#!/bin/bash sudo -n true if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "The user has root access." else echo "The user does not have root access. Everything required to run the notebook is already installed and setup. We are good to go!" exit 0 fi # Do we have GPU support? nvidia-smi > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # check if we have nvidia-docker NVIDIA_DOCKER=`rpm -qa | grep -c nvidia-docker2` if [ $NVIDIA_DOCKER -eq 0 ]; then # Install nvidia-docker2 #sudo pkill -SIGHUP dockerd sudo yum -y remove docker sudo yum -y install docker-17.09.1ce-1.111.amzn1 sudo /etc/init.d/docker start curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/amzn1/nvidia-docker.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/nvidia-docker.repo sudo yum install -y nvidia-docker2-2.0.3-1.docker17.09.1.ce.amzn1 sudo cp daemon.json /etc/docker/daemon.json sudo pkill -SIGHUP dockerd echo "installed nvidia-docker2" else echo "nvidia-docker2 already installed. We are good to go!" fi fi # This is common for both GPU and CPU instances # check if we have docker-compose docker-compose version >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # install docker compose pip install docker-compose fi # check if we need to configure our docker interface SAGEMAKER_NETWORK=`docker network ls | grep -c sagemaker-local` if [ $SAGEMAKER_NETWORK -eq 0 ]; then docker network create --driver bridge sagemaker-local fi # Notebook instance Docker networking fixes RUNNING_ON_NOTEBOOK_INSTANCE=`sudo iptables -S OUTPUT -t nat | grep -c` # Get the Docker Network CIDR and IP for the sagemaker-local docker interface. SAGEMAKER_INTERFACE=br-`docker network ls | grep sagemaker-local | cut -d' ' -f1` DOCKER_NET=`ip route | grep $SAGEMAKER_INTERFACE | cut -d" " -f1` DOCKER_IP=`ip route | grep $SAGEMAKER_INTERFACE | cut -d" " -f12` # check if both IPTables and the Route Table are OK. IPTABLES_PATCHED=`sudo iptables -S PREROUTING -t nat | grep -c` ROUTE_TABLE_PATCHED=`sudo ip route show table agent | grep -c $SAGEMAKER_INTERFACE` if [ $RUNNING_ON_NOTEBOOK_INSTANCE -gt 0 ]; then if [ $ROUTE_TABLE_PATCHED -eq 0 ]; then # fix routing sudo ip route add $DOCKER_NET via $DOCKER_IP dev $SAGEMAKER_INTERFACE table agent else echo "SageMaker instance route table setup is ok. We are good to go." fi if [ $IPTABLES_PATCHED -eq 0 ]; then sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $SAGEMAKER_INTERFACE -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination echo "iptables for Docker setup done" else echo "SageMaker instance routing for Docker is ok. We are good to go!" fi fi