import torch from torch.utils import data import json import os import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import EPS = 1e-8 DATASET = 'WHAM' # WHAM tasks enh_single = {'mixture': 'mix_single', 'sources': ['s1'], 'infos': ['noise'], 'default_nsrc': 1} enh_both = {'mixture': 'mix_both', 'sources': ['mix_clean'], 'infos': ['noise'], 'default_nsrc': 1} sep_clean = {'mixture': 'mix_clean', 'sources': ['s1', 's2'], 'infos': [], 'default_nsrc': 2} sep_noisy = {'mixture': 'mix_both', 'sources': ['s1', 's2'], 'infos': ['noise'], 'default_nsrc': 2} WHAM_TASKS = {'enhance_single': enh_single, 'enhance_both': enh_both, 'sep_clean': sep_clean, 'sep_noisy': sep_noisy} # Aliases. WHAM_TASKS['enh_single'] = WHAM_TASKS['enhance_single'] WHAM_TASKS['enh_both'] = WHAM_TASKS['enhance_both'] def wavread(filename): fs, x = if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.integer): x = x / np.iinfo(x.dtype).max return x, fs def normalize_tensor_wav(wav_tensor, eps=1e-8, std=None): mean = wav_tensor.mean(-1, keepdim=True) if std is None: std = wav_tensor.std(-1, keepdim=True) return (wav_tensor - mean) / (std + eps) class WhamDataset_no_sf(data.Dataset): """ Dataset class for WHAM source separation and speech enhancement tasks. Args: json_dir (str): The path to the directory containing the json files. task (str): One of ``'enh_single'``, ``'enh_both'``, ``'sep_clean'`` or ``'sep_noisy'``. * ``'enh_single'`` for single speaker speech enhancement. * ``'enh_both'`` for multi speaker speech enhancement. * ``'sep_clean'`` for two-speaker clean source separation. * ``'sep_noisy'`` for two-speaker noisy source separation. sample_rate (int, optional): The sampling rate of the wav files. segment (float, optional): Length of the segments used for training, in seconds. If None, use full utterances (e.g. for test). nondefault_nsrc (int, optional): Number of sources in the training targets. If None, defaults to one for enhancement tasks and two for separation tasks. normalize_audio (bool): If True then both sources and the mixture are normalized with the standard deviation of the mixture. """ dataset_name = 'WHAM!' def __init__(self, json_dir, task, sample_rate=8000, segment=4.0, nondefault_nsrc=None, normalize_audio=False): super(WhamDataset_no_sf, self).__init__() if task not in WHAM_TASKS.keys(): raise ValueError('Unexpected task {}, expected one of ' '{}'.format(task, WHAM_TASKS.keys())) # Task setting self.json_dir = json_dir self.task = task self.task_dict = WHAM_TASKS[task] self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.normalize_audio = normalize_audio self.seg_len = None if segment is None else int(segment * sample_rate) if not nondefault_nsrc: self.n_src = self.task_dict['default_nsrc'] else: assert nondefault_nsrc >= self.task_dict['default_nsrc'] self.n_src = nondefault_nsrc self.like_test = self.seg_len is None # generate json # Load json files mix_json = os.path.join(json_dir, self.task_dict['mixture'] + '.json') sources_json = [os.path.join(json_dir, source + '.json') for source in self.task_dict['sources']] with open(mix_json, 'r') as f: mix_infos = json.load(f) sources_infos = [] for src_json in sources_json: with open(src_json, 'r') as f: sources_infos.append(json.load(f)) # Filter out short utterances only when segment is specified orig_len = len(mix_infos) drop_utt, drop_len = 0, 0 if not self.like_test: for i in range(len(mix_infos) - 1, -1, -1): # Go backward if mix_infos[i][1] < self.seg_len: drop_utt += 1 drop_len += mix_infos[i][1] del mix_infos[i] for src_inf in sources_infos: del src_inf[i] print("Drop {} utts({:.2f} h) from {} (shorter than {} samples)".format( drop_utt, drop_len/sample_rate/36000, orig_len, self.seg_len)) self.mix = mix_infos # Handle the case n_src > default_nsrc while len(sources_infos) < self.n_src: sources_infos.append([None for _ in range(len(self.mix))]) self.sources = sources_infos def __add__(self, wham): if self.n_src != wham.n_src: raise ValueError('Only datasets having the same number of sources' 'can be added together. Received ' '{} and {}'.format(self.n_src, wham.n_src)) if self.seg_len != wham.seg_len: self.seg_len = min(self.seg_len, wham.seg_len) print('Segment length mismatched between the two Dataset' 'passed one the smallest to the sum.') self.mix = self.mix + wham.mix self.sources = [a + b for a, b in zip(self.sources, wham.sources)] def __len__(self): return len(self.mix) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Gets a mixture/sources pair. Returns: mixture, vstack([source_arrays]) """ # Random start if self.mix[idx][1] == self.seg_len or self.like_test: rand_start = 0 else: rand_start = np.random.randint(0, self.mix[idx][1] - self.seg_len) if self.like_test: stop = None else: stop = rand_start + self.seg_len # Load mixture # x, _ =[idx][0], start=rand_start, # stop=stop, dtype='float32') # print('self.mix',self.mix) x, _ = wavread(self.mix[idx][0]) x = np.float32(x) if not self.like_test: x = x[rand_start:stop] seg_len = torch.as_tensor([len(x)]) # Load sources source_arrays = [] for src in self.sources: if src[idx] is None: # Target is filled with zeros if n_src > default_nsrc x = np.zeros((seg_len, )) else: # s, _ =[idx][0], start=rand_start, # stop=stop, dtype='float32') x, _ = wavread(src[idx][0]) x = np.float32(x) if not self.like_test: x = x[rand_start:stop] source_arrays.append(x) sources = torch.from_numpy(np.vstack(source_arrays)) mixture = torch.from_numpy(x) if self.normalize_audio: m_std = mixture.std(-1, keepdim=True) mixture = normalize_tensor_wav(mixture, eps=EPS, std=m_std) sources = normalize_tensor_wav(sources, eps=EPS, std=m_std) return mixture, sources