# Apache RocketMQ on the AWS Cloud [中文](./README.zh.md) This solution provides a one click cloudformation deployment to sets up a high available Apache RocketMQ cluster on AWS environment. Apache RocketMQ is a unified messaging engine as well as lightweight data processing platform. The RocketMQ on AWS solution enables customers to quickly deploy a RocketMQ cluster in AWS Cloud. The basic cluster settings such as EC2 instance types are also configurable during the deployment. The Quick Start offers two deployment options: - Deploying Apache RocketMQ into a new virtual private cloud (VPC) on AWS - Deploying Apache RocketMQ into an existing VPC on AWS You can also use the AWS CloudFormation templates as a starting point for your own implementation. ## Architecure ![Quick Start architecture for RocketMQ on AWS](./assets/architecture.jpeg) For architectural details, best practices, step-by-step instructions, and customization options, see the [deployment guide](https://www.amazonaws.cn/solutions/RocketMQ/).