description: |- # Install-AppServer This sample document automates the process of deploying an ASP.NET Core application to one or more EC2 instances. schemaVersion: '0.3' parameters: InstanceId: type: StringList mainSteps: - name: GetASPNETRuntime action: 'aws:runCommand' inputs: DocumentName: AWS-RunPowerShellScript InstanceIds: '{{InstanceId}}' Parameters: commands: | $dotnetExe = "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" if (get-command -ErrorAction Ignore $dotnetExe) { $runtimes = &$dotnetExe --list-runtimes } else { $runtimes = @() } $aspNetRuntimeVersion = $runtimes | where {$_ -match "AspNetCore\.App (3\.1\.\d)"} | %{ $Matches.1 } | Select -First 1 echo $aspNetRuntimeVersion - name: DependencyCheck action: 'aws:executeScript' inputs: Runtime: PowerShell Core 6.0 Script: |- # Save assumption: install unless we find a equal or greater version $installRuntime = $true $desiredVersion = New-Object System.Version("3.1.6") $inputPayload = $env:InputPayload | ConvertFrom-Json; $actualVerison = New-Object System.Version("") if ([System.Version]::TryParse($inputPayload.aspnetRuntimeVersion, [ref]$actualVerison)) { $installRuntime = $actualVersion -ge $desiredVersion } return @{installRuntime=$installRuntime} InputPayload: aspnetRuntimeVersion: '{{GetASPNETRuntime.Output}}' outputs: - Name: installRuntime Selector: $.Payload.installRuntime Type: Boolean - name: ChooseNextStep action: 'aws:branch' inputs: Choices: - NextStep: InstallApplication Variable: '{{DependencyCheck.installRuntime}}' BooleanEquals: false Default: InstallASPNETRuntime - name: InstallASPNETRuntime action: 'aws:runCommand' inputs: DocumentName: AWS-RunPowerShellScript InstanceIds: '{{InstanceId}}' Parameters: commands: | mkdir C:\DotNet Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri '' -OutFile C:\DotNet\aspdotnet-3.1-installer.exe Start-Process -Wait C:\DotNet\aspdotnet-3.1-installer.exe -ArgumentList '/install','/quiet','/norestart' - name: InstallApplication action: 'aws:runCommand' inputs: DocumentName: AWS-RunPowerShellScript InstanceIds: '{{InstanceId}}' Parameters: commands: | # Stop the service if it was already running if (Get-Service ASPNETCoreDemo -ErrorAction Ignore) { Stop-Service ASPNETCoreDemo } # Create the folder if it doesn't exist if (-not (Test-Path C:\AppServer)) { mkdir C:\AppServer } else { # Empty the folder if it exists rm -R -Force C:\AppServer\* } # Download the latest revision Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri '' -OutFile C:\AppServer\ Expand-Archive C:\AppServer\ C:\AppServer\ # Create the service if it didn't already exist if (-not (Get-Service ASPNETCoreDemo -ErrorAction Ignore)) { New-Service ASPNETCoreDemo -BinaryPathName "C:\AppServer\ASPNETCoreDemo.exe --service --urls http://+:80" } Start-Service ASPNETCoreDemo netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ASPNetCoreDemo" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80