from enum import Enum, auto from decimal import Decimal from typing import List from custom_connector_sdk.connector.configuration import ConnectorOperator MIN_RANGE = 'minRange' MAX_RANGE = 'maxRange' ALLOWED_LENGTH_RANGE = 'allowedLengthRange' ALLOWED_VALUE_RANGE = 'allowedValueRange' ALLOWED_VALUES = 'allowedValues' ALLOWED_VALUES_REGEX_PATTERN = 'allowedValuesRegexPattern' ALLOWED_DATE_FORMAT = 'allowedDateFormat' IS_RETRIEVABLE = 'isRetrievable' IS_NULLABLE = 'isNullable' IS_QUERYABLE = 'isQueryable' IS_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_FOR_INCREMENTAL_QUERIES = 'isTimestampFieldForIncrementalQueries' IS_CREATABLE = 'isCreatable' IS_UPDATABLE = 'isUpdatable' IS_UPSERTABLE = 'isUpsertable' IS_DEFAULTED_ON_CREATE = 'isDefaultedOnCreate' SUPPORTED_WRITE_OPERATIONS = 'supportedWriteOperations' FIELD_NAME = 'fieldName' DATA_TYPE = 'dataType' DATA_TYPE_LABEL = 'dataTypeLabel' LABEL = 'label' DESCRIPTION = 'description' IS_PRIMARY_KEY = 'isPrimaryKey' DEFAULT_VALUE = 'defaultValue' IS_DEPRECATED = 'isDeprecated' CONSTRAINTS = 'constraints' READ_PROPERTIES = 'readProperties' WRITE_PROPERTIES = 'writeProperties' FILTER_OPERATORS = 'filterOperators' CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = 'customProperties' class FieldDataType(Enum): """Data type of a field.""" String = auto() Integer = auto() Float = auto() Double = auto() Long = auto() Short = auto() BigInteger = auto() BigDecimal = auto() ByteArray = auto() Boolean = auto() Date = auto() DateTime = auto() Struct = auto() Map = auto() List = auto() class RangeConstraint: """Represents the range for a field.""" def __init__(self, min_range: Decimal, max_range: Decimal): # Minimum value of the range. self.min_range = min_range # Maximum value of the range. self.max_range = max_range @classmethod def from_dict(cls, constraint: dict): if constraint is None: return None required_keys = {MIN_RANGE, MAX_RANGE} assert constraint.keys() >= required_keys, f'{cls.__name__} is missing required parameters {required_keys}' min_range = Decimal(constraint.get(MIN_RANGE)) max_range = Decimal(constraint.get(MAX_RANGE)) return cls(min_range, max_range) def to_dict(self): return {MIN_RANGE: self.min_range, MAX_RANGE: self.max_range} class FieldConstraints: """Constraints that are applicable to the Field.""" def __init__(self, allowed_length_range: RangeConstraint = None, allowed_value_range: RangeConstraint = None, allowed_values: List[str] = None, allowed_values_regex_pattern: str = None, allowed_date_format: str = None): # Min and Max range of the length of the value. self.allowed_length_range = allowed_length_range # Min and Max range of value of this field. self.allowed_value_range = allowed_value_range # List of allowed values for this field. self.allowed_values = allowed_values # Value of the field should match with this regex pattern. self.allowed_values_regex_pattern = allowed_values_regex_pattern # Allowed date format for the field. self.allowed_date_format = allowed_date_format @classmethod def from_dict(cls, constraints: dict): if constraints is None: return None allowed_length_range = RangeConstraint.from_dict(constraints.get(ALLOWED_LENGTH_RANGE)) allowed_value_range = RangeConstraint.from_dict(constraints.get(ALLOWED_VALUE_RANGE)) allowed_values = constraints.get(ALLOWED_VALUES) allowed_values_regex_pattern = constraints.get(ALLOWED_VALUES_REGEX_PATTERN) allowed_date_format = constraints.get(ALLOWED_DATE_FORMAT) return cls(allowed_length_range, allowed_value_range, allowed_values, allowed_values_regex_pattern, allowed_date_format) def to_dict(self): return {ALLOWED_LENGTH_RANGE: self.allowed_length_range and self.allowed_length_range.to_dict(), ALLOWED_VALUE_RANGE: self.allowed_value_range and self.allowed_value_range.to_dict(), ALLOWED_VALUES: self.allowed_values, ALLOWED_VALUES_REGEX_PATTERN: self.allowed_values_regex_pattern, ALLOWED_DATE_FORMAT: self.allowed_date_format} class ReadOperationProperty: """The properties that can be applied to a field when the connector is being used as a source.""" def __init__(self, is_retrievable: bool = None, is_nullable: bool = None, is_queryable: bool = None, is_timestamp_field_for_incremental_queries: bool = None): # Specifies if the source field can be returned in a search result. self.is_retrievable = is_retrievable # Specifies if the source field can have a null value. self.is_nullable = is_nullable # Specifies if the source field can be queried. self.is_queryable = is_queryable # Specifies if the source field can be used for incremental queries. self.is_timestamp_field_for_incremental_queries = is_timestamp_field_for_incremental_queries @classmethod def from_dict(cls, properties: dict): if properties is None: return None is_retrievable = properties.get(IS_RETRIEVABLE) is_nullable = properties.get(IS_NULLABLE) is_queryable = properties.get(IS_QUERYABLE) is_timestamp_field_for_incremental_queries = properties.get(IS_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_FOR_INCREMENTAL_QUERIES) return cls(is_retrievable, is_nullable, is_queryable, is_timestamp_field_for_incremental_queries) def to_dict(self): return {IS_RETRIEVABLE: self.is_retrievable, IS_NULLABLE: self.is_nullable, IS_QUERYABLE: self.is_queryable, IS_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_FOR_INCREMENTAL_QUERIES: self.is_timestamp_field_for_incremental_queries} class WriteOperationType(Enum): """Enum for Write operation type.""" INSERT = auto() UPDATE = auto() UPSERT = auto() DELETE = auto() class WriteOperationProperty: """The properties that can be applied to a field when connector is being used as a destination.""" def __init__(self, is_creatable: bool = None, is_updatable: bool = None, is_nullable: bool = None, is_upsertable: bool = None, is_defaulted_on_create: bool = None, supported_write_operations: List[WriteOperationType] = None): # Specifies if the destination field can be created by the current user. self.is_creatable = is_creatable # Specifies whether the field can be updated during an UPDATE or UPSERT write operation. self.is_updatable = is_updatable # Specifies if the destination field can have a null value. self.is_nullable = is_nullable # Specifies if the flow run can either insert new rows in the destination field if they do not already exist, # or update them if they do. self.is_upsertable = is_upsertable # Specifies if the default value will be used by application while creating records if not provided. self.is_defaulted_on_create = is_defaulted_on_create # A list of supported write operations. For each write operation listed, this field can be used in idFieldNames # when that write operation is present as a destination option. self.supported_write_operations = supported_write_operations @classmethod def from_dict(cls, properties: dict): if properties is None: return None is_creatable = properties.get(IS_CREATABLE) is_updatable = properties.get(IS_UPDATABLE) is_nullable = properties.get(IS_NULLABLE) is_upsertable = properties.get(IS_UPSERTABLE) is_defaulted_on_create = properties.get(IS_DEFAULTED_ON_CREATE) if SUPPORTED_WRITE_OPERATIONS in properties and properties.get(SUPPORTED_WRITE_OPERATIONS) is not None: supported_write_operations = list(map(lambda op: WriteOperationType[op], properties.get(SUPPORTED_WRITE_OPERATIONS))) else: supported_write_operations = None return cls(is_creatable, is_updatable, is_nullable, is_upsertable, is_defaulted_on_create, supported_write_operations) def to_dict(self): return {IS_CREATABLE: self.is_creatable, IS_UPDATABLE: self.is_updatable, IS_NULLABLE: self.is_nullable, IS_UPSERTABLE: self.is_upsertable, IS_DEFAULTED_ON_CREATE: self.is_defaulted_on_create, SUPPORTED_WRITE_OPERATIONS: self.supported_write_operations and [ for op_type in self.supported_write_operations]} class FieldDefinition: """Describes the data model of a field. For example, for an account entity, the fields would be account name, account ID, and so on. """ def __init__(self, field_name: str, data_type: FieldDataType, data_type_label: str = None, label: str = None, description: str = None, is_primary_key: bool = None, default_value: str = None, is_deprecated: bool = None, constraints: FieldConstraints = None, read_properties: ReadOperationProperty = None, write_properties: WriteOperationProperty = None, filter_operators: List[ConnectorOperator] = None, custom_properties: dict = None): # The unique identifier of the connector field. self.field_name = field_name # DataType of this field. self.data_type = data_type # Application specific description of the data type, so that AppFlow user can be presented with the same # information in the public API for exposing connector specific metadata. if data_type_label is None: self.data_type_label = else: self.data_type_label = data_type_label # Label for this field. self.label = label # Description of this field. self.description = description # Specifies if it can be used as a primary key. self.is_primary_key = is_primary_key # Default value of the field. self.default_value = default_value # Specifies if this field is deprecated. self.is_deprecated = is_deprecated # Constraints applicable to this field like length, value, etc. self.constraints = constraints # The properties that can be applied to a field when the connector is being used as a source. self.read_properties = read_properties # The properties that can be applied to a field when the connector is being used as a destination. self.write_properties = write_properties # Filter Operators applicable for this field. This value be overridden by the connector developers for specific # use cases. For example, if they wish to disallow certain operators for specific data types, that can be # modified by overriding this method. if filter_operators is not None: self.filter_operators = filter_operators elif self.data_type in (FieldDataType.Integer, FieldDataType.Float, FieldDataType.Double, FieldDataType.Long, FieldDataType.Short, FieldDataType.BigInteger, FieldDataType.BigDecimal): self.filter_operators = [ConnectorOperator.NOT_EQUAL_TO, ConnectorOperator.EQUAL_TO, ConnectorOperator.LESS_THAN, ConnectorOperator.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, ConnectorOperator.GREATER_THAN, ConnectorOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO] elif self.data_type in (FieldDataType.Date, FieldDataType.DateTime): self.filter_operators = [ConnectorOperator.EQUAL_TO, ConnectorOperator.LESS_THAN, ConnectorOperator.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, ConnectorOperator.GREATER_THAN, ConnectorOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, ConnectorOperator.BETWEEN] elif self.data_type == FieldDataType.String: self.filter_operators = [ConnectorOperator.CONTAINS, ConnectorOperator.EQUAL_TO, ConnectorOperator.NOT_EQUAL_TO] elif self.data_type == FieldDataType.Boolean: self.filter_operators = [ConnectorOperator.EQUAL_TO, ConnectorOperator.NOT_EQUAL_TO] elif self.data_type in (FieldDataType.Map, FieldDataType.List): self.filter_operators = [ConnectorOperator.CONTAINS] elif self.data_type in (FieldDataType.Struct, FieldDataType.ByteArray): self.filter_operators = [] else: raise ValueError # Custom properties defined for this field. self.custom_properties = custom_properties @classmethod def from_dict(cls, definition: dict): if definition is None: return None required_keys = {FIELD_NAME, DATA_TYPE} assert definition.keys() >= required_keys, f'{cls.__name__} is missing required parameters {required_keys}' field_name = definition.get(FIELD_NAME) data_type = FieldDataType[definition.get(DATA_TYPE)] label = definition.get(LABEL) description = definition.get(DESCRIPTION) is_primary_key = definition.get(IS_PRIMARY_KEY) default_value = definition.get(DEFAULT_VALUE) is_deprecated = definition.get(IS_DEPRECATED) constraints = FieldConstraints.from_dict(definition.get(CONSTRAINTS)) read_properties = ReadOperationProperty.from_dict(definition.get(READ_PROPERTIES)) write_properties = WriteOperationProperty.from_dict(definition.get(WRITE_PROPERTIES)) custom_properties = definition.get(CUSTOM_PROPERTIES) if definition.get(FILTER_OPERATORS) is not None: filter_operators = [ConnectorOperator[op] for op in definition.get(FILTER_OPERATORS)] else: filter_operators = None if DATA_TYPE_LABEL in definition: data_type_label = definition.get(DATA_TYPE_LABEL) else: data_type_label = return cls(field_name, data_type, data_type_label, label, description, is_primary_key, default_value, is_deprecated, constraints, read_properties, write_properties, filter_operators, custom_properties) def to_dict(self): return {FIELD_NAME: self.field_name, DATA_TYPE:, DATA_TYPE_LABEL: self.data_type_label, LABEL: self.label, DESCRIPTION: self.description, IS_PRIMARY_KEY: self.is_primary_key, DEFAULT_VALUE: self.default_value, IS_DEPRECATED: self.is_deprecated, CONSTRAINTS: self.constraints and self.constraints.to_dict(), READ_PROPERTIES: self.read_properties and self.read_properties.to_dict(), WRITE_PROPERTIES: self.write_properties and self.write_properties.to_dict(), FILTER_OPERATORS: self.filter_operators and [ for op in self.filter_operators], CUSTOM_PROPERTIES: self.custom_properties}