import math import argparse import librosa import torch from scipy.signal import lfilter import numpy as np import import soundfile as sf import fnmatch, os, warnings def overlap_and_add(signal, frame_step): """Reconstructs a signal from a framed representation. Adds potentially overlapping frames of a signal with shape `[..., frames, frame_length]`, offsetting subsequent frames by `frame_step`. The resulting tensor has shape `[..., output_size]` where output_size = (frames - 1) * frame_step + frame_length Args: signal: A [..., frames, frame_length] Tensor. All dimensions may be unknown, and rank must be at least 2. frame_step: An integer denoting overlap offsets. Must be less than or equal to frame_length. Returns: A Tensor with shape [..., output_size] containing the overlap-added frames of signal's inner-most two dimensions. output_size = (frames - 1) * frame_step + frame_length Based on """ outer_dimensions = signal.size()[:-2] frames, frame_length = signal.size()[-2:] subframe_length = math.gcd(frame_length, frame_step) # gcd=Greatest Common Divisor subframe_step = frame_step // subframe_length subframes_per_frame = frame_length // subframe_length output_size = frame_step * (frames - 1) + frame_length output_subframes = output_size // subframe_length subframe_signal = signal.view(*outer_dimensions, -1, subframe_length) frame = torch.arange(0, output_subframes).unfold(0, subframes_per_frame, subframe_step) frame = signal.new_tensor(frame).long() # signal may in GPU or CPU frame = frame.contiguous().view(-1) result = signal.new_zeros(*outer_dimensions, output_subframes, subframe_length) result.index_add_(-2, frame, subframe_signal) result = result.view(*outer_dimensions, -1) return result def remove_pad(inputs, inputs_lengths): """ Args: inputs: torch.Tensor, [B, C, T] or [B, T], B is batch size inputs_lengths: torch.Tensor, [B] Returns: results: a list containing B items, each item is [C, T], T varies """ results = [] dim = inputs.dim() if dim == 3: C = inputs.size(1) for input, length in zip(inputs, inputs_lengths): if dim == 3: # [B, C, T] results.append(input[:,:length].view(C, -1).cpu().numpy()) elif dim == 2: # [B, T] results.append(input[:length].view(-1).cpu().numpy()) return results def write(inputs, filename, sr=16000): librosa.output.write_wav(filename, inputs, sr) def wavread(filename): fs, x = if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.integer): x = x / np.iinfo(x.dtype).max return x, fs def wavwrite(filename, s, fs): if s.dtype != np.int16: s = np.array(s * 2**15, dtype=np.int16) if np.any(s > np.iinfo(np.int16).max) or np.any(s < np.iinfo(np.int16).min): warnings.warn('Warning: clipping detected when writing {}'.format(filename)), fs, s) def asl_meter(x, fs, nbits=16): '''Measure the Active Speech Level (ASR) of x following ITU-T P.56. If x is integer, it will be scaled to (-1, 1) according to nbits. ''' if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.integer): x = x / 2**(nbits-1) # Constants MIN_LOG_OFFSET = 1e-20 T = 0.03 # Time constant of smoothing in seconds g = np.exp(-1/(T*fs)) H = 0.20 # Time of handover in seconds I = int(np.ceil(H*fs)) M = 15.9 # Margin between threshold and ASL in dB a = np.zeros(nbits-1) # Activity count c = 0.5**np.arange(nbits-1, 0, step=-1) # Threshold level h = np.ones(nbits)*I # Hangover count s = 0 sq = 0 p = 0 q = 0 asl = -100 L = len(x) s = sum(abs(x)) sq = sum(x**2) dclevel = s/np.arange(1, L+1) lond_term_level = 10*np.log10(sq/np.arange(1, L+1) + MIN_LOG_OFFSET) c_dB = 20*np.log10(c) for i in range(L): p = g * p + (1-g) * abs(x[i]) q = g * q + (1-g) * p for j in range(nbits-1): if q >= c[j]: a[j] += 1 h[j] = 0 elif h[j] < I: a[j] += 1 h[j] += 1 a_dB = -100 * np.ones(nbits-1) for i in range(nbits-1): if a[i] != 0: a_dB[i] = 10*np.log10(sq/a[i]) delta = a_dB - c_dB idx = np.where(delta <= M)[0] if len(idx) != 0: idx = idx[0] if idx > 1: asl = bin_interp(a_dB[idx], a_dB[idx-1], c_dB[idx], c_dB[idx-1], M) else: asl = a_dB[idx] return asl def bin_interp(upcount, lwcount, upthr, lwthr, margin, tol=0.1): n_iter = 1 if abs(upcount - upthr - margin) < tol: midcount = upcount elif abs(lwcount - lwthr - margin) < tol: midcount = lwcount else: midcount = (upcount + lwcount)/2 midthr = (upthr + lwthr)/2 diff = midcount - midthr - margin while abs(diff) > tol: n_iter += 1 if n_iter > 20: tol *= 1.1 if diff > tol: midcount = (upcount + midcount)/2 midthr = (upthr + midthr)/2 elif diff < -tol: midcount = (lwcount + midcount)/2 midthr = (lwthr + midthr)/2 diff = midcount - midthr - margin return midcount def rms_energy(x): return 10*np.log10((1e-12 + def preprocess_wav(filename): # filename = './1-20.wav' x, fs = wavread(filename) x_mirror = x # x = np.float32(x) # print(x.dtype) # N_dB = rms_energy(x_mirror) # S_dB = asl_meter(x, fs) # print(N_dB) # print(S_dB) # N_new = S_dB # x_mirror = 10**(N_new/20) * x_mirror / 10**(N_dB/20) asl_level = -26.0 y = x + x_mirror y = y/10**(asl_meter(y, fs)/20) * 10**(asl_level/20) return x, fs def pad_list(xs, pad_value): n_batch = len(xs) max_len = max(x.size(0) for x in xs) pad = xs[0].new(n_batch, max_len, * xs[0].size()[1:]).fill_(pad_value) for i in range(n_batch): pad[i, :xs[i].size(0)] = xs[i] return pad def separate_process(x, predictor): ilens = np.array([x.shape[0]]) # perform padding and convert to tensor pad_value = 0 mixtures_pad = pad_list([torch.from_numpy(x).float()], pad_value) ilens = torch.from_numpy(ilens) mixture_np = mixtures_pad.numpy() mix_lengths = ilens.cuda() # Forward response = predictor.predict(mixture_np) # print(response) # estimate_source = response.argmax(axis=1)[0] response = torch.from_numpy(response) estimate_source = response.cuda() # Remove padding and flat # print(estimate_source) flat_estimate = remove_pad(estimate_source, mix_lengths) # with torch.no_grad(): # mixture, mix_lengths = mixtures_pad.cuda(), ilens.cuda() # # Forward # estimate_source = model(mixture) # [B, C, T] # # Remove padding and flat # flat_estimate = remove_pad(estimate_source, mix_lengths) return flat_estimate[0] if __name__ == '__main__': torch.manual_seed(123) M, C, K, N = 2, 2, 3, 4 frame_step = 2 signal = torch.randint(5, (M, C, K, N)) result = overlap_and_add(signal, frame_step) print(signal) print(result)