from enum import Enum, auto from typing import List from custom_connector_sdk.connector.context import Entity, EntityDefinition from custom_connector_sdk.connector.settings import CacheControl, ConnectorRuntimeSetting from custom_connector_sdk.connector.configuration import ConnectorOperator, ConnectorModes, TriggerFrequency, TriggerType from custom_connector_sdk.connector.auth import AuthenticationConfig from custom_connector_sdk.connector.fields import WriteOperationType LIST_ENTITIES_RESPONSE = 'ListEntitiesResponse' DESCRIBE_ENTITY_RESPONSE = 'DescribeEntityResponse' VALIDATE_CONNECTOR_RUNTIME_SETTINGS_RESPONSE = 'ValidateConnectorRuntimeSettingsResponse' VALIDATE_CREDENTIALS_RESPONSE = 'ValidateCredentialsResponse' DESCRIBE_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION_RESPONSE = 'DescribeConnectorConfigurationResponse' RETRIEVE_DATA_RESPONSE = 'RetrieveDataResponse' WRITE_DATA_RESPONSE = 'WriteDataResponse' QUERY_DATA_RESPONSE = 'QueryDataResponse' TYPE = 'type' ERROR_CODE = 'errorCode' ERROR_MESSAGE = 'errorMessage' RETRY_AFTER_SECONDS = 'retryAfterSeconds' IS_SUCCESS = 'isSuccess' RECORD_ID = 'recordId' ERROR_DETAILS = 'errorDetails' ENTITIES = 'entities' NEXT_TOKEN = 'nextToken' CACHE_CONTROL = 'cacheControl' ENTITY_DEFINITION = 'entityDefinition' IS_VALID = 'isValid' CONNECTOR_OWNER = 'connectorOwner' CONNECTOR_NAME = 'connectorName' CONNECTOR_VERSION = 'connectorVersion' CONNECTOR_MODES = 'connectorModes' AUTHENTICATION_CONFIG = 'authenticationConfig' SUPPORTED_API_VERSIONS = 'supportedApiVersions' CONNECTOR_RUNTIME_SETTING = 'connectorRuntimeSetting' LOGO_URL = 'logoURL' OPERATORS_SUPPORTED = 'operatorsSupported' TRIGGER_FREQUENCIES_SUPPORTED = 'triggerFrequenciesSupported' SUPPORTED_TRIGGER_TYPES = 'supportedTriggerTypes' SUPPORTED_WRITE_OPERATIONS = 'supportedWriteOperations' WRITE_RECORD_RESULTS = 'writeRecordResults' ERRORS_BY_INPUT_FIELD = 'errorsByInputField' RECORDS = 'records' ALL_OPERATORS = [op for op in ConnectorOperator] ALL_TRIGGER_FREQUENCIES = [freq for freq in TriggerFrequency] ALL_WRITE_OPERATION_TYPES = [op for op in WriteOperationType] ALL_TRIGGER_TYPES = [op for op in TriggerType] class ErrorCode(Enum): """Collection of all normalized error codes for returning errors back to AppFlow.""" # Invalid arguments provided as input/HttpStatus 400/413 from application/Bad Request exception from Application. # For example QueryURI too large, write request payload too large etc. InvalidArgument = auto() # Credentials were rejected by the underlying application/HttpStatus 401 from Application. InvalidCredentials = auto() # Resource access denied by the underlying application/HttpStatus 403 from Application. AccessDenied = auto() # The request to the underlying application timed out/HttpStatus 408 from Application/ # HttpClient timeout while sending request. RequestTimeout = auto() # Request got rejected by the underlying application due to rate limit violation/HttpStatus 429 from Application. RateLimitExceeded = auto() # Application is not available to serve the requests at the moment/HttpStatus 503 from Application. ServiceUnavailable = auto() # Specifies error is due to client or HttpStatus 4XX from Application. # Use specific error codes if present. ClientError = auto() # Specifies error is due to Application or HttpStatus 5XX from Application. # Use specific error codes if present. ServerError = auto() # Unknown Error from the Application. Use this ErrorCode only when you are not able to use the # other specific error codes. UnknownError = auto() # Specifies that the connector encountered failure, for some records, while writing to the application. PartialWriteFailure = auto() # Specifies that the connector is unable to find resource like AWS SecretManagerARN etc. ResourceNotFoundError = auto() class ErrorDetails: """Represents the error details.""" def __init__(self, error_code: ErrorCode, error_message: str, retry_after_seconds: int = None): # Error code. self.error_code = error_code # Detailed error message corresponding to the error code. self.error_message = error_message # Specifies the time delay in seconds after which operation can be retried. self.retry_after_seconds = retry_after_seconds def __repr__(self): return f'{self.error_code}: {self.error_message}' def to_dict(self): return {ERROR_CODE:, ERROR_MESSAGE: self.error_message, RETRY_AFTER_SECONDS: self.retry_after_seconds} class WriteRecordResult: """Specifies if the record is written successfully or not.""" def __init__(self, is_success: bool, record_id: str, error_message: str = None): # Specifies if the record is written successfully or not. self.is_success = is_success # Unique identifier for the record. self.record_id = record_id # Error message if the record is not written to the destination successfully. self.error_message = error_message def to_dict(self): return {IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, RECORD_ID: self.record_id, ERROR_MESSAGE: self.error_message} class ListEntitiesResponse: """Represents the output of a RetrieveData operation.""" def __init__(self, is_success: bool, error_details: ErrorDetails = None, entities: List[Entity] = None, next_token: str = None, cache_control: CacheControl = None): # Specifies if the operation is successful or not. self.is_success = is_success # Error details if the Operation is unsuccessful. self.error_details = error_details # List of entities. self.entities = entities # The pagination token for the next page of data. self.next_token = next_token # Caching policy for the list of entities. self.cache_control = cache_control def to_dict(self): return {IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, ERROR_DETAILS: self.error_details and self.error_details.to_dict(), ENTITIES: self.entities and [entity.to_dict() for entity in self.entities], NEXT_TOKEN: self.next_token, CACHE_CONTROL: self.cache_control and self.cache_control.to_dict()} class DescribeEntityResponse: """Represents the output of a DescribeEntity operation.""" def __init__(self, is_success: bool, error_details: ErrorDetails = None, entity_definition: EntityDefinition = None, cache_control: CacheControl = None): # Specifies if the operation is successful or not. self.is_success = is_success # Error details if the Operation is unsuccessful. self.error_details = error_details # Data model of the entity. self.entity_definition = entity_definition # Caching policy self.cache_control = cache_control def to_dict(self): return {IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, ERROR_DETAILS: self.error_details and self.error_details.to_dict(), ENTITY_DEFINITION: self.entity_definition and self.entity_definition.to_dict(), CACHE_CONTROL: self.cache_control and self.cache_control.to_dict()} class ValidateCredentialsResponse: """Represents the output of a ValidateCredentialsResponse operation.""" def __init__(self, is_success: bool, error_details: ErrorDetails = None): # Specifies if the operation is successful or not. self.is_success = is_success # Error details contains ErrorCode and ErrorMessage if the Operation is unsuccessful. self.error_details = error_details def to_dict(self): return {IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, ERROR_DETAILS: self.error_details and self.error_details.to_dict()} class DescribeConnectorConfigurationResponse: """Represents the output of a DescribeConnectorConfiguration operation.""" def __init__(self, connector_owner: str, connector_name: str, connector_version: str, connector_modes: List[ConnectorModes], supported_api_versions: List[str], is_success: bool, operators_supported: List[ConnectorOperator] = ALL_OPERATORS, trigger_frequencies_supported: List[TriggerFrequency] = ALL_TRIGGER_FREQUENCIES, supported_write_operations: List[WriteOperationType] = ALL_WRITE_OPERATION_TYPES, supported_trigger_types: List[TriggerType] = ALL_TRIGGER_TYPES, authentication_config: AuthenticationConfig = None, connector_runtime_setting: List[ConnectorRuntimeSetting] = None, logo_url: str = None, error_details: ErrorDetails = None): # Name of the connector owner. self.connector_owner = connector_owner # Name of the connector. self.connector_name = connector_name # Version of the connector. self.connector_version = connector_version # List of ConnectorModes supported by the connector. self.connector_modes = connector_modes # AuthenticationConfig supported by teh connector. self.authentication_config = authentication_config # List of API versions supported by connector for the underlying application. For example, if the underlying # application is Salesforce, then example could be list of {v46.0, v47.0, v48.9}. self.supported_api_versions = supported_api_versions # Specifies if the operation is successful or not. self.is_success = is_success # Custom connector runtime settings for which connector requires input from the end user. self.connector_runtime_setting = connector_runtime_setting # Logo URL for display purposes for connector icon. self.logo_url = logo_url # Error details if the Operation is unsuccessful. self.error_details = error_details # Operators supported by the connector. Default: all the operators self.operators_supported = operators_supported # Trigger frequencies supported by the connector. Default: all trigger frequencies self.trigger_frequencies_supported = trigger_frequencies_supported # Write Operations supported by Connector. Only applicable if the connector supports DESTINATION mode. Default # is all the Write Operation types supported. self.supported_write_operations = supported_write_operations self.supported_trigger_types = supported_trigger_types def to_dict(self): return {CONNECTOR_OWNER: self.connector_owner, CONNECTOR_NAME: self.connector_name, CONNECTOR_VERSION: self.connector_version, CONNECTOR_MODES: [ for mode in self.connector_modes], AUTHENTICATION_CONFIG: self.authentication_config.to_dict(), SUPPORTED_API_VERSIONS: self.supported_api_versions, IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, CONNECTOR_RUNTIME_SETTING: self.connector_runtime_setting and [setting.to_dict() for setting in self.connector_runtime_setting], LOGO_URL: self.logo_url, ERROR_DETAILS: self.error_details and self.error_details.to_dict(), OPERATORS_SUPPORTED: [ for op in self.operators_supported], TRIGGER_FREQUENCIES_SUPPORTED: [ for freq in self.trigger_frequencies_supported], SUPPORTED_WRITE_OPERATIONS: [ for op in self.supported_write_operations], SUPPORTED_TRIGGER_TYPES: [ for op in self.supported_trigger_types]} class ValidateConnectorRuntimeSettingsResponse: """Represents the output of a ValidateConnectorRuntimeSettings operation.""" def __init__(self, is_success: bool, errors_by_input_field: dict = None, error_details: ErrorDetails = None): # Specifies if the operation is successful or not. self.is_success = is_success # Error message for the invalid connector settings keys. Key will be ConnectorRuntimeSetting (string) provided # as input and value will be the error message (string). self.errors_by_input_field = errors_by_input_field # Error details contains ErrorCode and ErrorMessage if the Operation is unsuccessful. self.error_details = error_details def to_dict(self): return {IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, ERRORS_BY_INPUT_FIELD: self.errors_by_input_field, ERROR_DETAILS: self.error_details and self.error_details.to_dict()} class RetrieveDataResponse: """Represents the output of a RetrieveData operation.""" def __init__(self, is_success: bool, error_details: ErrorDetails = None, records: List[str] = None): # Specifies if the operation is successful or not. self.is_success = is_success # Error details if the Operation is unsuccessful. self.error_details = error_details # List of JSON serialized string of the entity record as per the entity metadata. self.records = records def to_dict(self): return {IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, ERROR_DETAILS: self.error_details and self.error_details.to_dict(), RECORDS: self.records} class WriteDataResponse: """Represents the output of a WriteData operation.""" def __init__(self, is_success: bool, error_details: ErrorDetails = None, write_record_results: List[WriteRecordResult] = None): # Specifies if the operation is successful or not. In case of partial failure, # this flag should be set to false and the error code should be set to PartialWriteFailure. self.is_success = is_success # Error details if the Operation is unsuccessful. self.error_details = error_details # List of input records write call response with success and failure details. self.write_record_results = write_record_results def to_dict(self): return {IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, ERROR_DETAILS: self.error_details and self.error_details.to_dict(), WRITE_RECORD_RESULTS: self.write_record_results and [result.to_dict() for result in self.write_record_results]} class QueryDataResponse: """Represents the output of a QueryData operation.""" def __init__(self, is_success: bool, error_details: ErrorDetails = None, next_token: str = None, records: List[str] = None): # Specifies if the operation is successful or not. self.is_success = is_success # Error details if the Operation is unsuccessful. self.error_details = error_details # The pagination token for the next page of data. self.next_token = next_token # List of json serialized string of the entity record as per the entity metadata. self.records = records def to_dict(self): return {IS_SUCCESS: self.is_success, ERROR_DETAILS: self.error_details and self.error_details.to_dict(), NEXT_TOKEN: self.next_token, RECORDS: self.records}