AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: 'This CloudFormation template creates a multi-region Disaster Recovery environment for Amazon WorkSpaces.' # Template Parameters Parameters: # S3 bucket unique name UsersBucketName: Type: String Description: 'The name of S3 bucket to used store the user files for DR. Must be an unique name. (ie: ws-dr-bucket-080119)' # Domain Controller or member server instance ID AdInstanceID: Type: String Description: 'The EC2 Instance ID of the Domain Controller or Member Server the DR region. (ie: i-012a3b4c567d8e901)' # OU path for WorkSpaces users UsersOU: Type: String Description: 'The WorkSpaces users OU path. (ie: OU=users,OU=workspaces,DC=domain,DC=com)' # AD Connector or Microsoft AD directory ID DirectoryID: Type: String Description: 'The ID of the AWS Directory Services object (ie: d-01234a567b).' # WorkSpaces bundle ID BundleID: Type: String Description: 'The ID of the Amazon WorkSpaces Bundle in the DR region (ie: wsb-abc0defgh).' # Windows drive for PS1 script to create files DriveLetter: Type: String Description: 'The letter of the drive where you want workspaces-users.csv file to be exported in the Domain Controller or Member Server. (ie: D)' Resources: # Create S3 bucket in DR region UsersBucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: !Ref UsersBucketName NotificationConfiguration: LambdaConfigurations: - Event: 's3:ObjectCreated:Put' Function: !GetAtt LambdaCompare.Arn Filter: S3Key: Rules: - Name: suffix Value: .csv DependsOn: - LambdaComparePermission # Create maintenance window role MaintenanceWindowRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: 'ws-dr-maintenance-window-role' AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Path: / ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonSSMMaintenanceWindowRole Policies: - PolicyName: pass-role PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - iam:PassRole Resource: - '*' # Create maintenance window MaintenanceWindow: Type: AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindow Properties: Name: 'ws-dr-maintenance-window' Schedule: 'cron(0 */10 * ? * *)' Duration: 3 Cutoff: 1 AllowUnassociatedTargets: true DependsOn: - MaintenanceWindowRole - UsersBucket # Create maintenance window task MaintenanceWindowTask: Type: AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask Properties: Name: 'ws-dr-maintenance-window-task' WindowId: !Sub '${MaintenanceWindow}' Targets: - Key: InstanceIds Values: - !Ref AdInstanceID TaskType: 'RUN_COMMAND' ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt MaintenanceWindowRole.Arn TaskArn: 'AWS-RunPowerShellScript' TaskInvocationParameters: MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters: Parameters: commands: - !Sub "New-Item -Path ${DriveLetter}:\\workspaces-users -ItemType directory\nGet-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase '${UsersOU}' -Properties SamAccountname | % {New-Object PSObject -Property @{oSamAccountname= $_.SamAccountname}} | Select oSamAccountname | export-CSV ${DriveLetter}:\\workspaces-users\\workspaces-users1.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8\nGet-Content ${DriveLetter}:\\workspaces-users\\workspaces-users1.csv | select -Skip 1 | Set-Content ${DriveLetter}:\\workspaces-users\\workspaces-users.csv\nWrite-S3Object -BucketName ${UsersBucketName} -File ${DriveLetter}:\\workspaces-users\\workspaces-users.csv" workingDirectory: - "" executionTimeout: - "3600" MaxConcurrency: 1 MaxErrors: 1 Priority: 10 DependsOn: - MaintenanceWindow # Create role for Lambda compare function LambdaCompareRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: 'ws-dr-lambda-compare-role' AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: 'Allow' Principal: Service: - '' Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' # Create policy and attaches to the role for Lambda compare function LambdaCompareRolePolicy: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Properties: PolicyName: 'ws-dr-lambda-compare-role-policy' PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: 'Allow' Action: - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' - 'workspaces:CreateWorkspaces' - 'workspaces:TerminateWorkspaces' - 'workspaces:DescribeWorkspaces' Resource: '*' - Effect: 'Allow' Action: - 's3:PutObject' - 's3:GetObject' Resource: !Sub '${UsersBucket.Arn}/*' Roles: - !Ref LambdaCompareRole # Create Lambda compare function LambdaCompare: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: FunctionName: 'ws-dr-lambda-compare' Handler: 'index.lambda_handler' Role: !Sub '${LambdaCompareRole.Arn}' Code: ZipFile: "Fn::Sub": | import csv import logging import os import boto3 s3_client = boto3.client('s3') ws_client = boto3.client('workspaces') DIRECTORY_ID = os.getenv('DIRECTORY_ID') BUNDLE_ID = os.getenv('BUNDLE_ID',) RUNNING_MODE = 'AUTO_STOP' logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)+8s]%(module)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO'))) # --- Main handler --- def lambda_handler(event, context): bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name'] key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'] # Get CSV file from S3 and transform it into JSON csv_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key) csv_users = csv.reader(csv_object['Body'].read().decode('utf-8').splitlines()) ad_users = set() for item in csv_users: if item: logger.debug('Adding user: {}'.format(item[0])) ad_users.add(item[0]) # Get current workspaces response = ws_client.describe_workspaces() workspaces = response['Workspaces'] current_ws = set() for workspace in workspaces: current_ws.add(workspace['UserName']) # If user is present in Ad user list but not in WorkSpaces list, terminate WorkSpace users_to_add = ad_users - current_ws logger.debug('Users to add: {}'.format(users_to_add)) for user in users_to_add: try:'Creating Workspaces for user: {}'.format(user)) create_ws = ws_client.create_workspaces( Workspaces=[ { 'DirectoryId': DIRECTORY_ID, 'UserName': user, 'BundleId': BUNDLE_ID, 'WorkspaceProperties': { 'RunningMode': RUNNING_MODE, 'RunningModeAutoStopTimeoutInMinutes': 60 } } ] ) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unable to Create Workspaces') logger.debug('Error: {}'.format(e)) # If user is present in WorkSpaces list but not in AD user list, terminate WorkSpace ws_to_terminate = current_ws - ad_users logger.debug('Workspaces to terminate: {}'.format(ws_to_terminate)) for user in ws_to_terminate: try:'Terminating Workspaces for user: {}'.format(user)) describe_ws = ws_client.describe_workspaces( DirectoryId=DIRECTORY_ID, UserName=user ) workspace_id = describe_ws['Workspaces'][0]['WorkspaceId'] terminate_ws = ws_client.terminate_workspaces( TerminateWorkspaceRequests=[ { 'WorkspaceId': workspace_id }, ]) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error executing describe_workspaces or terminate_workspaces') logger.debug('Error: {}'.format(e)) Runtime: 'python2.7' Timeout: 600 Environment: Variables: DIRECTORY_ID: !Ref DirectoryID BUNDLE_ID: !Ref BundleID # Creates the Lambda Compare function permission for the S3 bucket LambdaComparePermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: FunctionName: !Ref LambdaCompare Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction' Principal: '' SourceAccount: !Ref 'AWS::AccountId' SourceArn: !Sub 'arn:aws:s3:::${UsersBucketName}' # Resource Outputs Outputs: StackName: Description: Stack name. Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}' UsersBucket: Description: S3 bucket name. Value: !Ref UsersBucket MaintenanceWindowRole: Description: Maintenance Window Role name. Value: !Ref MaintenanceWindowRole MaintenanceWindow: Description: Systems Manager Maintenance Window ID. Value: !Ref MaintenanceWindow MaintenanceWindowTask: Description: Maintenance Window Task ID. Value: !Ref MaintenanceWindowTask LambdaCompareRole: Description: Lambda Compare Role name. Value: !Ref LambdaCompareRole LambdaCompareRolePolicy: Description: Lambda Compare Policy ID. Value: !Ref LambdaCompareRolePolicy LambdaCompare: Description: Lambda Compare function name. Value: !Ref LambdaCompare