import email import os import boto3 import logging import uuid import translate_helper from email import policy from bs4 import BeautifulSoup workmail_message_flow = boto3.client('workmailmessageflow') s3 = boto3.client('s3') logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) translated_body_template = """
Translated Email
""" def get_env_var(name): """ Helper that returns value of the environment variable key if it exists, else logs and throws ValueError Parameters ---------- name: string, required Environment variable key Returns ------- string A string containing value of the environment variable Raises ------ ValueError: When environment variable was not set """ var = os.getenv(name) if not var: error_msg = f'{name} not set in environment. Please follow to set it.' logger.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) return var def update_text_content(part, translated_body): """ Updates "text/plain" email body part with translated body. Parameters ---------- parsed_email: email.message.Message, required EmailMessage representation the downloaded email Returns ------- email.message.Message EmailMessage representation the translated email """ text_content = part.get_content() text_content = text_content + "\n\n" + translated_body return text_content def update_html_content(part, translated_body): """ Updates "text/html" email body part with translated body. Parameters ---------- parsed_email: email.message.Message, required EmailMessage representation the downloaded email Returns ------- email.message.Message EmailMessage representation the translated email """ html_content = part.get_content() soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser") translated_body = translated_body_template.format(translated_body) translated_tag = BeautifulSoup(translated_body, "html.parser") tag_to_update = soup.find('body') if tag_to_update is None: tag_to_update = soup tag_to_update.append(translated_tag) return soup def extract_text_body(parsed_email): """ Extract email message content of type "text/plain" from a parsed email Parameters ---------- parsed_email: email.message.Message, required The parsed email as returned by download_email Returns ------- string string containing text/plain email body decoded with according to the Content-Transfer-Encoding header and then according to content charset. None No content of type "text/plain" is found. """ text_content = None text_charset = None if parsed_email.is_multipart(): # Walk over message parts of this multipart email. for part in parsed_email.walk(): content_type = part.get_content_type() content_disposition = str(part.get_content_disposition()) if content_type == 'text/plain' and 'attachment' not in content_disposition: text_content = part.get_payload(decode=True) text_charset = part.get_content_charset() break else: text_content = parsed_email.get_payload(decode=True) text_charset = parsed_email.get_content_charset() if text_content and text_charset: return text_content.decode(text_charset) return def update_email_body(parsed_email, translated_body): """ Finds and updates the "text/html" and "text/plain" email body parts. Parameters ---------- parsed_email: email.message.Message, required EmailMessage representation the downloaded email Returns ------- email.message.Message EmailMessage representation the updated email """ text_charset = None if parsed_email.is_multipart(): # Walk over message parts of this multipart email. for part in parsed_email.walk(): content_type = part.get_content_type() content_disposition = str(part.get_content_disposition()) if content_type == 'text/plain' and 'attachment' not in content_disposition: transfer_encoding = part['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] text_charset = part.get_content_charset() new_text_body = update_text_content(part, translated_body) part.set_content(new_text_body, "plain", charset=text_charset, cte=transfer_encoding) elif content_type == 'text/html' and 'attachment' not in content_disposition: transfer_encoding = part['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] html_charset = part.get_content_charset() new_html_body = update_html_content(part, translated_body) if new_html_body is not None: part.set_content(new_html_body.encode(html_charset), "text", "html", cte=transfer_encoding) part.set_charset(html_charset) else: # Its a plain email with text/plain body transfer_encoding = parsed_email['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] text_charset = parsed_email.get_content_charset() new_text_body = update_text_content(parsed_email, translated_body) parsed_email.set_content(new_text_body, "plain", charset=text_charset, cte=transfer_encoding) return parsed_email def download_email(message_id): """ This method downloads full email MIME content using GetRawMessageContent API and uses email.parser class for parsing it into Python email.message.EmailMessage class. Reference: Parameters ---------- message_id: string, required message_id of the email to download Returns ------- email.message.Message EmailMessage representation the downloaded email """ response = workmail_message_flow.get_raw_message_content(messageId=message_id) email_content = response['messageContent'].read() email_generation_policy = policy.SMTP.clone(refold_source='none')"Downloaded email from WorkMail successfully") return email.message_from_bytes(email_content, policy=email_generation_policy) def update_workmail(message_id, content): """ Uploads the updated message to an S3 bucket in your account and then updates it at WorkMail via PutRawMessageContent API. Reference: Parameters ---------- message_id: string, required message_id of the email to download content: email.message.Message, required EmailMessage representation the updated email Returns ------- None """ bucket = get_env_var('TRANSLATED_EMAIL_BUCKET') key = str(uuid.uuid4()); s3.put_object(Body=content.as_bytes(), Bucket=bucket, Key=key) s3_reference = { 'bucket': bucket, 'key': key } content = { 's3Reference': s3_reference } workmail_message_flow.put_raw_message_content(messageId=message_id, content=content)"Updated email sent to WorkMail successfully") def translate_email(downloaded_email, email_subject, email_language, text_body): """ Updates email with translated subject and traslated body. Parameters ---------- downloaded_email: email.message.Message, required EmailMessage representation the original downloaded email email_subject: string, required Subject of the email email_language: string, required Language code of original email body. See text_body: string, required Plain text body of the email message Returns ------- email.message.Message EmailMessage representation the updated email. """ destination_lang = get_env_var('DESTINATION_LANGUAGE') translated_body = translate_helper.translate_text(text_body, email_language, destination_lang) translated_subject = translate_helper.translate_text(email_subject, email_language, destination_lang) updated_email = update_email_body(downloaded_email, translated_body) new_subject = f"{email_subject} | {translated_subject}" updated_email.replace_header('Subject', new_subject)"Email translated successfully") return updated_email