import boto3 import logging import json import os import email_utils import icalendar import secrets import string import dateutil.parser from simple_salesforce import Salesforce from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from icalendar import Calendar from dataclasses import dataclass secrets_manager = boto3.client('secretsmanager') # Salesforce requires a ClosedDate while creating a new opportunity, by default we set it to 1 month from the date of creation default_case_duration = relativedelta(months=1) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) @dataclass class SalesforceCase: account_id: str opportunity_id: str contact_id: str case_id: str is_new_case: bool def run_sf_query(sf_client, qry, field): response = sf_client.query(qry) if response['records']: return response['records'][0][field] return None def create_sf_client(): secret_name = os.getenv('SF_SECRET_NAME') if not secret_name: raise ValueError("SF_SECRET_NAME not set in environment. Please follow to set it") response = secrets_manager.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name) secret = json.loads(response['SecretString']) return Salesforce(username=secret['username'], password=secret['password'], security_token=secret['token']) def process_contact_and_account_id(sf_client, parsed_email, event, from_address): # Set the following fields depending on flow direction of email contact_address = None first_name = 'None' last_name = 'None' if event['flowDirection'] == 'INBOUND': contact_address = from_address if parsed_email['From'] is not None: first_name, last_name = email_utils.extract_username(parsed_email['From']) else: # Here we simplify and assume that contact first envelop recipient and `To` header of the email are same. contact_address = event['envelope']['recipients'][0]['address'] if parsed_email['To'] is not None: first_name, last_name = email_utils.extract_username(parsed_email['To']) # Fetch or create the contact and account in Salesforce contact_id = run_sf_query(sf_client, f"SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Email='{contact_address}'", 'Id') account_id = None if contact_id is not None: account_id = run_sf_query(sf_client, f"SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id='{contact_id}'", 'AccountId') if account_id is None: domain = contact_address.lower().split('@')[1] account_id = sf_client.Account.create({'Name': domain})['id']"Created a new account for {domain} with AccountId: {account_id}") if contact_id is None: contact_id = sf_client.Contact.create({'LastName': last_name, 'FirstName': first_name, 'Email': contact_address, 'AccountId': account_id})['id']"Created a new contact for {contact_address} with ContactId: {contact_id}") return contact_id, account_id def process_email(sf_client, parsed_email, event): from_address = event['envelope']['mailFrom']['address'] contact_id, account_id = process_contact_and_account_id(sf_client, parsed_email, event, from_address) # Fetch or create Salesforce opportunity subject = event['subject'] if event['subject'] is not None else '' date = parsed_email['Date'] case_id = email_utils.extract_case_id(subject) opportunity_id = None is_new_case = False if case_id is None: # Generate a new 8 digit alphanumeric caseId case_id = ''.join(secrets.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for i in range(8)) is_new_case = True subject = f"[CaseId:{case_id}] {subject}""Could not find exisiting case, generated new CaseId: {case_id}") else: opportunity_id = run_sf_query(sf_client, f"SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE TrackingNumber__c='{case_id}'", 'Id') if opportunity_id is None: close_date = dateutil.parser.parse(date) + default_case_duration opportunity_id = sf_client.Opportunity.create({'Name':subject, 'StageName':'Qualification', 'TrackingNumber__c':case_id , 'AccountId':account_id, 'CloseDate':close_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')})['id']"Opportunity: {opportunity_id} created for CaseId: {case_id}") else:"CaseId: {case_id} is already related to Opportunity: {opportunity_id}") # Associate contact with opportunity if they aren't associated already if run_sf_query(sf_client, f"SELECT Id FROM OpportunityContactRole WHERE ContactId='{contact_id}'", 'Id') is None: sf_client.OpportunityContactRole.create({'ContactId':contact_id, 'OpportunityId': opportunity_id}) # Finally, add the the email to the opportunity contents = email_utils.extract_text_body(parsed_email) is_incoming_email = True if event['flowDirection'] == 'INBOUND' else False sf_client.EmailMessage.create({'RelatedToId': opportunity_id, 'Subject': subject, 'TextBody': contents, 'FromAddress': from_address, 'MessageDate': date, 'Incoming': is_incoming_email, 'ToAddress': event['envelope']['recipients'][0]['address']})"Associated email with Opportunity!") return SalesforceCase(account_id, opportunity_id, contact_id, case_id, is_new_case) def process_meeting_request(sf_client, cal_body, sf_case): meeting = parse_calendar_item(cal_body) meeting['ID'] = run_sf_query(sf_client, f"SELECT id FROM Event WHERE Subject LIKE '[CaseId:{sf_case.case_id}]%'", 'Id') method = meeting['METHOD'] if method == 'REQUEST': process_create_or_update_meeting_request(sf_client, meeting, sf_case) elif method == 'CANCEL': process_cancel_meeting_request(sf_client, meeting, sf_case) elif method == 'REPLY':"Not processing response of the meeting request!") else:"Meeting request of type, METHOD: {method} is not suported") def parse_calendar_item(cal_body): calendar = Calendar.from_ical(cal_body) meeting = {} for event in calendar.walk('VEVENT'): for key, value in event.items(): if isinstance(value, icalendar.prop.vDDDTypes): meeting[key] = value.dt.isoformat() else: meeting[key] = value meeting['METHOD'] = calendar['METHOD'] return meeting def get_meeeting_body(meeting, sf_case): start = dateutil.parser.parse(meeting['DTSTART']) end = dateutil.parser.parse(meeting['DTEND']) duration = end - start summary = '' location = '' description = '' if sf_case.is_new_case: if 'SUMMARY' in meeting: meeting['SUMMARY'] = f"[CaseId:{sf_case.case_id}] {meeting['SUMMARY']}" else: meeting['SUMMARY'] = f"[CaseId:{sf_case.case_id}]" if 'SUMMARY' in meeting: summary = meeting['SUMMARY'] if 'LOCATION' in meeting: location = meeting['LOCATION'] if 'DESCRIPTION' in meeting: description = meeting['DESCRIPTION'] return { 'WhatId': sf_case.opportunity_id, 'Subject': summary, 'Location' : location, 'ActivityDateTime': meeting['DTSTART'], 'DurationInMinutes': duration.seconds/60, 'WhoId': sf_case.contact_id, 'Description': description} def process_create_or_update_meeting_request(sf_client, meeting, sf_case): meeting_id = meeting['ID'] # None if creating new meeting, id of the original meeting if updating a meeting meeting_body = get_meeeting_body(meeting, sf_case) if meeting_id is None: sf_client.Event.create(meeting_body)"Meeting created") else: sf_client.Event.update(meeting_id, meeting_body)"Meeting updated") def process_cancel_meeting_request(sf_client, meeting, sf_case): if meeting['ID'] is not None: sf_client.Event.delete(meeting['ID'])"Meeting deleted") else: logger.warning(f"Cancellation of meeting was called but no meeting found, CaseId: {sf_case.case_id}") def update_icalendar_in_email(cal_body, case_id): calendar = Calendar.from_ical(cal_body.get_content()) for event in calendar.walk('VEVENT'): if 'SUMMARY' in event: event['SUMMARY'] = f"[CaseId:{case_id}] {event['SUMMARY']}" else: event['SUMMARY'] = f"[CaseId:{case_id}]" cal_body.set_content(Calendar.to_ical(calendar), 'text', 'calendar')"Updated event summary in calendar with CaseId")