## AmazonMSK-Managed-Observability CloudFormation Templates : * If you have an existing Amazon MSK cluster and want to deploy this observability solution for the same cluster, use below mentioned template files * Prometheus_Cloudformation.yml - Deploys EC2 with docker service, Security Groups, etc. * AMG_AMP_Cloudformation.yml - Deploys resource for Amazon Managed Prometheus and Amazon Managed Grafana * If you don't have any existing Amazon MSK cluster or you would like to do a PoC for this Amazon Managed observability solution for MSK, use below template files to deploy the resources * MSKResource_Cloudformation.yml - Deploys resources for needed to run Amazon MSK Cluster in a new VPC viz. VPC, Subnets, IAM Roles, Kafka Client, Cloud9, EC2 to run Prometheus service, etc. * AMG_AMP_Cloudformation.yml - Deploys resource for Amazon Managed Prometheus and Amazon Managed Grafana Grafana Dashboard JSON files : Use below files to import Grafana dashbaord for * AWS-MSK_KafkaCluster-Overview-Dashboard - Creates a dashboad to give overview of Amazon MSK Cluster * AWS-MSK_KafkaCluster-Metrics-Dashboard - Creates a dashboad to give topic level details for an Amazon MSK Cluster * AWS-MSK_KafkaCluster-CloudWatch-Dashboard - Creates a dashboad to give Amazon MSK Cluster CloudWatch Metrics ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.