import logging import email_utils import sf_utils from email.message import Message from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def salesforce_handler(event, context): """ Basic Integration With Salesforce Using WorkMail Lambda Integration Parameters ---------- email_summary: dict, required Amazon WorkMail Message Summary Input Format For more information, see context: object, required Lambda Context runtime methods and attributes. See Returns ------- Amazon WorkMail Sync Lambda Response Format For more information, see """ from_address = event['envelope']['mailFrom']['address'] flow_direction = event['flowDirection'] message_id = event['messageId'] subject = event['subject'] if event['subject'] is not None else ''"Received email with message ID {message_id}, flowDirection {flow_direction}, from {from_address}") try: sf_client = sf_utils.create_sf_client() # 1. Download and parse the email using messageId parsed_email: Message = email_utils.download_email(message_id) # 2. Process the parsed email message in Salesforce sf_case: SalesforceCase = sf_utils.process_email(sf_client, parsed_email, event) # 3. Process the calendar invite in Salesforce if exists calendar_item = email_utils.extract_element(parsed_email, 'text/calendar') if calendar_item is not None: sf_utils.process_meeting_request(sf_client, calendar_item.get_content(), sf_case) # 4. Save updated email in WorkMail if required if sf_case.is_new_case: parsed_email.replace_header('Subject', f"[CaseId:{sf_case.case_id}] {subject}") if calendar_item is not None: sf_utils.update_icalendar_in_email(calendar_item, sf_case.case_id) email_utils.update_workmail(message_id, parsed_email) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'MessageFrozen': # Redirect emails are not eligible for update, handle it gracefully. logger.error(f"Message {message_id} is not eligible for update. This is usually the case for a redirected email") else: # Send some context about this error to Lambda Logs logger.error(e) if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException': logger.error(f"Message {message_id} does not exist. Messages in transit are no longer accessible after 1 day") elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidContentLocation': logger.error('WorkMail could not access the updated email content. See') raise(e) return { 'actions': [ { 'allRecipients': True, # For all recipients 'action': {'type': 'DEFAULT'} # let the email be sent normally } ] }