import email import boto3 import logging from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger() def get_secret_token(secret_id): """ This method makes a call to AWS SecretsManager to get the secret API token which has been authorized to post to your blog. Parameters ---------- secret_id: string, required The name of the secret in Secrets Manager Returns -------- The value of the SecretString """ secrets_manager_client = boto3.client('secretsmanager') api_token = secrets_manager_client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_id) return api_token['SecretString'] def extract_email_body(parsed_email): """ Extract email message content of type "text/html" from a parsed email Parameters ---------- parsed_email: email.message.Message, required The parsed email as returned by download_email Returns ------- string string containing text/html email body decoded with according to the Content-Transfer-Encoding header and then according to content charset. None No content of type "text/html" is found. """ text_content = None text_charset = None if parsed_email.is_multipart(): # Walk over message parts of this multipart email. for part in parsed_email.walk(): content_type = part.get_content_type() content_disposition = str(part.get_content_disposition()) # Look for 'text/html' content but ignore inline attachments. if content_type == 'text/html' and 'attachment' not in content_disposition: text_content = part.get_payload(decode=True) text_charset = part.get_content_charset() break else: text_content = parsed_email.get_payload(decode=True) text_charset = parsed_email.get_content_charset() if text_content and text_charset: return text_content.decode(text_charset) return def download_email(message_id): """ This method downloads full email MIME content from WorkMailMessageFlow and uses email.parser class for parsing it into Python email.message.EmailMessage class. Reference: Parameters ---------- message_id: string, required message_id of the email to download Returns ------- email.message.Message EmailMessage representation the downloaded email. Raises ------ botocore.exceptions.ClientError: When email message cannot be downloaded. email.errors.MessageParseError When email message cannot be parsed. """ workmail_message_flow = boto3.client('workmailmessageflow') response = None try: response = workmail_message_flow.get_raw_message_content(messageId=message_id) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException': logger.error(f"Message {message_id} does not exist. Messages in transit are no longer accessible after 1 day. \ See: for more details.") raise(e) email_content = response['messageContent'].read() return email.message_from_bytes(email_content)