUTBOUND" "truncated": false # boolean indicating if any field in message was truncated due to size limitations } context: object, required Lambda Context runtime methods and attributes Returns ------- Amazon WorkMail Sync Lambda Response Format For more information, see return { 'actions': [ # Required, should contain at least 1 list element { 'action' : { # Required 'type': 'string', # Required. Can be "BOUNCE", "DROP", "DEFAULT", BYPASS_SPAM_CHECK, or MOVE_TO_JUNK 'parameters': { } # Optional. For bounce, can be {"bounceMessage": "message that goes in bounce mail"} }, 'recipients': list of strings, # Optional. Indicates list of recipients for which this action applies 'default': boolean # Optional. Indicates whether this action applies to all recipients } ]} """ logger.debug(email_summary) stepfunctions = boto3.client('stepfunctions') dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') invocation_id = email_summary['invocationId'] state_machine_execution_arn = '' # attempt to start the execution try: start_execution_response = stepfunctions.start_execution( name=invocation_id, stateMachineArn=state_machine_arn, input=json.dumps(email_summary) ) except ClientError as err: # expect to see ExecutionAlreadyExists on subsequent invocations if err.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ExecutionAlreadyExists': # look up the executionArn in the DynamoDB table state_machine_execution_arn = get_execution(execution_table, invocation_id, dynamodb) if state_machine_execution_arn == '': # edge case..."Unable to find executionArn from DynamoDB. This could be because of too short of TTL on the item. Searching Step Function execution history.") state_machine_execution_arn = search_for_execution(stepfunctions, state_machine_arn, invocation_id) if state_machine_execution_arn == '':"Unable to find execution") raise err else:"Unexpected error: %s" % err) raise err # this code block runs if there was no exception else: # execution started during this invocation logger.debug(start_execution_response) state_machine_execution_arn = start_execution_response['executionArn'] # save the executionArn to DynamoDB table for the next Lambda invocation to reference put_execution(execution_table, invocation_id, state_machine_execution_arn, dynamodb) # Optional: if the state machine is known to execute quickly you can wait so that the response is returned during this invocation of the function time.sleep(wait_time_for_execution) # get the results from the execution state_machine_execution_history = stepfunctions.get_execution_history( executionArn=state_machine_execution_arn ) logger.debug(state_machine_execution_history['events']) for state_machine_event in state_machine_execution_history['events']: if machine_state_for_output: if 'stateExitedEventDetails' in state_machine_event: this_state_name = state_machine_event['stateExitedEventDetails']['name'] this_state_output = state_machine_event['stateExitedEventDetails']['output'] if this_state_name == machine_state_for_output: return json.loads(this_state_output) elif state_machine_event['type'] == 'ExecutionSucceeded': if 'executionSucceededEventDetails' in state_machine_event: this_execution_output = state_machine_event['executionSucceededEventDetails']['output'] return json.loads(this_execution_output) logger.debug("Unable to retrieve output from Step Function state machine state or execution.") raise Exception("State machine execution is not yet complete") def put_execution(tableName, invocationId, executionArn, dynamodb=None): table = dynamodb.Table(tableName) ttl = int( time.time() ) + 14400 # items in this table will have a TTL of 240 minutes, which is the maximum for a WorkMail rule timeout response = table.put_item( Item={ 'InvocationId': invocationId, 'ExecutionArn': executionArn, 'TimeToLive': ttl, } ) return response def get_execution(tableName, invocationId, dynamodb=None): table = dynamodb.Table(tableName) try: response = table.get_item(Key={'InvocationId': invocationId}) except ClientError as e:"Unable to query DynamoDB table") raise e if 'Item' in response: if 'ExecutionArn' in response['Item']: return response['Item']['ExecutionArn'] else:"Unable to find ExecutionArn within the item") return '' else:"Unable to find the invocation in the DynamoDB table") return '' def search_for_execution(stepfunctions, state_machine_arn, invocation_id): # Find the executionArn (there is no way to find it by name) # Note: this approach may not scale well for high volume mail flow, but this function would only be called if the execution can't be found in the dynamoDB table nextToken = '' while(1): args = { "stateMachineArn": state_machine_arn, "maxResults": 10, # This is a potentially tunable variable depending on mail flow volume } if nextToken: args['nextToken'] = nextToken list_executions_response = stepfunctions.list_executions( **args ); logger.debug(list_executions_response) for execution in list_executions_response['executions']: if execution['name'] == invocation_id: return execution['executionArn'] if 'nextToken' in list_executions_response: nextToken = list_executions_response['nextToken'] else: return '' # TODO: if we can easily get the date when the message arrived then we can skip all executions with startDate earlier than that # fetching the message and parsing the Date header is probably the best option here #['startDate']) return ''