#!/bin/bash # Install jq to parse meta-data # MISC=/home/ec2-user/misc/bin/ # mkdir -p ${MISC} JQ_COMMAND=jq # [ ! -e ${JQ_COMMAND} ] && wget http://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/linux64/jq -O ${JQ_COMMAND} # chmod 755 ${JQ_COMMAND} # sudo yum -y install jq # export PATH=${PATH}:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/AmazonEC2/ec2-api-tools/bin:/usr/lib/AmazonEC2/ec2-ami-tools/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin:${MISC} # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # env vars to configure aws cli on Amazon Linux # No need for keys etc if run on instance with correct IAM role # --------------------------------------------------------------------- export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${REGION} export AWS_DEFAULT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE=${AVAILABILITY_ZONE} if [ -z ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} ]; then export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=$(curl -s \ | ${JQ_COMMAND} '.region' \ | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' ) fi if [ -z ${AWS_DEFAULT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE} ]; then export AWS_DEFAULT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE=$(curl -s \ | ${JQ_COMMAND} '.availabilityZone' \ | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' ) fi if [ -z ${AWS_INSTANCEID} ]; then export AWS_INSTANCEID=$(curl -s \ | ${JQ_COMMAND} '.instanceId' \ | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' ) fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # remove double quotes, if any. cli doesn't like it! # ------------------------------------------------------------------ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=$(echo ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' ) export AWS_DEFAULT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE=$(echo ${AWS_DEFAULT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE} | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' ) export AWS_INSTANCEID=$(echo ${AWS_INSTANCEID} | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' ) export AWS_CMD=/usr/bin/aws MYSTACKID=$(${AWS_CMD} ec2 describe-tags --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=${AWS_INSTANCEID}" | ${JQ_COMMAND} '.Tags[] | select(.Key=="aws:cloudformation:stack-id") | .Value') MYSTACKID=$(echo ${MYSTACKID} | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' ) MYSTACKPARENT=$(echo ${MYSTACKID} | awk -F '/' '{print $2}' | awk -F'-' '{print $1}') MYPRIVATEIP=$(curl -s \ | ${JQ_COMMAND} '.privateIp' \ | sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' ) log() { echo $* 2>&1 } usage() { cat <&1) [[ ${status} == *"not found"* ]] && echo 0 && return echo 1 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Used in multinode scenario when master created the table # Worker nodes will just wait until table is ready # ------------------------------------------------------------------ WaitUntilTableLive() { while true; do status=$(IfTableFound) if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then echo "Waiting for Master to create table.." sleep 10 else echo "Master has created table!" break fi done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create dynamodb table to do handshake of multinodes # Remember you can add other columns anytime! # ------------------------------------------------------------------ CreateTable() { log "CreateTable ${TABLE_NAME}..." ${AWS_CMD} dynamodb create-table \ --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} \ --attribute-definitions \ AttributeName=PrivateIpAddress,AttributeType=S \ --key-schema \ AttributeName=PrivateIpAddress,KeyType=HASH \ --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1 log "Waiting for table creation" WaitUntilTableActive log "DynamoDB Table: ${TABLE_NAME} Ready!" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Delete table to make a clean start deploy # ------------------------------------------------------------------ DeleteTable() { status=$(IfTableFound) if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then echo "Table doesn't exist. No need to delete" return fi status=$(${AWS_CMD} dynamodb delete-table --table-name ${TABLE_NAME}) WaitUntilTableDead } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wait until table is fully deleted! # ------------------------------------------------------------------ WaitUntilTableDead() { while true; do status=$(IfTableFound) if [ $status -eq 1 ]; then echo "Waiting for table delete to complete!.." sleep 10 else echo "Master has deleted table!" break fi done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Initialize the dynamodb table # PrivateIpAddress, Status and InstanceId columns init # ------------------------------------------------------------------ InitMyTable() { myip=${MYPRIVATEIP} json_template='{ "PrivateIpAddress": {"S": "myip" }}' json=$(echo ${json_template} | sed "s/myip/${myip}/g") ${AWS_CMD} dynamodb put-item --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} --item "${json}" instanceid=$(curl InsertMyKeyValueS "InstanceId=${instanceid}" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Update or insert table item with new key=value pair # New attributes get added, old attributes get updated # Use private ip as primary hash key # Usage InsertMyKeyValueS key=value # ------------------------------------------------------------------ InsertMyKeyValueS() { keyvalue=$1 if [ -z "$keyvalue" ]; then echo "Invalid KeyPair Values!" return fi key=$(echo $keyvalue | awk -F'=' '{print $1}') value=$(echo $keyvalue | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') keyjson_template='{"PrivateIpAddress": { "S": "myip" }}' myip=${MYPRIVATEIP} keyjson=$(echo -n ${keyjson_template} | sed "s/myip/${myip}/g") insertjson_template='{"key": { "Value": { "S": "value" }, "Action": "PUT" } }' insertjson=$(echo -n ${insertjson_template} | sed "s/key/${key}/g") insertjson=$(echo -n ${insertjson} | sed "s/value/${value}/g") cmd=$(echo "${AWS_CMD} dynamodb update-item --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} --key '${keyjson}' --attribute-updates '${insertjson}'") log "${cmd}" echo ${cmd} | sh } FetchAuthKey() { AuthKey=$(${AWS_CMD} dynamodb scan --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} | ${JQ_COMMAND} '.Items[]|.AuthKey|.S' | grep -v "null") AuthKey=$(echo ${AuthKey} | sed s/\"//g) AuthKey=$(echo ${AuthKey} | sed s/\ //g) echo ${AuthKey} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Use private ip as primary hash key # Set Status of node # Usage SetMyStatus "INSTALL_STARTED" # SetMyStatus "INSTALL_COMPLETE" etc # ------------------------------------------------------------------ SetMyStatus() { status=$1 if [ -z "$status" ]; then echo "Invalid Status Update!" return fi keyjson_template='{"PrivateIpAddress": { "S": "myip" }}' myip=${MYPRIVATEIP} keyjson=$(echo -n ${keyjson_template} | sed "s/myip/${myip}/g") updatejson_template='{"Status": { "Value": { "S": "mystatus" }, "Action": "PUT" } }' updatejson=$(echo -n ${updatejson_template} | sed "s/mystatus/${status}/g") cmd=$(echo "${AWS_CMD} dynamodb update-item --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} --key '${keyjson}' --attribute-updates '${updatejson}'") echo "${AWS_CMD} dynamodb update-item --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} --key '${keyjson}' --attribute-updates '${updatejson}'" echo ${cmd} | sh } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Use Status column in DDB to orchestrate # Count number of hosts in specific state # When querying for nodes in WORKING state, # proceed if WORKING + FINISHED count >= EXPECTED_COUNT # This is necessary because secondary may move to FINISHED state before primary. # Usage: QueryStatusCount "INSTALL_COMPLETE" # Get total hosts which have Status=INSTALL_COMPLETE # ------------------------------------------------------------------ QueryStatusCount(){ status=$1 nodeType=$2 if [ -z "$status" ]; then echo "StatusCountQuery invalid!" return fi count=$(${AWS_CMD} dynamodb scan --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} --scan-filter ' { "Status" : { "AttributeValueList": [ { "S": '\"${status}\"' } ], "ComparisonOperator":"EQ" }} ' --scan-filter ' { "NodeType" : { "AttributeValueList": [ { "S": '\"${nodeType}\"' } ], "ComparisonOperator":"EQ" }} '| ${JQ_COMMAND} '.Items[]|.PrivateIpAddress|.S' | wc -l) if [ "$status" == "WORKING" ]; then finished_count=$(${AWS_CMD} dynamodb scan --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} --scan-filter ' { "Status" : { "AttributeValueList": [ { "S": '\"FINISHED\"' } ], "ComparisonOperator":"EQ" }} ' --scan-filter ' { "NodeType" : { "AttributeValueList": [ { "S": '\"${nodeType}\"' } ], "ComparisonOperator":"EQ" }} '| ${JQ_COMMAND} '.Items[]|.PrivateIpAddress|.S' | wc -l) fi re='^[0-9]+$' if ! [[ $count =~ $re ]] ; then count=0 fi if ! [[ $finished_count =~ $re ]] ; then finished_count=0 fi echo $((count + finished_count)) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get Local IPv4 Addresses from DDB # Usage: GetIPv4Addrs # Get list of IPv4 Adrresses # ------------------------------------------------------------------ GetIPv4Addrs(){ NodeType=$1 IPv4=$(${AWS_CMD} dynamodb scan --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} --scan-filter ' { "Status" : { "AttributeValueList": [ { "S": '\"FINISHED\"' } ], "ComparisonOperator":"EQ" }} ' --scan-filter ' { "NodeType" : { "AttributeValueList": [ { "S": '\"${NodeType}\"' } ], "ComparisonOperator":"EQ" }} ' | ${JQ_COMMAND} '.Items[]|.PrivateIpAddress|.S') IPv4=$(echo ${IPv4} | sed s/\"//g) echo ${IPv4} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get Node index from DDB # Usage: GetNodeIndex # Get index of the current node # ------------------------------------------------------------------ GetNodeIndex(){ INDEX=$(${AWS_CMD} dynamodb scan --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} | ${JQ_COMMAND} '.Items[]|.NodeIndex|.S') INDEX=$(echo ${INDEX} | sed s/\"//g) echo ${INDEX} } GetAllNodeInfo(){ nodeType=$1 export increase=$2 ALLNODE=$(${AWS_CMD} dynamodb scan --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} --scan-filter ' { "NodeType" : { "AttributeValueList": [ { "S": '\"${nodeType}\"' } ], "ComparisonOperator":"EQ" }} '| ${JQ_COMMAND} '.Items[]| "\(.NodeIndex|.S) \(.PrivateIpAddress|.S)"'|sed s/\"//g|awk '{ print "n" (($1+ENVIRON["increase"]) % 3) "-" $2} ') echo ${ALLNODE} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wait until specific number hosts reach specific state # To wait until 5 nodes reach "INSTALL_COMPLETE" status: # Usage: WaitForSpecificStatus "INSTALL_COMPLETE=5" etc. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ WaitForSpecificStatus() { log "WaitForSpecificStatus START ($1) in cluster-watch-engine.sh" status_count_pair=$1 nodeType=$2 if [ -z "$status_count_pair" ]; then echo "Invalid Status=count Values!" return fi log "Received ${status_count_pair} in cluster-watch-engine.sh" status=$(echo $status_count_pair | /usr/bin/awk -F'=' '{print $1}') expected_count=$(echo $status_count_pair | /usr/bin/awk -F'=' '{print $2}') log "Checking for ${status} = ${expected_count} times" while true; do count=$(QueryStatusCount ${status} ${nodeType}) log "${count}..." if [ "${count}" -lt "${expected_count}" ]; then log "${count}/${expected_count} in ${status} status...Waiting" sleep 10 else log "${count} out of ${expected_count} in ${status} status!" log "WaitForSpecificStatus END ($1) in cluster-watch-engine.sh" return fi done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print table # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Print() { ${AWS_CMD} dynamodb scan --table-name ${TABLE_NAME} } if [ $CREATE -eq 1 ]; then CreateTable ${TABLE_NAME} InitMyTable fi if [ $GET_IPv4 ]; then GetIPv4Addrs ${GET_IPv4} fi if [ $NEW_STATUS ]; then SetMyStatus ${NEW_STATUS} fi if [ $NEW_ITEM_PAIR ]; then InsertMyKeyValueS ${NEW_ITEM_PAIR} fi if [ $CREATE_KEY -eq 1 ]; then auth_key=$( openssl rand -base64 756 | grep -o [[:alnum:]] | tr -d '\n' ) InsertMyKeyValueS "AuthKey=${auth_key}" fi if [ $FETCH_KEY -eq 1 ]; then FetchAuthKey fi if [ $QUERY_STATUS ]; then QueryStatusCount $QUERY_STATUS fi if [ $WAIT_STATUS_COUNT_PAIR ]; then WaitForSpecificStatus $WAIT_STATUS_COUNT_PAIR $NODETYPE fi if [ $PRINT -eq 1 ]; then Print fi if [ $BLOCK_UNTIL_TABLE_LIVE -eq 1 ]; then WaitUntilTableLive fi if [ $DELETE_TABLE -eq 1 ]; then DeleteTable fi if [ $GET_INDEX -eq 1 ]; then GetNodeIndex fi if [ $GET_ALLNODE ]; then GetAllNodeInfo ${NODETYPE} ${GET_ALLNODE} fi